

2 years, 5 months ago


Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
Lady Gaga

01 — Profile

Name Belaflore
Nicknames Girl, Bel, Princess
Age 20
Gender Female ( she/her )
Height 5'4
Birthdate June 6
Species Rough Collie
Orientation. Lesbian
Occupation Fashion major

Status NFS/NFT
Designer @ milfhippie
Worth N/A
  • Spots do not have to be exact

  • Busty & curvy; little waist

  • Hair is long & not optional

  • Only drawn anthro

  • Ask for clothing inspo

  • Hair can be styled in many different ways

  • Gift art is okay!

02 — Personality

Belaflore is in her sophomore year of college; she is majoring in fashion. Since she was young, Belaflore has had a strong passion & love for fashion & clothes themselves. She typically spends her time shopping or with her girlfriend, Mercedes, & their friends. She loves to attend parties on campus & tries to place herself in social settings.

Due to her spoiled upbringing, Belaflore is quite entitled & demanding. She always believes that she should get her way, & if she doesn't, watch out. She is a perfectionist by all means; whether its class work, her room, or clothes that she has designed, Belaflore strives for perfection. Anything less is sure to set her off. She is easily irritated & impatient, which should come as no surprise. She is materialistic & has expensive taste; she practically thrives by shopping. Belaflore is extremely confrontational (even over the smallest things) & lives for drama & hot gossip.

Although Belaflore can seem like a lot to handle, she is much softer & loving with her girlfriend, Mercedes. In front of Mercedes, she allows herself to be vulnerable & content. Her patience with Mercedes is still tested sometimes, but Belaflore adores her & can never stay mad at her.

  • Mercedes & friends

  • Shopping

  • Fashion

  • High class restaurants

  • Being told no

  • Being bossed around

  • Messes

  • Anything she deems 'cheap'

03 — Background

Belaflore comes from an extremely wealthy family. She is the apple of her father's eye & his only child, so she has been given everything under the sun. From the day she was born, Belaflore has been treated like royalty. She truly lives on a pedestal. She expects everyone to do her bidding at the drop of a hat; of course, this did not roll over smoothly in college.

Although she has quite the attitude, Belaflore is well-liked by those around her, especially her friends. & while she may not be quick to admit it, she loves her friends very much. If there was one thing she learned from her father, it was to value those closest to you. She is very passionate about what she does & is an excellent student.

Belaflore prefers to spend her time surrounded by people, as she loves to chat & gossip. Her most favorite way to spend her time, though, is alone with Mercedes. Only Mercedes can bring out a loving, clingy side of her. The only thing that she loves more than fashion is her beloved girlfriend. Belaflore hopes to own her very own designer fashion brand one day.

04 — Trivia

  • Belaflore has an Italian accent, as her family is from Italy.

  • She collects all kinds of clothing; she especially loves vintage, hard to find pieces.

  • She usually has her friends or Mercedes model the clothes that she makes. She also enjoys making clothes for her friends in her spare time.

  • Even though she seems harsh, Belaflore loves her friends & would do anything for them. She is always there to offer support or lend an ear.

05 — Relationships


Mercedes is the love of my life. We understand each other in a way that no one else does. I really love that about our relationship. She always makes me feel so loved & manages to make me laugh until I am crying. My best moments are honestly with her.

Plus, I adore the relationship she has built with my parents. It makes me so happy that they get along so well. She does so much for me when she does not have to & I am so grateful. I am so lucky to know her & love her the way that I do.

Best friend

Bambi is my closest friend & I would probably lose my head if it wasn't for her. She always manages to talk me down & make me think rationally. I like to think that I keep a little pep in her life. I know I can tell her anything & she will understand or be there for me. I have never had a more true friend.

& while she claims to hate drama, she sure loves to gossip with me over brunch or whenever we hang out. Every moment we spend together is fun & I couldn't ask for a better best friend.