[$10] spooky gal's Comments

Hello! Could I offer anyone from https://toyhou.se/TheMeowstermind/characters/folder:2815425 including redesigning tho some are off limits ^^ I’d also be interested in https://toyhou.se/14241778.mizu as well 

feel free to ask about anyone or ask for multiple 

I was actually interested in your open customs if that's okay, I wouldn't mind trading spooky and mizu for two customs :D

I’d be fine with that! What would you want?

omg, im so sorry. i thought i had replied and then getting ready for my toyhouse purge, found out i didnt ;; my bad, i was wondering actually if instead of a character trade, maybe we could do an art trade if that's alright?

Oops so sorry for the lateness! I don’t think I’d be interested anymore sorry!! And your good ^^