astreus diaz



2 years, 4 months ago


[NR] Sclera, Heterochromia
[S] Hair, Shine, Claws
[C] Fur, Tail, Backmane
[UC] Ears,Tongue
[R] Height (Munchkinism), Horns




Any pronouns, Nonbinary Lesbian

 Benign Demon


Child of Wilson Diaz & Billie Young


Single, open for IC/OOC breedings and/or romantic partner(s).

Arcane/Dark magic types - Currently undecided job.



Despite being a demon, as well as an Arcane/Dark type magic user, they've developed many ways to turn that magic into something much more to the tune of healing & growth, rather than spreading more of the inherent darkness they we're born into. Instead of falling down the path so many believed they would as soon as their magic type appeared, they refused to cause any harm through their magic and instead use it for the good of others. It drains them more than it would otherwise to force their magic into healing & growth magic, but they're becomng more accustomed to it over time and the strain is considerably lessened through practice and time.

They aim to bring kindness into the world, and despite their very neutral and serious expressions and tone, they aim to be as genuine and caring as their nature allows.

They tend to stick to gardening, forestry, & plant growth at least for the moment, because there's much less risk of backfiring with plants than on other living being. They do enjoy their work to the best of their ability, but hope to be able to work in the magical medicine field, and with training and patience to learn to control the backlash of their magic, they're on a great track to getting there.

Overall, they try their best to be a good person. They're kindhearted underneath it all, and want to bring happiness to the world. Their demonic nature lends them to anger outbursts as well as uncontrollable magic backlash at times, but they're doing their best to keep it under control. For the most part however, they come across as a silent type, but calm and friendly, perhaps not as charismatic as some, but warmhearted enough to have many friends and a few very close friends they consider family. They don't inherently understand most facial expressions or body language, and certain types of jokes fly right over their head, but they're enjoyable to be around and are well known in the community for being there for you when you'd need it most.

They are especially tender and gentle with kits, and would NEVER intentionally harm them, so they reign back the worst of their demonic nature around them. They want kits of their own too, and would absolutely be an amazing parent, as they have a lot of love and devotion to share.  They are responsible and independent, & would give anything they have for their kits. They may not be the most wise person, but they do have a lot of worldly experience they'd want to pass on to their kits.

However, despite all their good qualities, they have a selfish, greedy, envious side. They love a bit of time alone, to do their own thing without anybody bugging them. They can disappear for days on end at times, just to get away, & when they do they tend to go camping to connect with nature and regroup their emotional energy. They have a bit of a tendency to put their own needs first, but in the end, if somebody truly needs them, they'll show up- with the exception of their trips away. 

They can get very greedy, & very envious of what others have that they cannot get. It's one of their biggest flaws and leads to a lot of anger and arguments. As well as that, they have many collections, hoards as some say, and get extremely possessive and protective of them. They're the same way about food, and people learn very quickly not to mess with their things. This is a demonic quality they have never been able to shake and may not ever, which they've accepted & let their friends know that this is a boundary for them they need respected.

They try so hard to be good, and they're getting there. They're putting in the work to improve themself every single day, and their parents couldn't be more proud of them.