Blue¡ Valebrokk



2 years, 5 months ago


Car Seat Headrest
3:19 6:46

robot | trans-demiboy | he/they | ageless

Blue¡ is a scientifically engineered project created by an unknown scientist. Their skin is made of synthetic plastics that are untarnishable. This makes them immune to heat, blunt force trauma, freezing temperatures, etc.

Blue¡ was originally designed to be a translator for Spanish, hence why they have the upside-down exclamation mark in their name. Blue¡ does not have a definite race, but he is able to fluently speak, read, write and understand Spanish, English, Japanese, Russian, morse code, binary code and wingdings.

  • nature
  • socialising
  • white noise
  • being late
  • impatience
  • their creator

Is it the chorus yet?

lawful good | infj | realist
level-headed punctual sensible

Blue¡ is much more soft-spoken and level-headed compared to his best friend, Pink!. Sometimes Blue¡ comes off as dry or cold because of the way he talks/types, but he doesn't mean any harm to anyone. Blue¡ is very hard to anger, and he rarely feels upset with people or things that don't go his way, however, this also applies when trying to make them laugh. He's quite shy at first but can be extroverted with people if he's communicating with them online. Because of this, he is much easier to talk to through text.

He designs all of the scripts of the content he makes with Pink!, he rarely has many lines himself, but he enjoys working with Pink! and writing their scripts. Despite being the script writer, Pink! is the one that comes up with the jokes. Sometimes, Pink! can go overboard with their jokes and Blue¡ is always the one to calm her down and remind them of guidelines they need to follow to be friendly to all ages. Overall, Blue¡ is the smart, quiet but helpful one of the two.


No! It's just the building of the verse. So when the chorus does come, it'll be more rewarding.

5'2" | slim build | dry demeanour

Blue¡'s design is meant to be the polar opposite of Pink!'s, Blue¡ has brown hair with a fade into pink, whereas Pink!'s hair is blonde and fades into blue. Pink! wears a bow on their head, but Blue¡ wears a tophat. Blue¡ wears a bowtie and shirt-collar around his neck, but Pink! wears a pearl necklace. Blue! only has one layer of clothing, but Pink! has two layers (a long-sleeved undershirt and a t-shirt over the top). However, they both have grey eyes, grey pants and boots. Neither of them have definite races, but Pink!'s skin tone is much tanner in comparison to Blue¡'s.

Important Notes
  • He has a singular eyelash on each eye.
  • They can be drawn flat chested or pre-op top surgery.
  • Their joints are to be drawn with lines through them, like a doll or puppet.

Don't you realise our bodies could fall apart any second?

Blue¡'s life story and current career.

When they were created, they were originally designed to be of the opposite gender than they are now. Blue¡'s designer originally used the female body prototype for them. Pink!'s original design used the male body prototype for her. This explains why Pink! is drastically taller than Blue¡. Due to rethinking design choices, their creator decided to alter the gender of their programming, but kept the same body prototypes. This has actually caused dysphoria for both of them, since Blue¡ is usually being called female due to his long eyelashes and feminine body prototype. This is the same for Pink!, as she has a masculine body prototype and no eyelashes.

Pink! and Blue¡ were created in the same laboratory by the same scientist. They "grew up" (learnt their senses, how to use their body and about the world) together and have never really been apart. Since Pink! was accidentally dropped when she was first created, when their AI was much more fragile, her ability to learn is much slower than Blue¡'s, so he always helps her out when learning new tasks and concepts. In present time, they work together to create content and communicate with the world throughout the internet.

Some friendly pedestrians found Pink! and Blue¡ in the back of a technology store. Pink! and Blue¡ were put there because the scientist that created them died, and since no other scientist really had that much faith in that scientist's projects, they packed up Pink! and Blue¡ in a box and put them outside somewhere, hoping someone would take them. Fortunately, the pedestrians were kind enough to help them out, and introduced them both to the world. This was the first time they been outside of the laboratory they once lived in.

Current Story

Pink! and Blue¡ work as content creators, they livestream and upload videos basically daily. Since they are known across the world, they speak multiple languages to be able to communicate with their viewers easier. The videos and livestreams they upload are automatically posted with subtitles in every language that they speak. Their content ranges from animated story-time videos to DIY baking videos to gaming and coding livestreams. They also create content to explain how robots or AI work, and the myths surrounding them. They also raise money for charities around the world.

Pink! and Blue¡ sleep by turning on their sleep mode or shut down button, located behind their earlobe. When they press shut down, their AI temporarily turns off and only turn back on when their active hours start, which are programmed into their AI. If they press sleep mode, then their AI temporarily turns half off, all of their senses still work, making this mode the only mode that they are able to dream in when they sleep.

However, when selecting sleep mode, they wake up whenever they hear a noise. If they don't sleep, their AI grows tired, making it run slower and leaving Pink! and Blue¡ feel drowsy. Pink! and Blue¡ are solar-powered, making them allergic to using batteries on themselves (this would be like drinking an energy drink for a human), because of this, they need to go outside daily. Since their protective coverage is a strong, durable plastic, they do not get affected by rain.

I am terrified, your body could fall apart at any second.

Pink! Valebrokk
Best friend & Sibling

best friend & sibling

Pink! and Blue¡ grew up together, seeing as they were made by the same scientist. The two had always been there for each other, Pink! would often comfort Blue¡ when he was feeling upset or dysphoric, and Blue¡ would always be there to help explain something to Pink!.

Blue¡ would die for Pink!, if they were ever in danger, they would be crushed and very determined to try and save her. The two work together as Twitch streamers, donating to charities around the world and positively engaging with their fans.