Jumper n’ Pawnsy



2 years, 5 months ago


|| Always wanted an oc based on a chess piece lol ||
Jumper and Pawnsy are two little chess pieces trying to survive in the “Unknown Wild”. They came from opposite kingdoms of “The Chessboard”. These two kingdoms never had well relations with each other, in fact they have been fighting for generations and generations. They are sworn enemies. However, history can’t stop Jumper and Pawnsy from being the best of friends.
Jumper || it/its || knight/horse chess piece
“Foward? Foward together!”
Jumper is an energetic and happy knight! Or horse. Or whatever you call it. It is a carefree, innocent fella living in the wild. It’s a fella that skips around the meadows and enjoy the summer breeze on their sunny days, and it jumps across puddles during rainy weather. You can tell that Jumper always finds the joy in all sorts of things, and simply loves everything. Despite it’s limited vocabulary, you can very much tell that Jumper shows it’s love by taking care of it’s loved one, whether it’s making soup or giving warm cuddles in the cold night. Jumper however is also someone who happens to be pretty naive and often times not very alert, which often ends up getting the two in trouble. It just doesn’t seem to be quite aware of danger. Interestingly, Jumper doesn’t see, to know anything about the two kingdoms either. The forest seems to be all its ever known. At least, all its ever remembered…
Pawnsy || it/its || pawn chess piece
“Can we just . . . not fight?”
Pawnsy was a pawn that was thought to be killed in a war, only to find itself woke up in a den with a particular knight. Horse. Whatever. Traumatized from the battles it was forced to fought, Pawnsy is someone who’s often cautious and vigilant. It is very terrified of many things, and easily startled. Especially now since it lives in the untamed wild filled with dangerous threats [who we’ve known as “pigeons”, “dogs”, “leave blowers” and who knows what else]. It was someone who never liked conflict to begin with, someone who’d rather have peace with others and longed for harmony in it’s hometown. Despite the fact it was diminished and belittled by the “stronger ones” of its place, Pawnsy is actually someone who is very clever and comes up with the best of strategies, able to make things to defend itself and it’s friend. However most of the time it’s hidden by its anxieties, which makes it too overwhelmed to concentrate. Pawnsy’s original goal was to find a way to go back to the “Chessboard”, however the more time passes by, the more Pawnsy realizes that it would stay in the wild, especially since it could stay with its best friend forever and any reminder of the war only gives it nightmares
⁃ The “Chessboard” is actually an actual chess board, and “Unknown Wild” is actually a local park. It’s kinda like the legos in lego movie y’know? Being sentient that is unaware to us while they aren’t that aware of our existence.
⁃ Pawnsy can almost only walk foward, and is terrible at walking backwards [if it tries it’ll just trip and fall] like most pawns. Meanwhile Jumper only jumps.
⁃ Jumper speak in horse noises, however they are few words it can say which are “no”, “jump”, “foward”, “king”, “queen”, “bishop”, “rook”, “knight”, “pawnsy”, “together” and “yum”.
⁃ Pawnsy real name is actuall Pawn-G7. The nickname “Pawnsy” came from Jumper!
⁃ Pawnsy loves puzzles!
⁃ Jumper loves soup! There’s this one recipe Jumper cooks all the time [yes Jumper can cook], and it knows the ingredients and where to find them by heart.
⁃ Pawnsy freezes when treaten.
⁃ They both cuddle together in a grass blanket when sleeping.  
⁃ There’s an urban legend in the land among the “Chessboard” called “The Pawn Promotion”. Legends says, that once a pawn from the opposite kingdom reaches the “edge” of the land’s borders, some miraculous event happens to grant the pawn any power it ever wishes. Some say that you could be granted the power of a queen! However, no one in the board has ever witness it themselves.