Sarisse's Comments

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Hello! I absolutely adore this design!
Would you possibly be interested in a mix of cash + art?

My most recent examples are in the Completed 2023 Column

yepyep, mainly lf usd atm but art as an add on is fine! how much would you be offering? ^^

I could for sure do half the funds/half art. So 65$ plus art, but ive got some characters im shifting around i might be able to get some more funds to put towards her plus the art.

can do! ^^ how much would your chibis be?

Chibis are usually 10$ a piece ^^

ooki! I'll dm you! ^^

can offer 5 premades, 3 headshots, 2 halfs, 2 scenes, and 3 icons(2 animated)? Premades: (click green flag, then 'BONUS' for a bazillion non-based designs, all designs by me there. click for next/space bar on key board) Examples: 

can add a bit /swap a few things (2 premades = 1 icon or 1 headshot) and don't have money 

hello hello ! i was wondering if you accept haggles or mixed offers for them ? i have this howl for trade along with some USD ! i can also offer art if you're interested in that too :>

heloo! i can definately do a mix of usd and art! :D

what's the maximum usd i can haggle ? i can't do above $100 unfortunately ;w; you could contact my discord Moncie#6327 to discuss more if you want !