blanket's Comments

yoo would u look at offers

anyone outaide sonas? ive been kinda missing this dude

i’m so sorry! i didnt see anyone i would use!! <:((

wouldja maybe take art?

omg do you see anyone in my th besides mains in truesonas? they are so beautiful!! 😭💖💕💖💕 i’ll be tent with 00 tho! i can maybe do art as an add on if you’ll like that!    

aggghh sorry i was thinking abt it, would you do zipper and grinder? im super tent on this dude sobs

nono ur good! and yes i’m fine with that! totally ok if you decline tho :3

itd be cool if you added art, but im okay with those two ocs for this dude if you dont wanna do that!!

dyou mind pinging me if this guy ever goes ufo/eo again?

sadly i have a lot of owend art i need to finish atm so sadly probably not! but i hope thats ok! and i can def ping you! and do you think you can also ping me if you ever lose connection with grinder? sorry i offered the art i totally forgot abt how busy i am with the art 😭 but if ur not ok with that i think i can work up a chibi! sorry for making things confusing omg

nono youre good haha!! Ill definitely let you know if i lose connection with him, ill probably forget if u dont leave a comment there though sobs if you dont mind putting one. its alright man!! i forget alot too and get swamped in owed 💀💀 if you genuineky wouldnt mind doing a chibi after all youre other owed is done? i dont mind waiting a long time <:] if not i can send this guy iver now

2 Replies

Anyone outside sonas?

Maybe King, but i wouldn't give alias away for only them ! Possibly with an add on?

hmm mmm maybe a badge or two?

okay yah yah i can do that! how about of and ?

awesome!! by the way, once I send king over, would you let me know if they ever go eo or ufo? Would love to throw my hat in for em back :]

Of course! And if someone ever gains him when that happens, ill let you know who the owner would be!

3 Replies


I have this hgb design Id be willing to trade and make a proper ref for, 
or these guys! (minus pending and future premades)
I could also offer art! examples - 
if you dont vibe w anything its all good! just lmk :D

The hgb design is cute but i dont vibe w the canines sorry ☹️☹️ and i love your art but ofc looking for trades more so or money offers !

hello! I have this fella c: if he interested you if not I understand!  

theyre very cute but i dont think id trade for a canine hgb sorry!

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I like Shelby but thats it! I wouldn't take only them for Alias though

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If you look at anything outside of HGB, I can offer anyone from my offerables folder, even multiple depending! Also willing to add art :>

I love your art so much but im not sure on the characters. Since im looking for treades on most of my characters, ill have to think about it

Of course! Just let me know ^-^

Will do <3

Hey! Are you taking art and or mixed offers? if so i have examples on my TH and you could look for an oc for a possible trade :] im willing to do more than two pieces of art as well!

Heyo! I'd actually be really interested in art! c:

I have these examples! Im doing fullbodies in pixel too ^^

Would you perhaps be up to do a fullbody and a headshot then? ^^