


6 years, 8 months ago




32 ✦ Male ✦ Bat Pony

"Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk but no flowers grow."


Obtained: Adopted

Attachment Level: ★★★★☆

Value: [?]

Theme: ۰ ۰ ۰


Body color: 

Body type: 

Mane color/style: 



Cutie mark:

Occupation: Scientist


Notable features: 


  • First two sketches are refs!
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • no


I bet I know what do you see while looking at me. A mad scientist, outsider, one you never wanted here. It's funny to think I got called "mad" kinda by accident, for something that wasn't my fault.

I was a young colt then, really proud of myself, when I was delegated to Canterlot, to learn in best school available. I've meet a bunch of ponies, even got some friends, not a bad childhood to have. Teachers liked me, I had great grades.
At the end of school I was itroducted to a Queen, among other best pupils - it's a tradition here that Queen talks eye to eye with gifted ponies, and helps them find a job, or I should say "fullfill their destiny" as it's commonly called here. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, and I had no cutie mark to help me decide, so our consultations lasted for a while. I haven't got any idea, so I decided to just join one of my friends, Seren Eye. She got a job as scientist, and after I decided to help we got a lab just for us two. At first it was great, research we were doing were all safe, people had respect for our work, we had everything that could help us. Seren changed a little admired by others, she wanted to have even better results, to show everyone that she's worth it. That was fun at first, we we're staying long hours to do independent research which gave some good innovations. She even bought a capes for both of us, and started to joke that after official work we're a mad scientists working for greater good. But at some point she became secretive, didn't wanted to share her work, neglected things we had to do... I didn't wanted to think she's hiding anything, we were childhood firends after all, and when I asked she only told she wants to make a surprise.

For sure it was quite a surprise. Masked figure capturing me with magic while I was asleep, huge confusion, bunch of wild thoughts. I calmed a little after I noticed they're taking me to castle, even if road  never before felt that long. Absolute darkness, absolute silence, not even a word why, not even a sound of hoof. And then I just got left in prison cell under palace. I knew something really bad happened, those cells were only used for creatures waiting for hearing and court. The fact I was innocent only made me more nervous.
After some hours, at the morning I guess, I've heard hoofsteps coming, and soon I could see pony Queen in all her glory, standing right before my cell with awfully disappointed look. She then grimaced a little, opened bars and told me to follow her. She went to the end of hall slowly, taking a peek on me every moment. I was curious if other ponies were closed tonight, and started to look around. With cold voice Quenn told me to not bother, as bars are covered with magic, and only certain ponies are able to open and see through them. Tone of her voice made me shiver. At the end of hall we came through massive doors, and I saw a little room, with kinda comfy couches and table between. We sat opposite each other, and for a while I could watch pony Queen struggling with finding words to begin with. Then she just asked me to tell her something about my work.
For a second I was like, seriously? That's why you waked me up in such weird way and forced to sleep on hard rock?
But wait, no, nopony does something like this for fun, especially the Queen. I told her a lot about last researches, what results turned out to be usefull, which were awful, how we stayed longer to do some additional work- And then she interrupted, and asked me what was the additional job. My answer was some free research, for ponies which can't really afford it usually and can't hold their curiosity. Her eyebrows raised when she heard "curiosity". I tried to describe some experiments to ease the impression, but Queen asked me to stay quiet. Moment of silence, and she started to explain what happened.

Two kids gone missing a few weeks ago. Their magic wasn't detectable even by the Queen herself, so they suspected worst happened. When I was presenting our last report in lab, inspector got suspicious about our researches slowing down that much right after kids gone missing. I was sure that's only because Seren wasn't feeling well, but it turned out they were right. Ponies sent to check this found not only missing kids, but also horns cutted down and other things that shouldn't ever be here, or even exist. My dearest friend and co-worker used helpless kids for her own researches.

My shock had to be visible, as Queen relaxed a little and asked if I'm okay. It was a hardest moment in my life. She used magic to serve me a glass of water, and after a while we started to talk again. She informed me that she'd like to check my memories, but she needed my permission for this kind of spell. Obviously I agreed, I had nothing to hide. I was clear. I wanted to go home instantly, but Queen told me it's not the best idea, as half of the city already knows foals were found in our lab. She took me to one of palace rooms, and told she'll try to do something about me. Before she left I've asked what will happen to Seren. She only sighed and left. I'm not sure what to think about her now too, dear Queen...

I've heard screams under palace. One of foals was a kid of noble family. Some of soldiers needed to come and calm down the crowd. Thank you wise ruler for forcing me to stay, I would be dead without a chance to explain.

I waited whole day, and a bit longer. Around three am doors opened suddenly, and I saw my Queen with two masked ponies by her sides. She told me to move quickly. I asked what I'll be doing now, what will happen to me? To be honest I was scared after day of riot.
"You'll be safer back in your country". Wait. What. Nonono, no way.
I told this out loud by accident. All three ponies looked at me surprised. Or I think they were, it's hard to say about that masked guys. I explained I grown up in this country, and I feel good here. Queen seemd displeased, but sat down for a while to think. Then she came with proposition - I'd have to move to Manehattan, and ask bat Queen to send me an assistant. For some years I won't be able to go out, to let everyone forget I was even working in same lab as Seren. We got a deal, her arguments were meaningful and I understood I'd need to hide anyway.

We left the castle soon after agreement. One of masked ponies left us, he needed to sneak to lab and my home, to take my things. Canterlot streets were quiet and seemed to be safe. We walked for a while without any troubles, but suddenly one pony came around the corner. Queen reaction was immedetially, she spreaded up her wing and hided me under. Pony taked a peek on us, and suddenly stopped. Our masked companion was ready to step in, but Queen... gigled. Random pony gigled too, and gone down the street pretending he saw nothing. Royal ponies have their secrets, I won't ask. After this incident we had no other troubles, second masked guy joined us halfway. After we left Canterlot Queen told she's coming back now, and that I can trust masked ponies to bring me to Manehattan safely. They prepared a room for me for some weeks, then I'll get my own lab with part designed for home.

When I was unpacking myself in freshly renovated home connected to lab, I've noticed cape given to me by Seren. I felt an urge to drop it right into trash bin, but... It was actually all that left after my best friend. Torn between what to do with this, I took off my lab coat and tried cape instead. One quick peek at the mirror, and I've noticed it was surprisingly matching. My hair were ruffled and started to curl because of air moisture. I wanted to add something more to this costume, and I've found wide red bow in my luggage. Some amendments, and now I really look like a mad sciencist - I thought with nostalgia. After few weeks I've spend in Manehattan it almost felt like it happened in different life. Suddenly I felt tears gathering, even thought it wasn't my fault I hope I've done something about Seren when I had a chance. If only I've noticed...
All set then. I've looked in the mirror again. I was able prevent this all, I should be one saying sorry to both Seren and little unicorns. I will be wearing this cape with pride for all years with my friend, and with shame for doing nothing for her.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa. Nam elementum egestas semper.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

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