


2 years, 5 months ago



Name Parsley
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Bisexual?
Species Zeyxian/Wolven hybrid (anthro vampire deer)
Shifting Feral vampire deer
Magical affinity Life
Ref sheet Link to ref sheet


Parsley is rather chill and friendly, though she's also blunt and honest, and doesn't really have as much of a filter as some. As a life mage she's a very good healer, and she's very passionate about doing good in the world. Even so, she tends to come across as a troublemaker to some, and is quite known for civil disobedience to things she disagrees with. She is intersex, and while she uses she/her pronouns exclusively she does not identify as completely female.


Parsley was raised in Zeyx among the Zeyxians, and was generally okay with it despite some concerns about the restrictive and illogical nature of the culture she was raised in. But, as an adult, her actions in response to those concerns got her exhiled, branded with a scar on her stomach that marked her banned from her homeland. She does not regret her exhile at all, and is proud of what she did that got her there. As such, she looks on that mark not with shame, but with pride. She has no interest in returning to her homeland unless it is to help address the societal problems that got her exhiled in the first place.

Ancestry, magic, and shapeshifting

Parsley is a hybrid between a Wolven and a Zeyxian, therefore she is a life mage. She was born in her anthropomorphic form, so she is unable to take on a half-human half-vampire deer form. She is, however, able to take the form of a feral vampire deer if she wants to. As typical for all beastkin born in their anthro form, her magic was especially powerful from birth, and she is an incredibly skilled life mage as a result.



Inkwell Encrier [ Friend ]

Parsley appreciates Inkwell giving her a chance, his actions really helped her gain her footing after exile, and once she had that footing she was able to live life proud of her actions without worry for her well-being.


Julian [ Friend ]

Parsley has taken quite a liking to Julian, nicknaming him "Julie-bean." At first she just liked teasing him because of the flustered way he would react to the presence of a Zeyxian exile, but eventually she realized that he seemed to be trying to look past that and understand her point of view. Ultimately she found him very charming and enjoys having a fellow Zeyxian that's on her side for once.

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