


2 years, 4 months ago


  • Thavalor Bellerose

  • age 32
  • gender non-binary
  • Pronouns he/they
  • Species Dispater Tiefling
  • theme

adventurous• loves storytelling • confident• sarcastic


As the oldest sibling, Thavalor always wanted to be a role model for their siblings. He always listened to them when he was at home, and he studied the arcane eagerly at the Goldcrest Academy. He wasn’t as good as their friend Merlot, but Thavalor wasn’t a bad student either.

Graduated with quiet good grades, with which he could have got a good job for sure, Thavalor didn’t plan a quiet life for themself. After all, the “being a role model and always playing safe” thing wasn’t what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

Thavalor wandered through the lands & realms, always on the search for the next adventure. To make money for themselves, he became an seller of arcane goods & artifacts, and sometimes of arcane services.

"It's not that i don't love my friends and family. It's not that i wouldn't like to spend more time with them. But i can't stand the thought of having to stay at a place, when there is so much to discover."

Full Name Thavalor Bellerose

Nickname Thavalor

height 1,98 with horns

pronouns he/they

s.o. asexual

Gender Identity non-binary

r.o. queer

sign capricorn

origin Crescent Manor

occupation Adventurer and seller of magical artifacts and nick-nacks


  • celestial themed acesory and fashion
  • black tea
  • nearly everything with tomatos
  • adventours


  • fights with his familys and friends
  • having someone touching him or especially his tails without asking
  • when people talk about them, like he isn't in the room
  • the feeling of helplessness


  • has 3 siblings
  • loves telling storys and legends to others
  • gives great hugs
  • raided Veritas wardrobe half a year after he vanished, telling the others that " Veritas loved to share his clothes"
  • could have gotten better grades but didn't saw the point in it
  • gets into trouble often, mostly by being to confident about his abilities


  • Abjuration Savant
  • Arcane Ward
  • Projected Ward
  • Magic Missile
  • Fire Bolt
  • Comprehend Languages


Thavalor was the oldest of four children. Their noble parents were kind, supportive and had the money & influence to fulfil their children all their wishes. Thavalor still felt very responsible for his younger siblings, although he knew, he didn’t have to & tried to act as a role model for them. They had the best relationship with Bijou, his youngest sister. She was chronically ill and spent a lot of time in her room. Thavalor often told her stories that he made up or read books to her.

When they didn’t tell stories to Bijou or tried to do damage control of the chaos Pollux and Enigma created constantly, Thavalor loved to spend his time in the manor’s library studying the arcane books, his parents had collected over the years. One day his mother found Thavalor reading an especially complex book, that even she didn’t fully get a gasp on when she tried to read it. She asked him, if he wanted to go to a school, where he could learn more about such things, and where he could learn together with others, who were interested in similar topics. The child was thrilled and said yes. They started to visit the Goldcrest Academy.


There Thavalor met Veritas, Sterling and Merlot. The 4 children became friends soon, having similar interests and visiting the same classes, due to their wizardry focus.

The day that Veritas had to flee, and the school got attacked by the cult of Nonnos. Merlot nearly died from two powerful Witch Bolt spells. Thavalor was in the right place, time and mind to shield them from more damage, due to his talent for protective magic.

Life now

Graduated with quiet good grades, with which he could have got a good job for sure. His parents offered him, to get him a job at the queens court, but respected it, when their child said no. Thavalor didn’t plan a quiet life for themself after all. Working at the court sounded horrible boring. Being in a space where power was everything, where anyone wanted to be the best? No thanks, not for them.

Thavalor wandered through the lands & realms, always on the jump, always on the search for the next adventure. To make money for themselves, he became a seller of arcane goods & artifacts, and sometimes of arcane services. They still visit their family regulary and brings them little trinkets and souvenirs.


[ Friend ] One of their oldest friends.



[ Friend ] One of their oldest friends..



[ Former Friend ] Thavalor belives that Veritas is dead.



[ Sibling ] Younger sibling.



[ Sibling ] younger sibling



[ Sibling ] Younger sibling.



[ Parent ] His Parent.

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