


2 years, 4 months ago



5'11 (totally says they're 6 ft tho)

nicknames include: rye, lee, ube roll, r

voice claim: jesse williams

evil )!!!!?!$!!! sort of… maybe… 

the most mentally stable out of them all (not that it’s that hard) he’s still kinda . fucked up

honestly a friendly dude… zak’s childhood friend (they call each other z and r)!!! knows a lot more than they let on.. epicly infiltrates the government to find out WHY THE FUCK IT'S ALWAYS NIGHT!!!!! tired mom friend but also excited to fight at any given moment

his personality under the delegation is mainly a dumb, clumsy, and endearing guy that’s an assistant to one of the higher-ups. probably wears glasses and ties their hair back…. funny suits and vests too… think jang jun woo from vincenzo :P

frenemies… or more… idk what the hell is going on…. with luke. both of them have the same goal but riley is infiltrating while luke is taking the gov down from the outside. often butt heads, sometimes help each other and sometimes don’t. throw insults back a forth A LOT. tension go crazy in this bitch

actually despises vincent aka detective stick up his ass … bc vin is always on demon time + he's fucking around w zak... riley has to listen to zak talk about vincent and fight the urge to punch zak and tell him to stfu  because THAT MAN DOES NOT LOVE YOU..!!!! always highkey passive aggressive towards vincent (deserved)

acquaintances with keon, brings zak's motorcycle to keon to fix it up!!

knows OF damien from keon, luke, and zak. hasn’t met him though

extra notes:
smokes once in a blue moon, mainly w luke
knows most types of combat, most familiar with guns
smooth talker
fidgety mf... bounces his legs and rocks on the heels of his feet A LOT