


2 years, 5 months ago


Quotes: "So shiny !"

Name: Goldoo

Nicknames/Titles: Goldidoo , Rich Boi, Eye of Fortune

Gender: Male

Species: Waddle Doo

Appearance: Goldoo is a golden Waddle Doo, who wear bronze shoes, aswell as a bronze cape held by two golden star pins. A yellow cross star tatoo is around his eye, which has a star shaped pupil.

Personality: Goldoo is in constant need to find treasures to satisfy his adventurous spirit. Despite this endless love for shiny stuff, Goldoo is not greedy and sometime do nice presents to his most valued friends. Goldoo can also be cocky from time to time, mainly due to the value of his own body. He can be seen as a bright presence which make peoples around him happy.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

-Golden Beam : A powerful beam in need of a bit of charge, created from light reflected on gold to unleash powerful energy blasts from his eye.

-Golden Body : Goldoo's body is made of gold, making him actually a bit solid.

-Light Sphere : Goldoo can create a light sphere from his eye, which he can send then bouncing around, dealing damages.

-Glasswork : Goldoo can actually work glass to create objects, sometime adding gems and jewels in the objects he make.


-Greed : Goldoo can be distracted easily by shiny things.

-Heat : Goldoo can be quite receptive to heat.


The bright Goldoo is the offspring of a rich family, and was supposed to follow their steps. He however decided to go on his own to make his own fortune. So was born the adventurous Waddle Doo who gather treasures from all around the V-Mension. During his adventures, he was eventually given a cape, symbol of his various travels all around the world. During he spare time, when he was home, he decided to study glassework and making of objects out of the treasures he gathered to offer to his friends, in the hope of making everyone's day a bit brighter.

Fun facts:

-Goldoo's favourite gems are Diamonds.

-Goldoo own many objects from the ancient time of the V-Mension.