Emil Frohman



2 years, 3 months ago


Emil Frohman

AGE 38
SEXUALITY Gay (Closeted)
BIRTHDAY January 12


Emil is a 39 year old composer. He went to a very prestiges music school and very quickly rose to fame after grad school. The love of his life, sadly, took his own life in the 3rd year of them being together, leaving him alone, besides his overtly Christian family and cat named Merlin.

His story consists of losing his faith and finding his way after realizing that God doesn't exist. Coming to terms with the fact that he is a gay man and the loss of someone important and his struggle with grief and anxiety.





Emil grew up in a very loving household. His family consisted of him, his mother, father and three older sisters. Being the only boy he knew that his father would expect a lot out of him even though he was also the baby. Early childhood was a dream, trips to Disney world every fall and his parents rarely fought. Though his sisters would pick on him they still cared about him and meant him no harm. His parents were very involved in church, always having people over for bible study, so he always had a lot of kids around to play with. Though he never really considered them to be friends. Church was always something he looked forward to, they always served breakfast and they got to play and draw.

In early schooling he found his passion was music. He started on a recorder but his parents then enrolled him in piano lessons. He took to it so easily it amazed everyone around him. At church on Sunday they would have him play the piano while they did worship music, he even sang back up and enjoyed the praise he got.

Later in life around high school age, he was mostly a loner and focused on music. His dad had hoped for a jock but was content with Emil’s aptitude for music. He mostly focused on playing the piano, violin and bass. He was never into girls though many had crushes on him. He took his one and only friend, Gina, to most dances to avoid the hassle of trying to find someone else. Gina was a lesbian though he would never tell his parents this, they didn’t like homosexual people. But he never quite understood how, as a christian, they could hate someone just because of who they were attracted to.

College Years

After graduating from high school, Emil applied to quite a few musical colleges and got into his dream college. When he arrived there he felt like he wouldn’t belong at all, he always saw his abilities as mediocre at best but he was surprised that he was in the top of all of his classes. Gina didn’t come to the same school as him but instead enrolled in the Navy. They kept in touch as much as they could but seeing as she had so much training it was hard to.

It was always hard for Emil to make friends and music school wasn’t much different. He had acquaintances and since he was attractive he had quite a few dates with girls that never really went far. Date, sex, never text back. He never enjoyed the sex. It was mostly just because that was what was expected of him. He wasn’t attracted to any of the women he dated. He would think they were pretty objectively but it would be hard to stay interested. .

In his second year he got a roommate, his name was Oliver. They hit it off pretty quickly, Oliver was an operatic singer and loved to practice while Emil played the piano. Emil saw something in Oli that he hadn’t seen in anyone before. He was attractive and enticing. It made him feel very uncomfortable because he knew that he shouldn’t feel this way for another man but here he was. Falling for his roommate. Oli started to notice Emil’s eyes on him and finally asked him if he had feelings for him. Emil didn’t know how to respond but his roommate pulled him into a passionate kiss. That is where their secret unlabeled romance started.

Emil went home for Christmas soon after finding out that he might be gay, or at least bisexual. He confided in his eldest sister, Ellie. “Don’t tell anyone but me and pray about it. Do not act on it because this is a sin against God and you must purge it from your mind,” she said after long consideration. She never told his parents and they never spoke about it again. This left Emil feeling gutted and very hurt. He spent his Christmas trying to talk to God about his feelings towards his friend. No answers ever came.

This was around the point in Emil’s life where he started to question his faith. He had never known anything besides God and the possibility that he may not exist was terrifying to the young man. He called upon the higher power for a sign so many times, on his knees sobbing alone but to no avail.

Emil never took his sister’s advice and kept loving Oli. Their relationship was hidden from the public eye but was special in its own way. Neither wanted to hurt the other so they never talked to anyone else while they were together. Oli wanted to make it official but understood that if they did Emil would most likely lose his family and didn’t want him to go through that pain.

Late College

In the later years of college, the workload got harder and everything got more stressful. Oli and Emil moved out of the dorms to their own condo and that added money stress amongst the stress of getting their degrees and thinking about graduate school. One of the brighter sides of moving meant they could adopt a kitten, they named him Merlin.

In mid February Oli’s demeanor changed drastically. He became angry, sad and nothing like himself. Emil didn’t understand what brought about this change. Oliver had never acted like this in the 3 years he had known him. Whenever he spoke to him about what may have happened he wouldn’t talk about it but instead changed the topic to other stresses in life. Later that month the unthinkable happened. Emil came home from class to find that the love of his life had hanged himself in their basement. He was horrified.

After he found Oliver he went back to his hometown and stayed with his parents for 6 months trying to forget what had happened but he just kept waking up expecting Oliver to be there and realizing what had happened. He never told his parents that he and Oliver were more than friends but they understood that it must have been hard for him to find his best friend dead. They never realized it was deeper than that. Merlin became someone Emil couldn’t live without. He would take him with him wherever he went in a cat carrier. Lucky for Emil, Merlin was a very well trained and well behaved little cat. His mother told him he should have him registered as a therapy animal, so he went and got him registered.

After Oliver

After Emil had spent those months living with his parents he moved back to his condo that he and Oliver had owned. It felt so empty and cold without his partner there but he also didn’t want to leave it. They had decorated it together and it was his home. He continued on to grad school while living there. He became a piano tutor for very talented children while he was going to grad school to keep him afloat and distracted from what had happened. Merlin would sit on top of the piano as he taught the children, they all loved the cat and he would get many treats and pets which made Emil happier than he had been in many years. He didn’t hate children but he definitely didn’t want any of his own, his sisters all had 2 kids a piece with the exception of his eldest sister who had 6. He would have his nieces and nephews over periodically. It was mostly to keep an eye on him because his sisters were very worried about his well being since he was in his late twenties and still unmarried.

Then came the pressure from his family to find a wife. Finally he came up with a way to explain to his family that he didn’t want to be married and was perfectly content single, without saying that he was gay. He told his family that he was asexual. They didn’t quite understand at first but he explained further that he had never had any real sexual or romantic feelings toward anyone, this was untrue and Ellie knew it but never said anything for the sake of her brother. Her eldest daughter had been talking to her about things and came out as a lesbian which softened her heart to homosexuality and didn’t want her brother to be ostricized from the family. If his parents ever found out they would never speak to him again, and she knew that that may push him over the edge.

After Grad School

After he had finished with all of his degrees, Emil started composing his own music more seriously, becoming one of the fastest growing classical musicians in the US by the age of 31. His music was melancholy and beautiful, it made the heart yearn for something that you couldn’t quite describe. He was asked to make music for movies and video games and slowly became a household name amongst fantasy lovers. He was featured on morning shows and at music festivals. By the time he was 35 he had won many prestiges awards. Merlin, of course, came all along the way. He would sit near his owner while he conducted orchestras even though it was loud.

Relationships (coming soon)


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