Renzo Shiozaki



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Renzo Shiozaki
Gender: Male [He/Him]
Sexuality: Gay
Nationality: American [Renamed by Japanese adoptive mother]

Renzo is the lead singer of a punk rock band [Name undecided atm]
He's a hardcore dumbass at best. He's a very chaotic idiot on stage and loves to show off his big personality.
He's known to make a big fool of himself purposely and is ultimately just an idiot. His band mates aren't too far off either.

Renzo was orphaned as a baby, born to an unknown american woman. He was given up immediately after birth due to his biological mother's living conditions.
He was adopted pretty quickly by a lovely Japanese woman who after a few years took her adopted son and moved back over to Japan when Renzo had turned 8.
At 10 years old, Renzo's mother married a Japanese man who soon became his 'Step father'. And when Renzo reached the age of 12, his mother became pregnant with Renzo's little sister. [Forgot her name whoops]

Throughout Renzo's late childhood and all through his teenhood, he showed a huge interest in Punk Rock music and began to learn intruments including Guitar [Electric and Acoustic, though prefers electric]. Piano, Keyboard and Drums.
Funnily enough, despite learning these instruments, Renzo formed a band with his best friend, Ryuji Kojiro. Renzo became the Lead Singer of this band whilst Ryuji became his drummer.
It wasn't too long later when they found their much needed Bass guitarist and Keytarist [Jiro Kinoko and Shoji Koda]

From then on, the band made their music and grew more and more into a sensation across the globe, growing in fame and popularity.

[Ryuji and Jiro will have their own page, Koda is shared but mostly owned by SpottedTheDogged so he might be over on his page!]