Mitsuru Kirijo (2043)



2 years, 5 months ago


Mitsuru Kirijo

Name Mitsuru Kirijo
Kanji 桐条 美鶴
Occupation Kirijo Group CEO
Age 51-52
Height 5'5" (166 cm)
Significant Other N/A


Mitsuru has spent decades leading the Kirijo Group and the Shadow Operatives, though nowadays she lets Aigis and Minako have the reins of handling the day-to-day business of the Shadow Operatives. Mitsuru never married due to her never finding a partner.

However, that didn't stop her from becoming a mother. After being pressed by the Kirijo Group board to marry for the sake of an heir or adopt an heir, Mitsuru took matter in her own hands and began to look for a sperm donor. She gave birth to her daughter Satomi in September 2024 at the age of 33. Eight years later, Mitsuru and Satomi welcomed another member of the family when Mitsuru adopted a little boy named Raiden. While Mitsuru sometimes finds her duties taking her away from spending time from her children, she's still a devoted mother to Satomi and Raiden. However, things have been stressful for Mitsuru lately, with the new Shadow nest cropping up...

"When you were born, I promised that you wouldn't have to fight the fights I did. My highest priority has always been to protect you."

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