


2 years, 5 months ago


NAME: Kite 

AGE: 25

PRONOUNS: he/him 

HEIGHT: 5’10’’

RACE: Aethyreal



MAGIC NAME: Spirarekinesis

WAND: A blue cabochon stone. No importance. Just a random shiny rock he found at the back.

DESCRIPTION: Using the cabochon stone on his neck as a mana source, he is able to manipulate atmospheric pressure. Useful for an extra oomph in his punch, or giving others the uncomfortable feeling of your ears ‘popping’ on a plane, but he could only do this to small objects / short periods of time as it can be straining.



Optimistic | Curious | Childish | Mischievous | Lazy | Selfish

At first glance, there is always a sweet innocence to Kite, but do not let this fool you. What he’s really after is your assistance in the form of free labor. Although he may seem hard-working and diligent in isolation, he is actually very, very lazy. When others are not available and he must complete tasks on his own, it may seem like he is focused on his work, but that doesn’t change what remains on his mind — the fact that he would love to have an extra set of hands to help him. Why do all the work yourself when there are others who can relieve some of the weight off your shoulders? Whether the tasks are mundane or tiring, he longs for assistance.

Knowing there are a plethora of capable hands to help him, he is an optimist. Always smiling, positive, and appearing worry-free. Other than doing the brunt of the work himself, not many things bother Kite. Through optimism comes his playful, childish nature. He enjoys the thrill of adventure and tries to find fun in every aspect of it, even during the times he may have to do things independently. However, as curiosity kills the cat, his curiosity may put him in difficult situations. Despite the troubles, he will still try to stay positive.

With his positive personality, he appears to be friendly and pretty easy to get along with, but this is all part of the plan of gradually roping in new helping hands and connections into his life. When others ask him for favors, he will consider providing them with his assistance. He mainly considers himself as everyone’s cheerleader due to his laziness.

Strangers or trusted ones alike, he may be friendly, but there is also a mischievous side to him. He enjoys a good laugh once in a while through harmless pranking. He has a selfish way of thinking on top of that. Many of the actions he does mostly benefit himself in some way. This includes the pranks. They are mostly for his own enjoyment. He doesn’t care much about others’ reactions, just as long as they don’t hate him completely.



Kite would not consider his childhood as an uneventful one. Born from the natural air magic that radiates around Alterra, Kite resides from a small family of collector elves (antiques and rare items) within Jewelia. More specifically the enchanted cities above the clouds. Like many aethyreal, Kite spent most of his childhood and adolescence in his home region. Since the start of his life, he had been surrounded by the aged and charm of antique things in his family’s antique shop. He was quite fond of the magical store as things were delivered from all over Alterra. As a young elf, he was able to help out in the antique shop. After the first few days of his working experience, he found that it was excruciating and boring. He thought he would enjoy it, looking at old and new items being brought in and the stories they all told. But. The actual work part of the job. The selling of the items and the brunt of moving the heavy ones seemed to require a lot of effort to him. He didn’t complain about it though, instead, this sparked his longing to just be lazy and let others do the work for him. He is however still interested in the antiques as they can cost a decent penny, but the working aspect of it was too much for his lazy mind.

Through the work, he was patient. He waited until he was old enough to go out on his own in search of his own beautiful charming artifacts. Because of his family’s beliefs on the other races, Kite was only able to start his adventuring journey within Jewelia. Unfortunate, but it was a start. However, it didn’t take too long for him to venture outside of the elven region. If the other races were less superior to the elven, wouldn’t it make sense to rein dominance on them? That was his first thought—to gather a group of ‘servants’. 

Venturing alone was a mistake. The loneliness he felt while being alone was just as excruciating as working alone in the antique shop. Despite all that hardship, he didn’t complain about it. Instead, he trod forward, befriending anyone he crossed paths with. One of which convinced him to join a guild. He didn’t expect much from this decision, but other than the enemy slaying, he fell in love with it. Interesting foods, smells, sights, and most importantly, helpful kind people/ connections made everywhere he went. The more people he met, the more he slowly considered that perhaps it wasn’t that bad to do things for others once in a while.


  • He is somewhat shorter than the other elves, but he doesn’t mind this as elderly people often mistaken him for much younger and give him gifts. 
  • Is very thin and tries to wear loose clothing to hide how boney he actually is.
  • Doesn’t really talk about himself, he would much rather like to know more about YOU!
  • It is rare for him to do things for someone else unless someone asks him to.
  • Likes seafood and would love to go fishing if he had the chance, but he can’t swim (or float) and has a fear of deep waters
  • He is a horrible cook.
  • He loves antique items (look, charm and prices~). He could always make a good buck off of them.
  • Would rather spend most of his days napping than doing any hard work.
  • Is really good at playing the recorder. 
  • More TBA