Ryuji Kojiro



2 years, 5 months ago


This is Ryuji, previously made for a specific fandom which I left years ago and want nothing to do with now
He's no longer associated with a fandom or anything specific

He's the drummer of a band (Renzo's band to be exact)
He's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet.
He's not much of a talker UNLESS you mention his special interest (Dinosaurs) in which he can talk about for hours and hours
Apart from his intense knowledge and love for dinosaurs, he's an insanely good drummer.

Ill be honest, he was made for Danganronpa (ew, I know) and his 'ultimate' was just,, drumming. SO he was the best drummer around.

He's not really a smart guy in all honesty and has a lot of struggle processing info and taking it in. This is also why he's not much of a talker, he doesn't wanna say something and sound silly.
But he's genuine and sweet and always puts others before himself.