Kristopher “Kris” Martin



2 years, 5 months ago


General Profile Info

  • Full name: Kristopher “Kris” Martin
  • Label: Cis male (he/him)
  • Sexuality: Unlabeled/Queer - Kris hasn’t really found a label that fits him, but he is definitely not straight lol. If you asked for his sexual orientation (and he trusted you), he would say that he’s queer.
  • Nationality: African-American (family heritage is from Nigeria)
  • Height: 5’8”
  • Age: 22 years old (Cancer)
  • College major: Bachelor’s of Arts in Music Education and a minor in Music Performance
  • Occupation: Part-time babysitter and summer camp music counselor
  • Power: Sound wave manipulation



(Bolded words are the single-word descriptors of his personality)! Kris tends to be quiet and a bit shy. Probably the biggest introvert out of all of my characters. He gains much more confidence when he's around his friends though and is very funny once he gets comfortable with people. :) It takes him a while to open up, but once he gets past his anxieties he's a kind and loyal friend. Kris tends to be overly modest and has a habit of denying compliments. Kris doesn't always mean to, but sometimes he'll hold stubborn grudges. He's the type to forgive, but not forget. 


Interests & Hobbies

  • Music! It's literally been Kris' whole life ever since he was young. He can play most instruments adequately, be it string, brass, reed, or percussion. He also loves singing and has an interest in sound design. He started learning piano and guitar when he was a toddler and has only added to his roster of instruments since then :)
  • Gaming-- Kris and his friend Lindsay share an interest in collecting old video game consoles, but Lin collects handhelds while Kris collects home consoles, like the GameCube, NES, Sega Genesis, PlayStation Classic, SNES, etc.



  • Music, obviously
  • Tea (he hates coffee)
  • Savory foods
  • His family :) He's very close with his dad and his step-mom, along with his siblings (he's the 2nd-oldest of 4)
  • Forests :) They're almost part of his "brand"-- his guitar has pine tree decals, some of his clothes have little pine tree-shaped patches sewn on, etc. 
  • Dyeing his hair into fun patterns (currently has it bleached into a pink lovecore heart design :])
  • Stickers and patches— he loves to personalize clothing and items with them :)
  • Hanging out with his partner, Cecil :)


  • Kris was raised mostly by his dad as his birth mother left the family after Kris's younger brother Mark was born (Kris was 2 at the time). Now his dad has remarried and Kris has a good relationship with his step-mom and half-siblings. Mark is Kris' only biological sibling and Kris is the oldest child of the whole family. Kris is a very good older brother and loves his siblings, so he's great with kids :)  Kris's dad and his step-mom are both religious and don't understand queer identities and think Kris is going through a rebellious phase ever since he left for college, so Kris doesn't like to talk about that around them. 


  • Kris is professionally diagnosed with both Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Kris’s skin is covered in freckles. They aren't caused by any medical or skin disorder, he was simply born with them,  and he loves them.
  • He has perfect pitch. No surprise there.
  • He has an eyebrow slit (he rarely steps out of his comfort zone, but when he does, he does things like that lol)


  • Kris has the power of sound wave manipulation. He can amplify, mimic, quiet, strengthen, speed up, and slow down any kind of sound wave. He can manipulate the volume, frequency, and vibration of a sound. He's able to perfectly mimic voices and sounds that he has heard, and amplify them to be grating enough to stop someone in their tracks. He is very powerful, but his power is limited to his voice, so if he gets a sore throat, it's game over.

Character Relationships

Kris can be drawn with any of his friends, who can all be found in my Skater Gang folder!

Lindsay → Kris: These two are probably the most introverted of their friend group and can usually pick upon when the other is getting overwhelmed. They’ve been friends since high school and Lindsay is the #1 supporter of Kris & Cecil’s relationship.

Panda → Kris: Panda and Kris’ relationship is pretty complicated. They met through Lindsay in high school, and during their junior year, Kris offered to give Panda guitar lessons for them to have as a creative outlet. Panda started developing feelings for Kris very quickly, although it took them a while to realize. During a particular guitar lesson in their senior year of high school, the two ended up sharing a kiss after catching the other staring a second too long. This became a regular during their guitar lessons together– but neither of them ever confessed their feelings to each other nor told any of their friends. Once they started college, Kris began dating Cecil, and Panda became very bitter and jealous of their relationship since Kris showed him the same affection but never asked to date him. That’s where their relationship is now: awkward and tense with both of them being too stubborn to do anything about it. Panda will deny ever having a crush on Kris and Kris tends to play dumb when the issue is brought up.

Cecil → Kris: These two had big crushes on each other for years and started dating when Kris started college. They understand each other very well and have a healthy relationship. :) They’re a bit cheesy and sappy but don’t do much PDA around their friends. They’re known as sort of an “attractive couple” since both Kris and Cecil are physically attractive and have matching aesthetics. 

Freja → Kris: Freja and Kris are the best and safest drivers in the group, so they’ve bonded over always carpooling the rest of the friends. :)

Rosemary → Kris: These two like to gossip about relationships and drama within and especially outside their friend group. They also enjoy talking about vintage music and vinyls, a shared interest between the two of them. Leave these two alone in a room and there won’t be a minute of silence between them!

Silvia → Kris: Along with Panda, these two are the biggest music lovers. With Silvia’s wide range of music tastes and Kris’ musical talents, they’re always recommending each other bands and songs.