


2 years, 4 months ago


Ichabod Tahaarn


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis enim quis justo vulputate ullamcorper. Nam eget eleifend nisi. Nunc non nibh leo. Quisque elementum dolor et lorem sagittis maximus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent id justo varius dolor viverra faucibus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis enim quis justo vulputate ullamcorper. Nam eget eleifend nisi. Nunc non nibh leo. Quisque elementum dolor et lorem sagittis maximus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent id justo varius dolor viverra faucibus.


Celebration - A very kind, artistic and outgoing tiefling that quite enjoys art alongside him. The two enjoy conversation and collaboration, and he has done all he can to build their friendship further in appreciation of the healing and comfort that Celebration brings. He is almost envious of their ability to forgive - and has grown awfully affectionate towards her, writing her songs, dancing in the lowlight, staying closest to her side.

Vis - Another trusted ally, and one that seems to look up to him for his half-dragon heritage. Though her boisterous, stern energy may seem to conflict with his own, he looks up to her bravery, ability to speak her mind and pure, raw strength. Not literally, of course - he's an awful lot taller than her, even if she's big for a kobold...

Daecan - A large, imposing ranger, and truly a minotaur of few words. Trusts him, but does not yet know him well beyond his love of bread and gentleness towards small creatures such as his familiar. Has comforted him in the quiet of the night, playing him lullabies to soothe his sobs.

Xitune - She has broken much of his trust in her, with a sly tongue and secretive nature - however, they are slowly seeing eye-to-eye once more. After a terrible argument caused by their difference in thinking, they have come to an understanding that though they disagree, they must work to try and find equal ground...even when it's personal.

Nowhere - Aided them on a rescue mission as well as tracking and destroying an invisible stalker, has since grown a bit closer as he convinced them to travel alongside them in a mission into the Feywild.

Tratainsurr - Ichabod pledges himself to no man nor beast, despite what his colors may make people assume.

  • Smells of rose and mint, and keeps himself very clean, tidy and groomed.
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