


6 years, 6 months ago


'He's like everyone's dad! Only he's not. Don't tell him I said that.'
~ Tensei.

Tenebris is the quiet and often understated leader of the Underworld. He takes many forms and often obscures his face as he's quite shy in nature. Despite this, he's a caring and thoughtful leader with a knack for putting people in the right positions. He runs the Underworld as a technocracy, employing the best of the best in each field to help him run his world. He considers this the best way to run a universe, as everyone gets a say and in the end everyone's happy. His technocratic leaders are his closest and most trusted allies, along with multiple other immortal universes. He's well respected across Omnia and takes great pride in his allies.

Tenebris considers himself lucky to be allied with strong forces, and doesn't take his position in the Legion of the Immortals for granted. He takes careful note to consider all sides of an argument and stops at nothing to ensure all sides are pleased with the outcome. He knows this is mostly impossible, and appreciated the help from Shin when they were around. He learned a lot from them, and in turn Shin learned a lot from him. He's grateful to have both Tensei and Megami on his side and often tells them how much he appreciates their help. Tensei finds this amusing, and Megami respects him more than anyone else. His leadership skills have made him a much-loved immortal and people are often happy to end up under his watchful eye in the Underworld.