Heïreck - Monstersona



2 years, 3 months ago






Date of Birth
21st of June

Mythical Forest Being










A mystical woodland creature of artistic nature. They make paint out of berries, bugs and other materials they find in the forest to draw strange patterns on the trees and rocks. Townsfolk have speculated these patterns tell a story... but none dare to decipher the strange markings in fear of falling prey to a curse. ....The curse of them never being able to shut up about their characters to whoever shows interest.... They are very innocent.


  • Drawing
  • Finding Beetles
  • Swimming
  • Rain
  • Practising Woodland Magic


  • Human politics
  • Touching grease
  • Mosquitos and Horseflies
  • Human schools
  • No freedom


  • They were originally going to be blue/green-ish! as a whole!
  • They have a sibling named Valmaar, who lives in the city!
  • Heïreck's neck bells have tiny eyes so they resemble smiley faces
  • They live in a little house underneath a tree.
  • Heïreck loves drinking muddy tea!

Design Notes

  • Their "horns" are soft and jiggly. They can inflate them like balloons!
  • They have a party whistle tongue that makes tooting noises when blown!
  • Their tummy displays their current fixation!
  • They have sideburns/cheek fluff!
  • Face is both a bit humanoid and a bit animalistic.
  • Their entire face is covered in short fur
  • Their hands have very short and round fingers
Aesthetic Inspiration And Vibes

Heïreck was made to fill a humble void in my chest that wishes for simpler times. Times of baking bread at home, drinking tea at sunrise and catching a glimpse of a fox at dusk as the dirt roads quiet and light starts shining through the windows from inside. Needless to say, hobbits and cottagecore in general were a huge inspiration! 

They were also made with the feeling of uneducated wonder. And with that I mean, a lack of knowledge leading you to fantasise about how something works or what lingers in the unknown. Like children passing on the tales of the werewolf that lurks in the woods at night, or what devilish creatures could possibly linger in the depths of the ocean... 

They were also made to explore the unknown abilities and wonders of the mythical beast itself! Everything in my main universe is explained, but I want Heïreck to have various, fantastical tricks up their sleeve! Like the wonders of the unknown in My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away and Ponyo!


Heïreck has many hidden abilities that have yet to be explored and yet to be shown. If you understand their vibe, let your imagination take the lead on all the things they could do! One thing is for certain though, the burdens of society weaken their powers. Unless they're filled with so much love for life itself, they're basically powerless on the streets! Their abilities stem from nature, wonder, love and awe!

The Life Of Heïreck

Heïreck gets up in the early morning just before sunrise to make a muddy tea (with actual mud!). They'll throw around some bird seed and leave some nuts for the squirrels. Then, they sit in their favourite chair at the window and watch the sun rise, where they'll enjoy their hot drink in peace. 

How the rest of their day looks, totally depends on the day itself! They never plan ahead and just let the tasks come to them. Tummy rumbling? They'll go bake a pie! No ingredients? They'll go out foraging to look for them! Getting dirty while digging up roots? They'll take a bath when they get home! No painting supplies? They'll go scavenge for new ones! Every day is a new adventure.

In the evening they'll make a nice warm meal for themselves and leave out some food for the local hedgehogs. They'll read in a book, write a story or draw until they get sleepy. That's when they'll go to bed underneath their big and comfy sheets and usually, go to sleep. Sometimes though, the stars are too wonderful to pass out on, so they'll go outside and enjoy the view (often times falling asleep in the process)

Valmaar [ Sibling ]





Valmaar is Heïreck's older sibling. They live in the city and sell their art there. Heïreck can't visit Valmaar there, because their magic easily gets drained when walking the busy streets, but they support their sibling's endeavours. They have a lot of respect for what they do, even though they don't understand it.

Gnörf [ Friend ]





Gnörf sometimes finds himself wandering the woods home to Heïreck... When he visits, he and Heïreck exchange food, items and ingredients. They also have a little chat to catch up! They don't meet often, so when they see each other again it's always nice!

Bappie [ Friendly Stranger ]





Bappie is a Harpy who sometimes visits Heïreck's garden in the early morning when they throw around some seeds. They don't talk, but the two are on really good terms. They have a silent understanding and respect for each other

Willby Stonk [ Friend ]





Willby is a regular at the hidden mythical café in the woods. There, he's always drinking his troubles away. Heïreck likes talking to him, but he doesn't seem to like it as much as they do. But at least some company is better than nothing.

White Winter Hymnal
Fleet Foxes

I love the energy of this song. It makes me feel free and at peace. I like imagining my main gang singing this song together while camping.
This song inspired me to do some soul searching and research spiritualities and maybe call one my own someday.