Jazz Saturnin



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Name —

Jazz Saturnin

Sex —

Birthdate —

October 28 2005

Species —

½ Timber × ¼ Cascade Mountain × ¼ Mexican Wolf

Appearance —

A grayscale wolf whose presence seemed to extend beyond his medium-sized height, he was proportionate, decently built and moved with confidence fitting of his experience. His silvered shades were darker towards his top line with an occasional shock of black and brown mottled in and paler beneath to nearly white at his chest, belly and legs. Jazz’s eyes were a sharp, crisp blue and in his younger years were complimented subtly by a tiny starburst of gold in his right eye, but age faded it. Later in life, he was missing his right ear, with heavy scarring stretching across that side of his face to the corner of his lips. Other distinct scars from his sizable collection were across the bridge of his muzzle, on his chest and crosshatching his legs, especially on his right hind leg around the knee. He was also missing half of his lower right canine tooth.

Personality —

Stubborn, sometimes brash. Protective, devoted. He was a reckless youth once.