Noemi Tran



2 years, 5 months ago



i might as well be any other shape.

gender trans woman
pronouns she/her
age 26
sexuality sapphic
ethnicity vietnamese
birthday november 28th
sizes 5'8" | 122lbs
playlist ♪♫♪
occupation ghostwriter
story art quartet
you're standing there, a face on your shame with green jewels
if we make believe and i believe you...
then who would be the fool?
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
tarot the devil; reversed
trope ...
attitude realist
animal pangolin

design notes

  • noemi has short, brown hair with blunt bangs that cover her forehead. her hair is styled in the front with large strands framing her face, while covering her ears and jawline. some of her hair is pulled into a small ponytail on the right side (facing foward) of her head.
  • noemi dresses very simply and comfortably. her skirt has pockets sewn into either side.
  • her hands are very calloused and her eyes are a dark purple. she's... pretty scrawny. there's little muscle to her body.
  • worrisome or tired expressions, usually.

i can feel them all over my face / pulling in and out and back in again.


noemi is... cold. she is distant and constantly on guard, even in situations where she doesn't need to be. but this chill doesn't equate to rudeness or a lack of care for those around her -- she can empathize to an extent, she just often finds it hard to do so. emotions are a confusing, tangled web to noemi, and she's never understood how to go about untangling it. she can listen to someone's problems, but her advice is often blunt around the edges. she wields a sharp sword, unaware of just show sharp it truly is.

she's incredibly jaded, bitter towards the world at large. things like chance and coincidence don't exist in her mind, everything is planned, manipulated, or fine tuned in some way. life has a formula to it. she is a realist, through and through, always looking at situations for what they are instead of clinging to hopes that things may be better when they likely won't.

misc. info

hometown new orleans, la
zodiac sagittarius
hand right

soul red
flora yellow carnations
fave drink energy drink

enneagram 5w6
duel soi
sdv class runecraft

various trivia

  • noemi's ghostwriting extends beyond novels! she's got quite a large portfolio under her belt, having done ghostwriting for songwriting, biographies, or academic papers. (although the last one isn't... the most legal practice).
  • she owns two pet rats: petunia & summer.
  • noemi choses to remain anonymous when it comes to her ghostwriting. in the current times, she could get some sort of credit for her writing (as an editor or something similar), but she opts not to. she doesn't want to be associated with the work she does... for some reason.
  • noemi used to be a danganronpa oc, but seeing how i probably won't have a chance to use her in a game sometime soon, i decided to pull her + the other two parts of her trio away and put them in their own world.
  • the underlying theme between noemi and her quartet is making art but for someone else.
  • guava
  • crossword puzzles
  • solitaire
  • sunrises
  • frayed sleeves
  • smudged ink
  • art galleries
  • turpentine
  • fidget cube
  • glasses cleaning rag
  • pressed flower
  • █████ ██████
