Lady Luck



6 years, 6 months ago


Lady Luck

Species: Undefined - physical manifestation of the magic from an enchanted deck of cards

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown - voice sounds like a woman in her mid twenties

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Variable - indicated by the shape her head takes on:-

- Spade head = Light-hearted, cheerful, friendly, a little loud and boisterous

- Heart head = Extremely happy or, of course, in love

- Club Head = Upset, tired or somewhat displeased

- Diamond Head = Extremely displeased or enraged (acts in a more beast-like manner)

Likes: Gambling, card games, casinos, having fun, talking with new friends and old ones, drinking

Dislikes: Being contained, having her power abused, getting bored, being told that she shouldn't gamble, being insulted

Backstory: Many years ago there lived a man whose addiction to gambling knew no  bounds; naturally this landed him in debt that he seemed to have no hope  of repaying himself. When he had reached the end of his tether, he was  approached by a mysterious stranger who offered him a wonderful gift.  The gift was a deck of cards which he was told carried a wondrous  enchantment - so long as he played any card game with that specific  deck, then he would always win. The man tried it out first on a casual  game with a friend... and, to his delight, it seemed to work. He went  out to play more and more games with the enchanted deck, betting more  and more money and winning immense sums. However, exactly a month later  down to the day, the mysterious figure who had given him the magical  deck of cards in the first place returned to ask for the deck back. The  man refused to do so and turned the figure away, though in parting they  advised him that they had only been asking for the return of the deck  for the man's own good.

Later that night the man was awoken by  the sound of footsteps in his home... when he went to investigate the  sounds he found that the enchanted deck had disappeared. In its place  was an inhuman figure, a manifest of the magic contained within the  cards. This figure, caring not for the man's shock nor for anything  else, simply left and strolled off into the night. To this day the  magical manifest continues to wander. It is said that she will visit any  and all casinos or other gambling facilities she comes across in the  hopes of the fun of a game... if you play with her cards, though, you  will find the odds of winning suspiciously stacked against you.

Lady  Luck has almost absolute control over the enchanted deck of cards that  birthed her; she can summon the cards to hand whenever she pleases. So  long as the cards in question are not directly in her opponent's hand,  she can will whichever of the deck's cards to her own hand that she  wants to better her winning odds. The shape and colour of her head is an  easy indicator of how she is feeling... if you see her head take on the  shape of the diamond card suit, your best bet would be to run as fast  as you can.