
Character Name

"Short quote or tagline goes here."

Song Title
Artist Name




Introduce your character here. Put all of your character's important/ key points here. While an introduction, this is also meant to be an overview. This is an extensive layout with lots of information scattered throughout. Not everyone might be willing to read the character's whole profile, so you want to make sure you get all of your character's key points across in this section for those who just want to get the general basis of your character. This whole text box will scroll.

Phasellus fringilla lacus bibendum sem dictum lacinia. Vestibulum feugiat mauris velit, in accumsan nisl cursus sed. Nullam porta lorem ut urna ullamcorper, non pharetra tortor iaculis. Integer commodo diam nec mauris ultrices, vitae lobortis neque molestie. Quisque ullamcorper risus eu nibh semper, a porta sem pharetra. Nunc placerat auctor diam sit amet lacinia. Phasellus sed lacinia lorem, vel dignissim nisi. Vivamus congue orci sit amet dui lobortis, eu fringilla elit eleifend. Sed eget dictum ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque commodo massa vitae elit varius, ac rutrum justo tempor. Phasellus faucibus laoreet pretium. Praesent sem arcu, lacinia in pretium sodales, cursus at ipsum. Integer ultrices vel enim vel tempus. In sit amet tempor tortor. Donec sit amet eleifend quam. Sed a augue ut neque pretium molestie. Nam mattis nulla nisl, eget tincidunt ligula efficitur interdum. Pellentesque rhoncus felis id magna pretium imperdiet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin id massa pretium, tristique quam sed, eleifend nisl. Pellentesque at tortor eget orci hendrerit ultrices. Curabitur sit amet faucibus dui, dignissim hendrerit dui. Fusce dapibus mattis justo, id accumsan risus consectetur rutrum. Fusce ut tincidunt nibh, ut suscipit sapien. Donec mattis ligula eu tortor pellentesque, nec elementum lacus condimentum.


Give a brief summary of your character's personality here. You want to keep this short/ general, as you can get into the finer details further down. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent quis molestie velit. Fusce nec gravida erat. Curabitur nec magna porta, euismod velit sit amet, efficitur velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce eu nunc nec libero sagittis accumsan non vitae magna. Quisque cursus orci augue, quis semper lacus sodales eu.


  • Unknown
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  • Unknown
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Shy Outgoing

Humble Arrogant

Meek Confident

Reckless Cautious

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Lazy Hardworking

Selfish Altruistic

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text



Describe what your character is like in public here. Donec turpis nisi, porta lobortis ipsum eget, pharetra feugiat sapien. Fusce ante diam, convallis non mi vel, tincidunt commodo dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.Nullam et est ut justo volutpat faucibus. Suspendisse convallis nec urna sit amet sollicitudin. Aliquam porta ac magna eu mattis. Vestibulum non turpis ac enim viverra condimentum sit amet ultricies orci.


Describe what your character is like in private here. Fusce dapibus nisi ut ornare gravida. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc auctor dignissim mi, tempor semper neque suscipit et. Integer cursus sem enim, vitae posuere mauris maximus a. Donec imperdiet mi quis nisl mollis consequat. Phasellus sit amet placerat metus, luctus porttitor tortor.


Describe what your character is like when they're with their loved ones (ex. friends and family). Pellentesque mollis sit amet sapien eu consequat. Maecenas eget justo a ante suscipit eleifend. Aliquam justo tortor, iaculis vitae orci in, fermentum vulputate nulla. Nam massa sapien, consectetur a nunc non, pretium venenatis sem. Integer rutrum, ante eget vulputate auctor, quam magna efficitur mauris, a imperdiet libero lectus eget sapien. Praesent volutpat viverra aliquam.



Describe your character's demeanour here. How do they carry themselves? Are they stiff and upright? Do they slouch? Does their demeanour change when out in public, when in private, and/ or when in the presence of loved ones? Donec egestas consequat lacus vel dapibus. Donec dignissim, lorem in rutrum fermentum, ex felis faucibus enim, accumsan finibus lacus orci at quam.



Describe your character's neutral (i.e. natural/ relaxed) body language here. How are they standing/ sitting when neutral and/ or relaxed? Sed blandit purus id urna dictum tincidunt. Etiam molestie nisi auctor vestibulum cursus. Phasellus aliquam nec tortor at iaculis. Mauris sed felis eu mauris tincidunt rhoncus.


Describe your character's body language when they're happy/ enjoying themselves here. How does their body shift from their otherwise neutral state to show they're happy? If they usually cross their arms, do they uncross them? Does their expression change to a softer one?


Describe your character's body language when they're disdainful here. Does it become obvious to others around them, or does their body language stay relatively the same and it goes unnoticed? You can add more of these sections/ headers (such as to describe their body language when they're sad/ upset, angry, etc.) as you'd like.



Describe how your character walks (if applicable) here. Do they walk in a slow/ leisurely manner, or do they walk with more hurried steps? Ut eu placerat ipsum. Praesent consequat, mi vel cursus tempor, libero magna venenatis felis, ac congue augue massa a ipsum. Morbi pulvinar suscipit sagittis. Pellentesque vestibulum, dolor cursus lobortis rhoncus, lacus mauris hendrerit orci, non varius diam urna quis dolor.



Describe your character's habit here. Habits are actions your character does on a regular basis (sometimes under certain conditions), whether they're fully aware of it or not. For example, an unconscious habit that they might have is biting/ picking their nails when they're nervous. An example of a conscious habit is writing in a journal before going to bed. You can add/ remove as many of this habit sections/ headers as you'd like.


Ut dapibus tortor et purus mattis aliquam. Aliquam et felis in sem lobortis fermentum at sed quam. Proin bibendum consectetur erat, viverra vehicula dui scelerisque id. Quisque placerat cursus lorem consequat pulvinar. Vestibulum interdum diam vitae pretium pellentesque. Nam pellentesque ultrices massa, et laoreet dui rutrum eu.


Nam ut convallis lacus. Pellentesque ac velit purus. Integer vitae leo id velit imperdiet laoreet. Praesent in ligula diam. Nulla scelerisque lacinia eros nec consectetur. Nunc tincidunt sapien id nisl sollicitudin, quis varius turpis suscipit. Vivamus id justo vel erat commodo auctor. Cras id mollis sapien.



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You can expand upon your character's likes/ dislikes here, or you can omit this section entirely. You can mention why your character likes/ dislikes those particular things and so forth. This section is meant to provide more context to the character's likes/ dislikes.

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You can expand upon your character's hobbies/ pastimes here, or you can omit this section entirely. While a hobby/ pastime might be similar, there is a difference in which a hobby is an activity one actively engages in to pursue something like a goal, whereas a pastime is an activity one enjoys doing to pass the time. The difference is fairly subtle though, so you can omit either one of the two if you'd like.

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Describe your character's current story here. What is their goal right now/ what are they doing? You can briefly describe how they got to this current point in time, but this part is meant to focus moreso on the current story/ event as the sections below this will go over past events. Praesent elementum faucibus dolor rhoncus porttitor. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce hendrerit, tortor et dictum egestas, metus turpis porta orci, ut eleifend massa enim nec erat.

 Month 00, 00 

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

 Month 00, 00 

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

 Month 00, 00 

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

 Month 00, 00 

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

 Month 00, 00 

Header/ Name of Event

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text



Unlike the timeline tab, this section goes into more details about past events. Use the subheaders to break key/ major events/ turning points apart from one another. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed at nunc aliquam ipsum imperdiet fringilla. Cras feugiat aliquet tellus, at dictum turpis convallis id. Maecenas eu urna vitae nunc ultrices lobortis tempor ac lectus. Nullam ut condimentum mauris, vel porta arcu.



Donec enim turpis, tristique eget varius in, sagittis sit amet orci. Duis in tempor nibh. Vivamus nibh turpis, cursus in consectetur eget, elementum vel ex. Pellentesque facilisis dui fringilla est scelerisque, sed gravida est porta. Duis sollicitudin commodo ipsum eget posuere. Mauris sit amet varius ex, a congue lectus. Donec eu sapien est. Suspendisse varius hendrerit mi, id eleifend ex eleifend eu. Vivamus eleifend eros bibendum arcu rhoncus, fringilla malesuada ex imperdiet. In efficitur leo varius iaculis aliquet. Nam elementum eu arcu quis rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vulputate erat at turpis blandit gravida.

Etiam tristique, nulla vel feugiat dictum, dui felis consequat dolor, ac viverra libero massa vitae quam. Duis non tortor ultrices, consectetur massa a, ornare magna. Praesent ac facilisis mi. Quisque ex ipsum, sodales et purus sit amet, venenatis mollis nulla. Ut scelerisque justo et mattis feugiat. In faucibus cursus velit placerat bibendum. Nam arcu arcu, tempus bibendum posuere a, porta eu nunc. Maecenas rutrum, nulla molestie posuere accumsan, dolor erat molestie mi, sed sodales mauris nisl non mi. Integer vehicula, lacus quis semper lacinia, ipsum massa porttitor tortor, sed rutrum risus ante vitae orci. Quisque gravida dignissim justo, eu scelerisque ligula accumsan eu. Nullam semper augue a nisl euismod, sed hendrerit nisi commodo.



Praesent nunc mi, vulputate interdum nunc vel, vehicula vestibulum magna. Mauris viverra interdum turpis. In enim diam, tincidunt quis semper sed, feugiat et nisl. In vestibulum purus nunc, at euismod eros tempor ac. Etiam faucibus convallis nibh. Duis vel eros in mauris consectetur lacinia ut sed sem. Proin vel suscipit turpis. Nam ac nibh ac felis varius tincidunt aliquam et dui. Morbi semper diam id odio eleifend, sit amet tincidunt sem pretium. Duis id ex ut nisi tempor vestibulum. Nunc quis arcu et risus congue finibus. Fusce id convallis nunc. Duis mauris arcu, ornare sed ligula vitae, rhoncus faucibus neque. In vel metus luctus, sagittis urna at, sodales augue. Integer et dolor tincidunt, finibus augue vitae, vestibulum odio.


Character Name






Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Character Name






Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Character Name






Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.


Everyday Life



Where does your character live? Do they live in the city? In a quaint village? Do they live in a house? Apartment? Shack? Do they live with another person/ other people? If so, who? Or do they have no permanent address at all? What is their living condition like? Are they able to live comfortably, or are they struggling to get by?

Feel free to describe their living space/ living habits here and any other general details about the life they live. Cras quis arcu at quam pretium euismod vitae at tortor. Integer id elit ut ante consequat sagittis. In nec faucibus tortor, et ornare ipsum. Vestibulum mattis sem elit, aliquet pellentesque diam euismod id. Vivamus finibus ante vitae tortor rutrum ultricies. Vestibulum mattis risus sagittis blandit ultrices.


Describe your character's daily routine here. Is their life peaceful enough that they can follow a (relatively) consistent schedule, or is every day completely random to them, and they don't know how it's going to turn out? This can be left as an overview, as the tabs below can go into further details.



What does your character's morning routine entail? What time do they wake up? Do they eat breakfast, or do they skip it entirely? Is their morning hectic/ busy, or is it lazy? Integer in nulla fringilla, molestie sapien eget, rhoncus diam. Mauris at mollis orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquam fringilla nulla, ut faucibus leo scelerisque ac. Vestibulum id eros vitae eros tincidunt hendrerit eget eu ipsum. Donec id congue libero.


Aenean sed aliquam dolor, posuere sagittis risus. Cras consequat, nisi eu dapibus euismod, libero nisl porttitor velit, et dictum purus dui ac neque. Duis a ex vitae eros egestas laoreet ac vitae quam. Aliquam eros libero, eleifend sit amet urna malesuada, lobortis molestie ex. Donec mi metus, auctor ut est sit amet, mollis tincidunt nisi. Etiam lobortis elit vel risus elementum, non pretium massa finibus. Fusce vel feugiat felis, sit amet feugiat ante. Donec et nibh sit amet ipsum ultricies porttitor sed non nunc. Nunc a tincidunt lectus. Duis pharetra posuere metus, eget rutrum massa fermentum et. Etiam consectetur ultricies odio, in consectetur neque tristique quis. In at scelerisque purus.


Phasellus sed consequat augue, vitae viverra metus. Nullam magna ipsum, volutpat eu arcu in, pulvinar commodo mauris. Suspendisse interdum metus quis nisi suscipit, vitae tempus sem varius. Curabitur in nisl lorem. Duis ac mi id enim vulputate ultricies non vitae ex. Donec dui turpis, molestie feugiat rutrum in, interdum non augue. Donec ut dignissim mauris. Aliquam justo lorem, sagittis nec elit et, pellentesque rutrum velit. Etiam ut nisl enim. Nam tellus ante, volutpat in nibh nec, egestas consectetur augue.


Nulla fermentum ex quis bibendum elementum. Etiam tincidunt ante ligula, nec luctus felis vulputate at. Aliquam sagittis semper feugiat. Mauris vitae mi viverra, suscipit massa imperdiet, blandit purus. Phasellus fermentum lectus magna, at viverra dolor mattis non. Praesent imperdiet tempus viverra.

00:00AMDescription here (ex. Wake up)
00:00AMDescription here (ex. Eat breakfast)
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here
00:00AMDescription here



Describe your character's general health here. Are they healthy or are they sickly? You don't have to go into specifics here if you want as this is meant to be an introduction. Proin tristique, velit eget dictum mollis, dolor quam consequat nibh, vel aliquet dolor ligula ut turpis. Suspendisse tristique, ex sed ornare efficitur, orci urna congue nisi, vitae sagittis eros tellus in est.


What is your character's posture like? Do they have a good posture, or do they tend to slouch? Is their posture more stiff/ upright/ rigid, or are they more "loose"? Proin non ex nec erat venenatis ultrices. Phasellus cursus odio eu odio laoreet viverra id non sem. Donec efficitur arcu ac pellentesque vulputate. Vestibulum ac placerat nisi, et dictum leo. Donec nec imperdiet velit.


Describe your character's eating habits here. Do they have a healthy/ balanced diet, or do they favour some/ one food group over others and neglect them? Do they eat at a consistent time, just whenever the mood strikes them, or only if they feel hungry? Suspendisse eleifend auctor tristique. Vestibulum hendrerit mattis risus ut accumsan. Mauris ipsum nisi, accumsan non tellus vel, feugiat pulvinar risus. Cras sagittis eget libero nec porta. Donec in nibh eget orci porta finibus non a diam. Curabitur et tincidunt diam, nec tincidunt nulla. Nunc fermentum purus eget odio venenatis vestibulum. Aenean vestibulum id felis nec vehicula.



Describe your character's sleeping habits here. Do they stay up/ pull all-nighters, or do they go to bed on time? What sleeping position do they take? Do they snore, talk in their sleep, sleepwalk, etc.? If they share a room/ bed with someone, how does their sleeping habit affect said partner(s)? Duis orci dui, sollicitudin vitae diam sed, ullamcorper consectetur mi. Aliquam quis blandit velit, ac eleifend turpis.


What is your character's physical health like? Do they suffer from any physical illnesses, conditions, and/ or disabilities (ex. asthma, scoliosis, cancer, cerebral palsy, etc.)? How do they maintain their physical health, if they even do (ex. do they exercise regularly, such as going for a jog, or do they simply not care about their own health)?


What is your character's mental health like? Do they suffer from any mental illnesses, conditions, and/ or disabilities (ex. depression, anxiety, amnesia, etc.)? How do they maintain their mental health, if they even do (ex. do they meditate to relax, write in a journal, etc.)?


MONTH 00, 00
Header (ex. Diagnosed with X)

Brief explanation of diagnosis, treatment, etc. (Ex. "Diagnosed with X", or "Started undergoing X"). How did your character feel at this time? Did they have any difficulties with said diagnosis, treatment, etc. (ex. side-effects if taking new medication)? What did other characters feel about this at this time?

MONTH 00, 00
Header (ex. Underwent surgery for X)

Fusce purus lectus, viverra nec faucibus eu, tempus vel tellus. Phasellus fringilla pharetra mi, vel pharetra eros suscipit in. Suspendisse condimentum sodales mauris. Nullam egestas elementum ex, vel semper ipsum ultricies non.

MONTH 00, 00
Header (ex. Started medication/ treatment for X)

Vivamus nec tortor sapien. Donec vitae tellus vitae mauris interdum mattis luctus ut dui. Nam lobortis ex lectus, vitae mattis ligula ullamcorper at. Praesent quis ante non justo placerat suscipit quis nec orci.


  • Item
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  • Item
  • Item

If your character takes any drugs, medication, and/ or consumes alcohol, list them above and then use this section to further expand upon it. Do they take/ consume it regularly, or is it only during/ for specific occasions? Do they have any particular reasons as to why they take those things? Is it a secret that they take those things, or do their loved ones know? If their loved ones do know, how do they feel about it? How do these drugs, alcohol, and/ or medication affect them, both in terms of physical health and their everyday life.


Give a brief summary of your character's primary motivations here. What is it that pushes them to pursue their goal(s), if any? This is meant to be an introduction, as the sections below will go into further details. Cras consectetur et quam at dignissim. Cras pellentesque aliquam tortor. Duis pellentesque diam quis pellentesque rhoncus. Sed ornare orci ac elementum iaculis.


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  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Phasellus ut eros sem
  • Phasellus at quam nisi
  • Quisque mattis, massa vitae iaculis ornare
  • Nullam porttitor justo lorem

You can go into further details about your character's extrinsic motivators here, or you can omit this section entirely. Extrinsic motivation uses rewards or incentives—like praise, fame, or money—as motivation for specific activities. In other words, what "pay-off" is your character looking for? This section is meant to go into detail of why your character is motivated to reach their goal/ dream listed prior.


  • Phasellus ut eros sem
  • Phasellus at quam nisi
  • Quisque mattis, massa vitae iaculis ornare
  • Nullam porttitor justo lorem

You can go into further details about your character's intrinsic motivators here, or you can omit this section entirely. Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any obvious external rewards.


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You can go into further details about your character's secrets/ fears here, or you can omit this section entirely. What kind of secrets do they hold, and why is it a secret? What are the fears that push them back from moving forward and/ or reaching their goal/ dream? Aliquam venenatis metus sed suscipit interdum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

You can go into further details about your character's achievements here, or you can omit this section entirely. What kind of achievements do they have? How did they achieve it? How did it feel when they did? What were the reactions of other people to your character's achievement(s)? Nulla dignissim nec nisl ac mollis. Nam ac lobortis sem. Mauris ut turpis eu velit sagittis lobortis quis vel nulla. Duis quis enim eget tortor eleifend lobortis. Praesent aliquam eleifend arcu id tincidunt. Duis tristique sit amet arcu vel iaculis.

Values and Beliefs

Give a brief summary of your character's morals/ values here. What do they believe in (ex. belief in a god, belief in a person, belief in themselves, etc.)? Why do they believe in said thing(s)? You can keep this short since this is meant to be an introduction. Sed sagittis tristique lectus, pellentesque interdum sem bibendum nec. Integer tempor ipsum sit amet nunc accumsan tincidunt. Aliquam rutrum, dui eget dapibus consectetur, odio ligula maximus nisl, at dignissim orci risus id enim. Pellentesque et metus augue.



Describe your character's experience and/ or relationship with religion here. Are they part of a religion? If so, which one? If they are, how religious are they? Do they participate in religious traditions, or is it moreso a simple belief in something? If they do participate in traditions, which one(s) do they participate in, and how often? Feel free to explain your character's history with religion as well. Were they always religious, or did an event change their initial view of it? Did they grow up in a religious household? Were they always part of their current religion, or were they previously part of a different religion?

If your character is not religious, you can explain why. Do they simply not believe in something, or were they previously religious but then changed their mind (ex. having faith but then feeling betrayed). What are their thoughts on those who are religious? What are they like with religious friends and/ or family when religion is involved? Example: if a religious friend is praying, does your character give them space, or do they antagonize/ bother them? If a religious family member is fasting, do they fast with them?


Describe your character's morals/ moral compass here. What do they consider right/ wrong? Where did they learn/ form these morals? Mauris quis nisi egestas, gravida nisl in, placerat eros. Praesent commodo dolor vitae nisi egestas pretium. Cras congue sem non venenatis vulputate. Mauris scelerisque diam et aliquet faucibus.


Friends Family Romance

Wealth Power Fame

Honesty Feelings

Law Justice

Journey Results/ Destination

Comfort Security

Honour Loyalty

Realistic Idealistic

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Your own text Your own text

Go into details about your character's values here. Why do they have these values? Why do they value one thing over another? Nunc arcu justo, consequat a magna nec, feugiat sodales magna. Nulla mauris diam, vestibulum nec euismod a, viverra sed est. Phasellus diam turpis, eleifend eget neque at, cursus varius ante.


Higher Power




Good & Evil


Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Go into details about your character's beliefs here. Why do they/ do they not believe in these things? Ut in mauris id est venenatis porttitor. Quisque sollicitudin, enim in sollicitudin sodales, sem risus dapibus ipsum, eu aliquam nulla tellus eu mi. Pellentesque velit risus, dapibus non tempor eget, hendrerit eget est.



Describe your character's way of speaking here. Do they stutter? Are they formal and use polite language, or are they more casual with their words? Do they slur their words or mumble, or do they speak in a very clear way? Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam faucibus elit turpis, eu lobortis mi ultricies eget. Nam ante odio, tristique ut pharetra faucibus, facilisis quis tellus. Nulla neque lorem, ultricies sit amet dolor vitae, tempor pretium diam.


What topic does your character usually bring up to initiate a conversation, or are they the type of person to not start a conversation at all? What kind of conversation topics do they usually engage in and/ or bring up? This can be towards more general people (ex. strangers or acquiantances), and/ or towards friends or people they're otherwise comfortable with. Etiam vehicula nisi vulputate, rhoncus tortor sed, feugiat lorem. Suspendisse sollicitudin quam quis velit ornare aliquet. Sed blandit fringilla elit nec tincidunt. Nam efficitur interdum porttitor. Donec suscipit sem mi, in tincidunt ligula mattis quis. Aenean tempor ipsum a augue luctus vulputate.


How does your character laugh? Is it a very hearty laugh, or is it more quiet and subdued? Is it easy to make them laugh? Is their laugh infectuous, or does it tend to scare people away? Integer pretium vehicula purus. Fusce et gravida erat, sit amet accumsan leo. Nunc odio nisi, ultrices id diam vitae, efficitur suscipit est. Nulla posuere augue sit amet leo fermentum luctus.


Does your character swear? If yes, how often? What kind of swear words do they use? If they swear, do they try to be aware of the time and place, or is it more on impulse? If your character doesn't swear, is it because they don't know any swear words, or do they choose not to? If they choose not to, is there a specific reason for it (ex. they find it rude)?


What are some quirks/ habits your character has when speaking? Do they trail off often? Avoid eye contact? Talk/ Gesture with their hands? Quisque et risus neque. Phasellus nec porttitor orci. Vestibulum et sollicitudin turpis, sit amet pellentesque est. Integer sit amet nibh blandit, rhoncus leo sit amet, auctor diam. Nullam sit amet porta lacus. Etiam bibendum hendrerit vehicula.


Language Name

Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Talk about your character's knowledge of the particular language here. Do note that there is a difference between reading, writing, and conversational fluency when it comes to languages. Using myself as an example, I am fully fluent in English. I can read, write, and converse comfortably in English, so my fluency in all three is high.

I also know Tagalog, but I'm more of a passive/ receptive speaker than anything else, meaning I can understand the language when it's being spoken to/ at me, but I cannot speak the language back. So in terms of conversational fluency, it's technically there, but it's not that high up. Similarly, I can read Tagalog, but it might take me a longer time to understand it than if being spoken (so it'd be lower than conversational fluency), but in terms of writing, I can only do very basic sentences, so my writing fluency is very low.

I'm also able to read, write, and speak French, but I'm not fully fluent in it. It's more conversational (i.e. being able to hold a light conversation/ read fairly basic/ simple books) than anything else though, so in terms of fluency, it'd be roughly in the middle.

Language Name

Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Assuming the language isn't your character's first language, you can go into further details about how they learned the language. Did they learn the language at a young age? How did they learn? Was it through formal education (ex. school), self-taught, or did another person casually teach them? How quickly or slowly were they able to pick up the language? What are some struggles they have with the language (ex. mixing up conjugations, low vocabulary, etc.)?

Language Name

Reading Fluency

Writing Fluency

Conversational Fluency

Quisque ac lorem pharetra lorem eleifend pulvinar. Ut pellentesque sollicitudin gravida. Vivamus luctus lacus accumsan luctus venenatis. Nulla pharetra molestie risus sed dignissim. Sed cursus pharetra risus feugiat laoreet. Nam maximus risus euismod, ultrices neque et, aliquet orci. Praesent maximus ligula volutpat massa porttitor, et vehicula ipsum fermentum. Phasellus a tincidunt nunc, a consectetur augue. Donec maximus diam vel lacus maximus egestas.



Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Rough

Soft Loud

Slow Fast



Describe the quality of your character's voice here. Do they have a pleasant voice, or is it more grating to the ears? Pronunciation and enunciation refer to how accurately and clearly, respectively, your character can speak. In other words, do they often mispronounce words? Can they speak clearly to get the specific sounds across so that others can understand them? Nam molestie dapibus cursus. Curabitur feugiat elementum ante, ut interdum eros dignissim eget. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


"Well then, you want my attention? You have it."

"Win or lose, there is something to be gained from every battle."

"You are worthy of my trust. I pledge my life to you."

"Did I make the right choice? *Sigh* Time will tell."


  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote


Describe your character's writing here. Do they write in print or in cursive? If they write in print, are they able to write in cursive? If yes, why do they choose not to? Is their handwriting messy, or is it neat? Do they tend to write in large letters or smaller ones? How spaced out are their letters, etc.? What kind of tool do they prefer to write with (ex. lead pencil, ink pen, marker, etc.)? This section should focus moreso on their actual (i.e. physical) handwriting/ penmanship rather than literacy knowledge, which you'll be able to go over in the "Skills and Abilities" tab.


How does your character hold their pen/ writing tool? If they're ambidextrous, does their grip change, depending on the hand they're using? How hard/ light do they hold the writing tool? How about when they're pressing the tool onto paper? If they're using different writing tools (ex. pen, pencil, etc.), does their grip change?

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"This is a placeholder sentence in print."

You can go into further details and/ or re-iterate the details of your character's handwriting here, or you can remove this section entirely.


"This is a placeholder sentence in cursive."

Aenean sed ullamcorper quam. Nulla ut nisl libero. Morbi nec aliquet tortor, id tempor lectus. Maecenas ut euismod nulla.

Skills and Abilities



Describe your character's education here. What's the highest level of education they completed (ex. high school, college, etc.)? What was their education like? Were they homeschooled, or did they learn at a formal institution like school? Perhaps they were educated as part of a secret organization?

What were they like in terms of learning? Were they able to learn quickly, or did they struggle? Do they still retain the information they've learned, or have they forgotten it? What was their best subject? Worst subject? What were/ are their studying habits? Did they have a system they followed, or did they try to cram all the information the night prior and forgot about it as soon as the text/ exam was done?

If you want, you can also talk about their school life here (if applicable). Did they get along with their classmates? What about teachers? Was there a specific teacher and/ or peer they didn't particularly like? Why not? Did they participate in clubs? If so, which one(s)? How was it? What about school events? Did they join in on school events (ex. school dances), or did they prefer to stay at home? What's their fondest/ most hated memory of school?

This section doesn't have to be limited to just education in the "modern day" sense. If your character is part of a secret organization, were they educated in that aspect/ trade? What type of things did they learn?

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Describe your character's occupation here if you'd like. What kind of things do they do? How long have they been in this occupation? What are their feelings towards it? Do they feel satisfied, or is it draining to them (either physically and/ or mentally). If your character doesn't have any occupation, you can simply state that they have none and explain why (ex. still in education, still searching, etc.)


Vivamus non libero imperdiet, aliquet dui quis, lacinia augue. Duis varius efficitur ultrices. Curabitur consequat iaculis metus. Praesent iaculis consectetur nibh, vel convallis enim tempus non. Suspendisse blandit ipsum sem, at viverra neque semper ut. Integer vel felis vehicula, dignissim augue a, viverra magna.


Aenean eros est, auctor et fermentum vel, efficitur in lorem. Ut interdum, eros sit amet laoreet varius, dui velit laoreet purus, sed porta metus ligula sed mi. Phasellus a vehicula nunc, sit amet pulvinar nisl. Duis in venenatis felis. Nam vel purus eu dolor rhoncus tempor. Mauris a nunc eget ex laoreet sollicitudin ac posuere mi.

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Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text

Your own text



Describe your character's strength here. Curabitur ut efficitur felis, at semper dui. Sed id orci metus. Donec quam magna, malesuada a eros non, ullamcorper congue nisi. Proin viverra aliquet arcu a malesuada. Nulla justo sem, posuere eu viverra non, pulvinar quis velit. Morbi elementum, libero a eleifend iaculis, est eros venenatis ante, a hendrerit arcu purus eleifend risus. Nullam suscipit mollis rutrum.


Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse justo purus, imperdiet elementum venenatis ut, imperdiet nec diam. Cras porta ipsum id mauris auctor, sit amet elementum est volutpat.


Pellentesque scelerisque sapien id sapien facilisis imperdiet. Vestibulum et libero eleifend, tempus leo eu, tempus justo. Vivamus purus ante, molestie et metus ut, bibendum elementum est. Phasellus eros nibh, varius at massa eget, facilisis hendrerit metus. Phasellus quis velit accumsan, mattis ex maximus, varius risus.

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Describe your character's weakness here. Proin eleifend eros nisi. Proin ac nisi auctor, vehicula justo vitae, ullamcorper enim. Donec eget massa ultricies, dignissim tortor a, facilisis sem. Etiam non mi vitae risus pretium convallis quis ac mi. Phasellus egestas tempor risus, et maximus dolor eleifend pellentesque.


Vivamus molestie elit nec hendrerit congue. Nam egestas varius pellentesque. Phasellus mattis nibh tempus, condimentum arcu quis, aliquam diam. Ut id sapien ut elit posuere pretium.


Sed ultrices nisi vitae erat blandit tincidunt. Morbi eget purus sit amet enim pellentesque ullamcorper. Nullam blandit finibus urna vitae scelerisque. Vestibulum nisl libero, cursus sed efficitur eu, tempor non urna. Aliquam ut pharetra enim, et viverra dui. Quisque blandit hendrerit enim at tempus.

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Describe your character's skill here. You can mention how they developed this skill, how good they are at this skill, if they use this skill for good/ evil, etc. Keep in mind that a skill is different from an ability. A skill is something that's more learned/ acquired, and an ability is moreso something that is natural/ innate. Some examples of skills are playing an instrument, sewing, cooking, and playing darts.



Vestibulum tincidunt tincidunt diam vitae dignissim. Curabitur sit amet risus a ipsum laoreet viverra. Cras porttitor rhoncus lectus, id vehicula neque bibendum id. Vivamus ac sapien lectus. Maecenas libero tortor, condimentum sit amet lacinia et, tincidunt vitae leo.



Cras id tortor venenatis, sollicitudin mauris id, finibus augue. Aenean quis odio vitae felis fringilla tempus. Pellentesque maximus libero sit amet sem suscipit, quis aliquet enim consectetur. Nunc dignissim ut nunc et accumsan. Quisque eu velit vehicula, faucibus quam non, fermentum risus. Proin tristique in leo at mollis.



Integer non sem vehicula, congue nulla sed, pharetra nulla. Nam velit lectus, euismod vitae pretium eu, luctus a velit. Vestibulum in sapien quis sem sollicitudin sollicitudin. Donec sit amet est eu nibh ullamcorper ultrices.




Describe your character's ability here. You can mention how this ability affects their day-to-day life (if it does), if they choose to keep this ability a secret (why or why not?), and other general details about the ability. Keep in mind that an ability is different from a skill. An ability is something that's moreso natural/ innate, as opposed to a skill that is moreso learned/ acquired. Some examples of abilities are flight, heightened senses, heat/ cold resistance, and use of magic.



Sed ut egestas elit. Curabitur id varius tellus. Pellentesque consectetur nulla a massa ultrices, sit amet mattis diam porttitor. Morbi tristique turpis nibh, vitae gravida odio iaculis sit amet. Proin aliquam consectetur feugiat. Duis sagittis arcu at ipsum imperdiet, semper rutrum purus consequat.



Morbi vel quam vel nibh faucibus rhoncus. Donec ante augue, feugiat eget neque at, placerat dictum neque. Praesent vehicula, turpis eget malesuada consectetur, massa arcu bibendum velit, ac iaculis felis mi a erat. Nunc ligula elit, faucibus sed lorem id, egestas scelerisque ex. Nulla blandit eleifend nisl et rhoncus.



Suspendisse mi justo, suscipit id nibh eu, mattis imperdiet quam. Nam nisi neque, gravida eu aliquam sit amet, vestibulum nec diam. Suspendisse vel volutpat velit, id malesuada lectus. Donec a ante purus. Morbi et commodo justo. Maecenas ut mollis sapien. Aliquam venenatis bibendum erat, ac mattis tellus sollicitudin non. Quisque quis dolor nec nibh molestie volutpat id non arcu.


Reference & Design Notes

27665170_qIbafRAtxT6B37v.png VIEW FULL RESOLUTION














Body Build


Body Shape


Eye Shape


Racial Features


Hair Length






Briefly describe the tattoo/ scar/ marking. What is the design supposed to be? Where is it located? Quisque non ornare ipsum. Sed ultrices tellus eu augue ultricies, non suscipit nulla accumsan.


Aenean at ante tellus. Aliquam in lacus efficitur, vulputate eros vel, tincidunt leo. Fusce tristique lectus sed ornare vestibulum.


Integer augue nisl, hendrerit ut felis porta, tincidunt lobortis eros. Vestibulum viverra ornare magna eget pellentesque. Cras ultricies non tellus eu pulvinar.


  • Praesent non porttitor ex. Morbi vulputate risus quis sapien condimentum, vel aliquam eros scelerisque.
  • In rutrum efficitur vulputate.
  • In commodo dapibus sem ac ultrices. Sed ultricies, lorem at pulvinar commodo, massa nibh mollis turpis, sit amet hendrerit erat sem at ligula.
  • Sed pulvinar, velit nec ullamcorper commodo, nibh mi vestibulum est, accumsan hendrerit dolor elit vel erat.
  • In vel blandit quam, et porta nulla.




Brief description of item. Mauris eget faucibus nunc. Mauris et enim sit amet sapien condimentum consectetur.



Brief description of item. Mauris eget faucibus nunc. Mauris et enim sit amet sapien condimentum consectetur.



Brief description of item. Mauris eget faucibus nunc. Mauris et enim sit amet sapien condimentum consectetur.


Value Tracker


$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000
$0USD Type of art by Artist Name
Date Received/ Made: Month 00, 0000



  • Praesent non porttitor ex. Morbi vulputate risus quis sapien condimentum, vel aliquam eros scelerisque.
  • In rutrum efficitur vulputate.
  • In commodo dapibus sem ac ultrices. Sed ultricies, lorem at pulvinar commodo, massa nibh mollis turpis, sit amet hendrerit erat sem at ligula.
  • Sed pulvinar, velit nec ullamcorper commodo, nibh mi vestibulum est, accumsan hendrerit dolor elit vel erat.
  • In vel blandit quam, et porta nulla.


  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.
  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.
  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.
  • Trope Name: Description/ explanation of how/ why your character falls into this trope.


Explain the origin(s) of your character's name here. Maecenas vitae ultricies est, mattis faucibus lorem. Morbi quis feugiat nisi. Curabitur feugiat venenatis tortor eget ultricies. Donec elit elit, scelerisque at vulputate vulputate, cursus bibendum mauris. Integer id augue at lectus cursus pharetra nec a ex. Phasellus ac arcu in sem sollicitudin mattis.


The following are little trivia notes that may or may not necessarily be canon (i.e. "officially true") to the character.


  • List general headcanons here.
  • Nunc pellentesque nisl non quam iaculis finibus.
  • Maecenas sed ex posuere, euismod diam at, sodales lacus. Integer ac elementum libero.
  • Sed id pulvinar elit, nec consequat arcu. Proin tempus magna id tempus rutrum.


  • List headcanons here according to the header you chose.
  • For example, if your headcanon header is "falling in love", list headcanons of what your character is like when they develop feelings for someone.
  • Do they fall in love at first sight, or do they have to take time to know them?
  • List other headcanons here.


  • Curabitur eros neque, pellentesque sed pretium id, eleifend quis turpis.
  • Ut fermentum justo sit amet dui placerat varius. Morbi id accumsan nisl, vel ultricies ipsum.
  • Morbi a finibus odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
  • Vestibulum vitae mollis arcu, eu accumsan turpis.




Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's design (if applicable). They can be from existing characters/ designs, colours, and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. In porta, tellus a mollis consequat, metus justo rutrum mauris, vel vehicula tortor augue vel magna. Donec commodo enim a volutpat viverra. Nunc nec erat ligula. Nullam in tellus nibh. Donec elementum nibh sed sagittis auctor. Sed vitae massa mi. Sed mollis lectus nisl, eget mattis erat pellentesque.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration


Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's story. They can be from existing media and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. Curabitur at tellus aliquam, accumsan velit vitae, accumsan dolor. Duis sed sodales nisl. Aliquam ac ante tincidunt quam ullamcorper eleifend. Vivamus semper urna vel magna hendrerit, vel tincidunt lacus faucibus. Nullam at metus at mi convallis suscipit. Cras pellentesque, tortor ut tincidunt lobortis, turpis quam sagittis urna, quis tincidunt lorem sapien eget urna. Vestibulum lorem leo, molestie id nisi eu, molestie finibus odio. Curabitur orci urna, dapibus id mattis eu, maximus nec dui.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration



Answer goes here. This section can either be general questions that you answer as the creator/ owner of the character, or these can be questions that your character answers as themselves, similar to if they were being interviewed. Donec porttitor enim pulvinar nulla placerat elementum. Praesent sed tellus quis nibh porttitor porttitor eu sed nisl. Integer iaculis dolor consectetur turpis egestas fermentum. Proin ut metus quam. Nullam ornare blandit ante, id dapibus justo lacinia vel. Duis a risus tellus. Morbi a lacus lacinia, dictum orci quis, suscipit ipsum.


Nam et suscipit dui. Nulla vitae maximus odio. Maecenas quis feugiat nisi. Quisque justo lectus, mollis at volutpat nec, viverra ac tellus. Aenean hendrerit nibh felis, sed auctor urna accumsan ac. Nullam ante elit, facilisis et tempor sit amet, commodo vitae est. Integer nisl metus, porta nec libero consequat, porttitor dictum nibh. Vestibulum et velit leo. Vestibulum enim erat, viverra a malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin quis velit.


Nam porta tellus sit amet nisi interdum, nec suscipit erat scelerisque. Phasellus mi sem, luctus at dui ut, fringilla ullamcorper purus. Proin vel euismod ex. Vestibulum dolor nibh, consectetur suscipit sodales a, lacinia ac ligula. In placerat mauris vitae est congue ornare. Phasellus molestie nisi a justo scelerisque suscipit. Phasellus sed ligula lorem.


Phasellus ac commodo lorem. Vivamus non ligula et ligula cursus posuere ac eget ante. Phasellus risus lectus, tempus sit amet lectus venenatis, maximus aliquet quam. Vivamus convallis pharetra justo, eget blandit elit laoreet in. Donec a neque ut magna facilisis sodales. Nam eget tellus ac nunc dignissim viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut et augue erat. Aliquam ac eros ut dui euismod consequat. In hendrerit eros vitae pulvinar feugiat. Mauris nec fermentum mauris. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vitae diam efficitur sodales.


Vivamus ac auctor lacus, eget tincidunt augue. Ut suscipit, eros id ullamcorper tincidunt, felis dolor mattis urna, commodo vehicula dui odio non ligula. Mauris sodales, justo id euismod luctus, lectus turpis tempus nunc, non fermentum nisl nisi quis felis. Etiam facilisis neque vel lorem laoreet, at auctor arcu gravida.


Cras fermentum commodo eros euismod iaculis. Suspendisse consectetur justo ac velit consequat ullamcorper eu eu dolor. Nunc leo mauris, imperdiet eget egestas in, consequat ac leo. Nunc iaculis accumsan ante et consequat. Nullam non blandit magna, a convallis dolor. Etiam in massa eu libero malesuada pretium in eget nisl. Ut pellentesque sem non egestas efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin risus ipsum, et ornare tellus efficitur dignissim. Maecenas ornare mi turpis, eu imperdiet sapien aliquam nec.


Vestibulum non diam vel nisi tincidunt placerat. Morbi vestibulum tortor orci, eu faucibus justo vehicula pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. In iaculis enim orci, ac viverra dolor tempus eget. Nullam feugiat elit eu mauris fringilla, eu sollicitudin lorem aliquet. Donec arcu sapien, convallis cursus placerat at, pharetra sed elit.


Sed nisi diam, malesuada ac augue non, congue sollicitudin libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ipsum elit, venenatis in purus at, tempus fringilla est. Nunc nisi felis, malesuada ac eleifend ut, volutpat et erat. In quis vehicula metus. Suspendisse fringilla ante lobortis massa bibendum blandit.


Suspendisse lobortis purus mi, nec dapibus lacus maximus eu. Fusce pharetra venenatis accumsan. Curabitur vitae dui dui. Nam tempus lacus id odio euismod feugiat. Nullam venenatis eget ex nec viverra. Etiam velit sapien, tristique in neque ut, consequat mollis nisl. Etiam facilisis consequat erat sed iaculis. Aenean ac neque at lacus molestie cursus. Sed sem magna, ullamcorper sit amet lectus non, accumsan dignissim eros. Ut vel nunc id neque malesuada pellentesque. Duis accumsan pellentesque volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Integer porta risus in nisl hendrerit, ac dignissim neque interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at tellus vitae leo sollicitudin pellentesque.




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Xiè Qiáopǐ


DESIGNER PastelHarmony

Match_Made_in_Heaven.png 15990121_4dn7vEkwZlCMv8e.png?1565836941 15994090_jZQYPy6eZM1ZgYY.png ribbon_c-ptsd.png 16001028_pqvgWjPlnl1xGyv.png 16001031_04amypjps25bvaI.png 39268064_lsMSIFnyg9iARJt.png


ALIAS Qiao Xieye | Wuqing-jun
ETYMOLOGY Xie; Harmony | Huan; Radiant | Qiao; Outstanding | Pi; Fortune |  Wuqing; Ruthless | Xieye; Blood
AGE 23 (469)
BIRTHDATE April 14th
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
ENNEAGRAM The Achiever | The Investigator
JUNGIAN ARCH. Persona; The Rebel, The Ruler | Self; The Magician
BIG 5 Extraversion
SIN Envy
VIRTUE Diligence


( + ) Creative; Charismatic; Selfless; Protective; Passionate; Playful

( = ) Vigilant; Precise; Resourceful; Dynamic

( — ) Self-destructive; Secretive; Deceitful; Paranoid; Mischievous; Unstable


Xie Qiaopi is a charismatic and persuasive individual. He has a playful and mischievous demeanor, with a dynamic personality, and he's creative and resourceful. Though he doesn't show it much- rather opting to act immature and clueless- he's precise and observant. The impish facade he puts up clouds much of his true personality, but he's vigilant, selfless, and protective. He's secretive, letting no one know his feelings or motivations. While he prefers to let others make false assumptions, he also often employs active deception. In private, he's paranoid and self-destructive, and could even be called cynical. On some occasions, his actions can hold a cold precision, and an almost apathetic ruthlessness. Because he's constantly under considerable stress with underlying currents of panic and hate, he's also often unstable.






RACE Chinese
SEX Male
HEIGHT 5’ 5”
WEIGHT 120 lb
SKIN COLOR #f3ceb1
BODY TYPE Endomorph
BODY SHAPE Hourglass






DIET: Xie Qiaopi does not eat often. He mostly subsists off of spiritual, demonic, and/or resentful energy. He buys snacks from street vendors occasionally while selling talismans, but otherwise only eats when in the company of someone who takes regular meals.

EXERCISE: Xie Qiaopi exercises daily, usually by practicing swordforms in the evening. He enjoys hiking, but doesn't partake in it often unless he has someone to go with.

SLEEP: Xie Qiaopi usually doesn't sleep. Between the constant nightmares he experiences and his fixation on work or projects, simply finds it easier not to rest. Being inhuman, he is more rested from a shorter period of sleep and feels the effects of sleep deprivation less than mortals.

HYGIENE: Xie Qiaopi has standard hygiene. He bathes once a day or every other day, cleans his teeth once upon waking and once in the evening, and oils his sword after each battle or at the end of the day. He rinses his hands frequently. He wears the same set of robes each day, but washes it each morning. His sleeping robes are not held to the same rule- they are shed every dawn and incinerated, replaced with a new set by noon.

ADDICTION: Xie Qiaopi has no addictions.


Xie Qiaopi has a disease that eats away at his flesh- less like decaying, and more like a very slow acid. It causes headache, abdominal and chest pain, internal bleeding, shortness of breath, fatigue, numbness, weakness, fainting, and the coughing up of blood. Xie Qiaopi uses talismans to keep it in check. In addition to this disease, he often experiences the effects of sleep deprivation. These include tremors, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and sometimes paranoia.

SCARS: The scar covering the left half of Xie Qiaopi's face and his left shoulder blade to shoulder was gained during the war as a result of an explosive. He has a scar in the shape of the character for heart under his left eye, a result of how his and Qin Hangcheng's souls were bound. When Qin Hangcheng died momentarily, the scar appeared on him as a physical manifestation of his loss. Xie Qiaopi also has a dark red scar in the middle of his sternum from where the demonic artifact entered him. Its shape mimicks that of shattered glass. Any other scars he has had have been removed by his demonic healing.

ALLERGY: He doesn’t have any allergies.



One of Xie Qiaopi's strengths is his creativity and intelligence. He deeply understands talisman theory in a way that allows him to easily innovate efficient and powerful talismans. He can adapt and find solutions quickly.

Xie Qiaopi is also spiritually strong. Meditation comes naturally to him. He has a high level of cultivation which both supports his spiritual attacks and speeds his healing.


Despite having an exceptionally strong golden core, Xie Qiaopi is not that physically tough. He is thin, slightly shorter than average, and weak. Stripped of his spiritual energy, he wouldn’t be able to hold his own in a straight fight for long.

Xie Qiaopi doesn’t fight alongside other people. Against other well-coordinated teams, he is at a significant disadvantage.


Xie Qiaopi is secretive and deceitful. His trust is difficult to gain, and he tends to hide himself behind a carefully crafted facade of light-hearted mischief. He keeps even the people closest to him at arms distance in a mixture of paranoid self-protection and the deep-rooted fear that they will abandon him.

Self-destructive tendencies are something Xie Qiaopi struggles with. He has a critically low self-esteem and more often than not neglects his own health because of it. He pushes himself to extremes, moving faster and faster, pushing away the people who care about him or dragging them along into dangerous situations. And at realizing his actions, his self-hatred grows, and the cycle begins anew.


He bites his nails and picks at his skin aggressively; yet another manifestation of his crushing self-loathing. He makes no effort to stop.

Sometimes, when Xie Qiaopi thinks about Qin Hangcheng, and his human days, his thumb comes up unconsciously to brush at his heart-shaped scar.


Pet peeve description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Pet peeve description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


He doesn’t have any current wishes or dreams. He wishes he could have been better when he was younger- stronger, smarter, a more loyal disciple- but those times are past and there’s nothing to do about them now. It’s a struggle just to get through each day; how could he wish for something more?


He has a particular distaste for alcoholics and gamblers. He also dislikes people who give their children up for adoption, regardless of whether or not they had a good reason.

He is prejudiced in favor young children, especially beggars, orphans, and victims of abuse or neglect.


Xie Qiaopi’s nature lends itself to many secrets, but primarily, when in the human world, he keeps his demonic status a secret. When in the demon realm, he hides the fact that he used to be human.

Secret description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


At his heart, Xie Qiaopi only wants a peaceful life for himself and for those whom he cares about. He could care less what happens to everyone else, but his actions often end up benefiting them. Furthermore, he does strive to uphold the philosophy of Qin Hangcheng, who believed everyone is innately good and deserves a good life.


He isn’t much concerned by ethics. He takes what benefits him and leaves what doesn’t, regardless of how it affects other people. If he saw someone’s dropped wallet on the street, he’d take it and not bother to find the owner. The exceptions are when Qin Lijie prompts him to do the right thing and when the sufferers of whatever wrongs have been committed are children- particularly the poor, the orphaned, and the abused.


Xiè Qiàopí has undiagnosed C-PTSD developed in his early childhood.

TRIGGERS: The scent of alcohol is Xie Qiaopi's most significant trigger. With it comes every bad memory of his childhood. And as the demon king, he's expected to drink alcohol at banquets frequently, so it's also his most common trigger. (He simply burns away the alcohol with his golden core and keeps a strained smile, shoving down screams as sweat beads at his temples.) He has other triggers, like the sound of coughing, bottles breaking, fire, blood, waterfalls, and ravines, but the scent of alcohol will always be the most prominent.

PHOBIAS: Xie Qiaopi has an irrational fear of heights because of certain events in his past.

DEFENSE MECHANISM: He staunchly denies and represses any issues. He avoids talking about his childhood and drastically downplays his sufferings with sarcasm and dismissive jokes when he does.

THREAT-BASED MINDSET: Xie Qiaopi, after living on the streets for most of his youth, going through two wars, and currently residing in the demon realm, is used to having to fight for what he needs.

CURRENT RESIDENCE Chàngqīng Peak (Recreation)
RELIGION Buddhism/Taoism

BIRTHPLACE: Xie Qiaopi was born in Lenghe, a village of moderate to small size. He grew up in a tiny three-room shack on the outskirts of the town, close to the forests. Lenghe was overall a boring town. It had a handful of standard facilities like schools and restaurants, but did not display anything of particular note.

ENVIRONMENT: Lenghe was a city at the base of a mountain, surrounded by forests. The air was often cold, and there were frequent rains.


CHILDHOOD: Xie Qiaopi was raised in a decrepit three-room shack filled with cobwebs and empty bottles. His parents were verbally and physically abusive alcoholics. His older sister was chronically ill. Despite her illness, Xie Qiaopi's sister largely raised and taught him. They both spent the majority of their lives begging on the streets. Xie Qiaopi managed to gain a small measure of education by diligently listening to classes and talking to students as they left school. One day, Xie Qiaopi and his father were coming back from a trip to town. Xie Qiaopi had finally saved enough money to buy a talisman kit and a letter writing set. He was writing to all the sects he could about a jiangshi his sister reported hearing in the woods. He’d already written some while in town and sent them off, but he wasn’t sure they would send anyone. When his father saw him, he became enraged. He turned to hit him, but accidentally pulled the reigns of the horses in doing so. They fell off the narrow road and into a ravine filled with resentful energy and dead bodies. While Xie Qiaopi's father died, he survived, but one of his eight po was scared out, and a demonic one found its way in. Through a combination of perseverance and the energy, he was able to climb out of the ravine and walk  back home to bring the medicine they’d bought to his sister. He arrived home late at night; his mother, drunk, was infuriated when he returned without his father. She tore the medicine from his hands and threw it into the nearby forest. Xie Qiaopi went after it but couldn't find it, instead happening upon a fierce corpse. A young fourteen-year-old cultivator named Qin Hangcheng saved him. He walked him home and gave him supplies and money, but soon left due to a summons from his sect. When Xie Qiaopi awoke the following morning, his mother had died of alcohol poisoning and his sister had succumbed to her illness.
ADOLESCENCE: After his family passed, Xie Qiaopi begged from age thirteen to fifteen. At fifteen years old, he got taken off the streets by a rich family to work as their servant. The father of the family took a liking to him for his cleverness, which aggravated the son. He began to beat Xie Qiaopi regularly. When Xie Qiaopi turned eighteen, the father discussed giving him a position at the family business. The son took this as the last straw and framed Xie Qiaopi for theft, getting him kicked out and stripped of all of his belongings except the clothes on his back. From eighteen to twenty-one, Xie Qiaopi managed to make a meager living as a talisman salesman. Then, he heard of Qin Hangcheng's reappearance after a disappearance of four years. He was said to be taking disciples. Xie Qiaopi went to him.
DISCIPLESHIP: Xie Qiaopi was enrolled at Chàngqīng Peak and studied under Qin Hangcheng for ten years. He learned cultivation, array-making, and music, among other things. This period drew to a close when a power-hungry sect declared its intentions to conquer the cultivation world. Changqing Peak united with other cultivation groups to form an army against this corrupt sect. Xie Qiaopi fought on the front lines for six years. One day, after a crucial defeat, Xie Qiaopi and Qin Hangcheng planned a risky ambush that would either bring the sect to a grinding halt or result in their captures. Xie Qiaopi spoke of this plan to Zhong Weili, an elder disciple. However, he was a spy for the enemy sect, and they were caught. They were to be executed in front of the sect leader and his allies. During the ceremony, Xie Qiaopi broke their bonds. The execution devolved into a fight. Qin Hangcheng took a hit for Xie Qiaopi that greatly injured him. Xie Qiaopi ran to seek refuge in a nearby temple, only to find that it was a demonic shrine. Their attackers, knowing that a newly turned demon must take a meal or die, fetched an artifact to turn Xie Qiaopi into a demon. In theory, this would have forced him to kill Qin Hangcheng or die. Instead, due to his demonic po, Xie Qiaopi became even more powerful. A demonic artifact in the shrine reacted to this, granting him extraordinary strength. He was able to decimate the army. However, the artifact also clouded his senses with bloodlust, and one soldier sneaked behind him and threw Qin Hangcheng's unconscious body into the raging river behind the shrine. Xie Qiaopi wandered the area for days after the massacre looking for Qin Hangcheng but was unable to find him.

KINGSHIP: After losing Qin Hangcheng, Xie Qiaopi was distraught. A powerful demon lord came upon him and took him away to fight in a war. He promised to slaughter Changqing Peak if Xie Qiaopi did not comply The war lasted for fifteen years. After the last battle, the demon stepped up to claim his new throne, but Xie Qiaopi attacked him while he was off guard and killed him, becoming the demon king instead. He reigned for over four hundred years, putting down rebellions and transforming the demon realm from a chaotic nightmare into a hub of prosperity and success.

BEST MEMORY: Xie Qiaopi would say that his best memories are all his memories with Qin Hangcheng. This is somewhat true, but his true best memory is the first moment he met Qin Hangcheng in the forest surrounding Lenghe. That was the moment the hope that had begun to wither inside of him sprouted up again, like a flower to the sun. His second best memory is when his sister gave him his courtesy name.

WORST MEMORY: Xie Qiaopi's worst memories are of his and Qin Hangcheng's time under captivity during the war, up to and including the failed execution. Of those, the worst of those is Qin Hangcheng falling into the river and the days after, searching but unable to find him. Other notable mentions are Xie Qiaopi's general childhood and in particular, falling into the ravine.

SHORT-TERM GOALS: Xie Qiaopi doesn't have many set short term goals. At the beginning of the story, he says he wants to ease his boredom by travelling with Qin Lijie, but really he’s concerned about why the monsters have been growing more powerful and  that Qin Lijie is involved.

LONG-TERM GOALS: At the beginning of the story, Xie Qiaopi's long term goal is to continue to support the demon kingdom and reform it into a prosperous, peaceful place. He also strives to live in a way which honors Qin Hangcheng. Throughout the book, this second goal shifts to wanting to protect and assist him.

INTERNAL CONFLICT: Describe your character's internal conflict here. Any struggle/problem that takes place inside the character's mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit.

EXTERNAL CONFLICT: Describe your character's external conflict here. Any struggle between the character and an outside force. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit.

CURRENT CONCERN: Describe your character's current concern here. Anything which has been on your character's mind by the time the story started or in the present. Maybe they're failing an exam, lately feeling extremely bored, their pets won't stop making noise at night, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


ACCENT: Describe your character's accent here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

VERBAL TIC: Describe your character's verbal tic here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

CATCHPHRASE: Describe your character's catchphrase here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

SPOKEN LANGUAGE: Describe your character's spoken language(s) here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

ARTICULATION: Describe how articulate your character is when speaking. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

BREATHING PATTERN: Describe your character's breathing pattern here. Slow / fast / irregular / etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


BODY MOVEMENT: Describe your character's body movement here. Very little / gestures a lot with their hands / etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

EXPRESSION: Describe your character's expression here. Rarely changes expression / easy to read / etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

EMOTIONAL STATE: Describe your character's emotional state here. Mostly calm / prone to outburst / etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

BODY POSTURE: Describe your character's body posture here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

WALKING STYLE: Describe your character's walking style here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

SITTING STYLE: Describe your character's sitting style here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

SLEEPING STYLE: Describe your character's sleeping style here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Ability description. If the character is set in a fantasy/action setting, this can be used to describe their moves. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit.

Ability description. If the character is set in a fantasy/action setting, this can be used to describe their moves. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit.


Talent description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.

Talent description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.


Skill description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.

Skill description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend.







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Jack Stauber - I Love You Verne Troyer
Mac DeMarco - Chamber of Reflection
iDKHOW - Door


TOWARDS STRANGER: Describe your character's attitude towards strangers here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

TOWARDS ACQUAINTANCE: Describe your character's attitude towards acquaintances here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

TOWARDS FRIENDS: Describe your character's attitude towards their friends here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

TOWARDS FAMILY: Describe your character's attitude towards their family here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

TOWARDS LOVERS: Describe your character's attitude towards their lovers here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

TOWARDS RIVAL: Describe your character's attitude towards their rival here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

TOWARDS ENEMY: Describe your character's attitude towards their enemy here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


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CHARACTER NAME relationship

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CHARACTER NAME relationship

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