💎's Comments

Hi there! Feel free to look through my TH!
Happy to offer cash as well/in addition, are you only seeking the $150 or did you have a different amount in mind?

Could also offer art/customs/animations if that tickles you at all I love this design so much ack

Thanks for your time!


150 is the minimum id look at, im currently trying to pay off some things so id def consider offers above 175usd!

i didnt really see anyone in your toyhouse though, but id also consider cash offers plus some art add ons for this guy!

got it! I could do $200 to start with a fullbody and a headshot :0


I'll def keep this offer in mind!! I'll probably get back to you in a few days :D

Coolio, take your time!


Hi!! I'd like to accept your offer! I'll send you a dm with the details!


looking at offers on this guy! palmtree MorrowManners

were you interested in anything in particular?


mainly looking for trades but I'll consider cash offers !

oh if you'd like you are free to check here! https://toyhou.se/MorrowManners/characters/tagged:tent


i didnt see anyone sorry :(

no worries!

hey!! i hope you don't mind me asking but i was supposed to be pinged for them, could i get a ping if ever ufo?


Ofc!! :D


I really like him! I wanna offer but I'm a bit hesitant considering he isn't verified

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