
6 years, 11 months ago


(Previous owners info(spoopysmore)/Will change soon?)

ηυαηg тнε αввεяαηт 
 | early 30's | D&D main5192817_OtnzOWa2jKeJTgh.png?1521872873

  • backstory: nuang was a part of a nomadic tribe of orcs that kicked her out for failing to do one of their most important orders, in conflict with their and her beliefs. she then became a climber explorer, venturing out to find her purpose, before settling as a jack-of-all-trades who tries to do as many jobs as she can to sustain herself. she joins the party in hopes of having somewhere to call her home, and to be out and about exploring again and to have some sense and meaning to her life once more.
  • personality: nuang, contrary to popular orc sterotypes, is a rather nice girl. sure, she is undoubtedly strongwith her brute force, but she only uses this to show off tbh and doesn't do much violence. she is rather shy and is easily flustered. she's a bit paranoid and protective, especially about the things and people she are about. she's easily attached and forms very genuine, deep sentiments over things like a rock sculpture she once made. nuang is also a bit hard-headed and stubborn at times, refusing to stand her guard, but once someone talks it over to her she will concede, even with a long face. she takes some time to come to terms with beliefs and opinions that aren't hers but is willing to try. she is very caring, often cheering other people up, although she acts very awkwardly to people she's fond of. she didn't know how to act around anthea, the really pretty but quiet girl that she liked, and she's not used to being someone's apple of their eye. she grows confident over time though because she knows annie loves her for who she is and will never try to change her. they try to help each other improve, but want nothing more from each other tbh.

more info in her authorized tab
Race: Orc | Class: Horn Hunter | Alignment: Chaotic Good | Background: Exiled & Explorer