


2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


This creature appears in my comic, The Beasts Of Forton Forest.



Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia (Animals)
Phylum: Chordata (Chordates)
Class: Mammalia (Mammals)
Order: Carnivora (Predators)
Suborder: Caniformia (Dog-like)
Family: Cornigercynidae (Cornicks)
Genus: Cornigercynus
Cornigercynus tenebrae

Original Creator: Tat'yana Sippy 


It is about 2.15m/7.05ft at the withers and somewhat dog-like. It has long, shaggy black fur, red eyes that glow white at night, sharp yellow teeth, hooves, a long hairless tail, and only the male has horns. When people (well, actually anthro animals...) go camping in a cursed forest, during new moon, the adults always turn into a Cornick at 12 at night, while all individuals under the age of 18, seem to be unaffected. 


It is quite aggressive and bloodthirsty. Even the females fight each other, as well as the males, over food or territory. The Cornick is gluttonous and eats as many other creatures as it possibly can, even it's own, still normal looking, children. During the 100 years this curse exists in the forest, children basically have been eaten by their own parents!


Not known, because the creatures are often killed before the next sunrise. But it is thought to be viviparous.


The Forton Forest. A fictional forest in Mississippi (USA). The creature is always hunted and killed by a witch who lives in the forest, and who is somehow immune to the curse.


C. tenebrae is the only known species.


The Cornick is afraid of fire and the curse can be broken by letting a Cornick eat a Fire Flower. Fire Flowers always bloom the day before, the night during and the day after after a new moon, and always where the remains of the first three children, who were eaten by the first Cornick, are buried. When eating a Fire Flower, the Cornick seems to be in great pain, dies and then dissolves until only it's skin is left. The cured person then appears from under the skin, though a bit dazed. When a Cornick doesn't eat a Fire Flower (and not being killed) before the next sunrise, the curse will be permanent, and thus the Fire Flower won't work anymore. The only remedy then is killing the affected person to protect the outside world from any danger.