
Darth Nox
Charos Kallig
  • Freedom
  • Strength
  • Keeping promises
  • Deception
  • Abusing the innocent
  • Weakness
  • Authority


Spiteful, arrogant, and ambitious. The stronger she becomes with using the Force, the more fed up she is about always being subservient to everyone. She knows where to make allies, but she will also not hesitate to kill anyone that stands in her way.

She wishes to destroy the Empire as it is because it's been regular ruination all of her life. To flee and serve the Republic has never been an option: with the Empire, they didn't trust her because of her origin, but they also underestimated her, resulting in her rising in power; with the Republic, they wouldn't trust her because of her Sith origin, and they would always be wary around her, so she could never be an ally.


In the immediate aftermath of the Sacking of Coruscant, a local family was enslaved by the Empire, and eventually, they were separated. Ultimately, the Sith Order discovered the young daughter as Force-sensitive, so she was bought and shipped off to a Sith Academy. She was named Charos, as her old name was irrelevant.

10 ATC


(Note: Game plot description is copied from Wookiepedia, with minor changes.)

Discovered as an enslaved person, Charos was brought to Korriban for training as a Sith, as Charos' Force sensitivity impressed those who found her. This was when the Sith Order had decided to accept non-Imperials to be trained as Sith Inquisitors. Upon arrival at the academy on Korriban, the newly-dubbed acolyte was assigned to Overseer Harkun, who was instructing other non-Imperial Sith and primarily held formerly enslaved people in contempt. In this case, he was tasked with finding an apprentice for the Sith lord, Zash.

Despite being given near-impossible tasks, Charos managed to pass whatever Harkun threw at her. As a result, she gained renowned praise for the feats she performed in the tombs by others.

In her final trial, Charos freed the dashade, whom she learned was Tulak Hord's renowned, ancient shadow assassin, Khem Val. Upon release, the mighty creature immediately attacked Charos but was ultimately defeated. Per dashade tradition, he pledged loyalty to the one who had bested him, giving the acolyte a powerful servant and companion. They continued onward, defeating many droids in their path before recovering the ancient map that Lord Zash wanted.

Charos delivered the ancient map to Harkun, who was quick to snatch the map out of Charos' hands and give it to his star pupil just as Lord Zash appeared. Zash killed the other acolyte with Force Lightning for attempting to deceive her and instructed Charos to meet her at her office. The acolyte complied, and Lord Zash accepted her as her new apprentice, telling the young Sith to meet her next at the Empire's capital of Kaas City on Dromund Kaas, but not before gifting her old lightsaber to her.

While preparing to leave the academy and travel to the capital, Charos was met by another Sith apprentice, Ortosin, who brought an ultimatum from his master, Darth Skotia, Zash's superior. Charos refused to answer the request, and a duel ensued, in which she killed Ortosin and the two thugs that accompanied him. Charos then departed to the Imperial Navy's headquarters, a massive space station called Vaiken Spacedock. There, she met Overseer Kryos, who helped the new apprentice decide on the path of the Sith Sorcerer.

Upon arriving at Dromund Kaas, Charos assisted her master in assassinating her rival and superior, Darth Skotia. As she was a mere apprentice, no one expected her to be responsible, instead insisting that Zash somehow pulled off the murder. Since she had a tight alibi, however, her master was instead promoted to Darth.

Eventually sent to the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas by Zash, Charos discovered ancient roots to a Sith Lord, a one-time friend and greatest enemy of the ancient Dark Lord Tulak Hord, Aloysius Kallig. The ghost of Kallig recognized her to be of his bloodline and the means to restore his family name to greatness. He warned Charos that the Sith play an endless game of treachery, a game his heir must win. He advises her to beware the master and apprentice and never to be taken by surprise.

Also, while at the temple, Charos found a relic of Tulak Hord stolen millennia earlier by Kallig before his death. After learning of her ancestry and recovering the artifact, Charos returned to Darth Zash and discovered that many other artifacts were hidden around the galaxy. Charos was then tasked with finding these artifacts on Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Alderaan.

Legacies of Old

While searching for the artifacts, Kallig manifested himself on his descendant's starship. He was suspicious of Zash's intentions, who was preparing some ritual in his temple, and he wanted Charos to be ready. Recently, he discovered that his old Sith mask was in possession of Lord Khreusis, and he tasked Charos to recover it. The young apprentice found Lord Khreusis on Korriban and slew him to take the mask as her own. Later, after collecting all the artifacts, Kallig contacted his descendant once again. This time, he wanted Charos to claim his old lightsaber given to Jonas Escalus for keeping. The last descendant of Escalus at that time was Mila Escalus, who was working on Nar Shaddaa. Charos tracked her down to one of the casinos, and Mila revealed that her late father gambled the lightsaber to a criminal named Gyl Rosen. Charos went to meet with Gyl, but he refused to give away the lightsaber. He was then killed, and the lightsaber was reclaimed.

After acquiring all of Tulak Hord's artifacts, Darth Zash summoned her apprentice to the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas to begin the ritual. Bringing Khem with her, Charos discovered that Zash's true form was decayed and decrepit as a result of her use of the dark side of the Force, and this whole time she barely concealed it with a Force illusion. Now, she intended to take her apprentice's body as her new vessel, but Khem intervened before she could complete the ritual. Though her body died, Zash's spirit wound up in Khem's body. Furious at her apprentice's betrayal, Zash threatened to use Khem to exact her revenge. However, Zash discovered that because of the Dashade's bond to his master, she, too, was bound to serve her own apprentice. Worse, she had to fight Khem for dominance of his body.

Shortly afterward, Darth Zash's apprentices, including Corrin and Kaal, arrived and noticed the body of their master. Kaal accused Charos of murdering Zash and attacked. Corrin quickly ended the fight and explained that Zash dreamed of Charos killing the master and leading the Sith to glory. Zash's apprentices then dedicated their loyalty to the new Sith Lord, the Kallig name’s decreed heir and Tulak Hord’s successor.

11 ATC

Sith Hierarchy

Despite inheriting Zash's power base and the title of Sith Lord, the victory was not to last. Darth Thanaton, an emissary to the Dark Council and a staunch traditionalist, sent Lord Kallig into the tomb of Darth Andru, expecting his foe to become the deceased Sith Lord's latest victim. Only her ancestor's timely intervention prevented that. To gain more power to defeat Thanaton, Aloysius instructed Charos to go to the tomb of the Sith Lord Ergast to learn the Force walk, a ritual that can bind Force ghosts and draw on their power. After binding both Ergast and Andru's spirits, Charos returned to face Thanaton, but the Dark Lord still proved more powerful and seemingly killed her. Luckily, the two ghosts kept Charos from dying, and Zash's other apprentices saved their new master before her body was disposed of.

Requiring more power before facing Thanaton, Charos headed to Taris, then Hoth to find more ghosts. After gaining more ghosts and allies, Charos returned to Dromund Kaas to face Thanaton in his private meditation chamber. Charos killed Thanaton's apprentice, but as the Lord turned to face Thanaton, the power of the four ghosts inhabiting her body suddenly went out of her control. Charos' body started failing, and the ghosts threatened to drive the young Sith insane.

After returning to the ship, Zash searched for a cure for Charos. Shortly thereafter, she realized Thanaton switched to Darth Iratus’s and Darth Vilus’s journals as they had suffered similar problems. Charos then invaded Thanaton's private library, used Force persuasion on the guard captain, and recovered the real journals. The Sith learned that Iratus went to Belsavis and Vilus to Voss to find a cure, but both had failed in their search. As Zash and Ashara began researching the planets, Charos went to Korriban to check up on Harkun and the potential acolytes.

12 ATC

Power and Duty

On Belsavis, Charos retraced Iratus' steps in an attempt to heal the decaying body. There, she managed to find an ancient Rakata Mother Machine and, in exchange for her DNA, she helped recreate her body to withstand the physical strain of using the ghosts.

Upon returning to the ship, Charos received a call from Moff Valion Pyron, who offered to ally with the young Sith against Thanaton. He explained that to win other Moffs to her cause, they needed to prove she was more worthy of leading the Empire than Thanaton. His solution was a fleet-killing superweapon, codename "The Silencer,” a project which Thanaton scrapped, claiming that the Force was superior to any new technology. What was left to complete the weapon was a CN-12 chip, which was constructed on Nar Shaddaa. He suggested that Charos reach out to the Cult of the Screaming Blade, whose allegiance she won as Zash's apprentice, hoping to obtain the CN-12.

Returning to Nar Shaddaa, Charos learned from the cultists that the CN-12 was being held by a trio of cyborgs called the Veil, and they only wished to speak with the Sith. Upon learning this, she met with the Veil, who attempted to bargain the chip and their assets for control of the cult. However, Kallig used Force persuasion to receive the CN-12 and compel them to join the cult.

Charos returned to her ship to report the success to Pyron, who then informed her that Thanaton had ascended to the Dark Council, his predecessor dying under mysterious circumstances. Pyron added that the other Moffs might not be eager to oppose a Dark Councilor. Charos then asked Pyron about his motives for opposing Thanaton. The Moff stated that Sith tradition had kept the Empire from crushing the Republic and that Lord Kallig would be far more suited to accomplish this than Thanaton. As Pyron signed off, promising to complete the Silencer, Ashara approached Charos, reminding her Master that they cannot face Thanaton with the ghosts out of control, and suggested they go to Voss.

Once at Voss, Charos remained on her best behavior as she sought guidance from the inhabitants for her own sake. (Imperial forces believed this was to maintain good standing with the Voss in the name of the Empire, but it was actually for her interest.) Finally, Charos met with the outcast dream-walker cult, and she learned this technique to travel the dream world and learn about the mind-healing ritual. Surviving the experience, she was directed to the Shrine of Healing, where she learned from a Voss spirit that a dream-rock in the Nightmare Lands could subdue the ghosts bound to her. With the assistance of a Gormak outcast named Hadrik, who agreed to help in exchange for passage off-world, Charos entered the dream world once again to beat the ghosts into submission, and the dream-rock healed her mind.

Upon returning to the space station, Charos and Hadrik found Sor-Nak waiting for them, who declared that his people would reject the Empire by taking a Gormak off Voss. Impatient, Charos used a mind trick to make Sor-Nak blind to Hadrik.

Harkun then contacted Lord Kallig, sharing that the slave acolytes were in their final trial. Returning to Korriban to await the acolytes during their last trial, at first, the Twi'lek Seferiss arrived with a tablet in hand, but Xalek turned up and killed Seferiss to take the tablet for himself. This blatant disregard for Sith tradition upset Harkun, who decides to pass up Xalek for the next group. However, Charos made an exception for Xalek and gratifyingly used Force lightning to finally kill Harkun, taking in Xalek as her new apprentice.

Lord Kallig then rendezvoused with Pyron's flagship, the Doombringer, and they successfully demonstrated the Silencer's capabilities, although at the cost of Thanaton's minion, Darth Achelon. Impressed, Moffs Dolus and Graham agreed to an alliance with Charos. She then instructed Pyron to see their new allies receive a Silencer for their capital ships.

With Lord Kallig's victory and newly made allies in the Imperial military, she now had a formidable power base Thanaton was forced to acknowledge. Thanaton soon called for a Kaggath on Corellia, an opportunity for one another to silence their foe once and for all. Thanaton put many resources towards shutting down her base of operations and fought the lower-level Sith Lord as much as the Republic defenders. However, Charos managed to get ahead using knowledge and power to avert disaster.

Thanaton finally challenged Charos to a duel on Corellia. Still, when it became apparent that he would lose, he fled to Korriban to plead to the Dark Council for the formerly enslaved person’s execution. Unfortunately for Thanaton, the Sith Lord interrupted his speech before he could convince anyone. Curious to see why Thanaton could not destroy the young woman himself, the Dark Council allowed the two to duel again in front of them.

After one last struggle, Charos proved they were the stronger Sith and unleashed the power of the Force ghosts to overcome Thanaton's Lightning Storm and brought him to his knees with the power of the Force. Beaten, Thanaton crawled to his fellow Dark Councilors, pleading for their aid, but Darth Mortis reached out with the Force and snapped Thanaton's neck, killing him instantly for breaking the rules of the Kaggath. With Thanaton's seat on the Council now open, Mortis offered his position to the young Sith. Darth Ravage protested, stating that a measly lord could not sit on the Dark Council, but Darth Marr silenced his protests, saying that she had earned the right. In light of the reputation earned as a dark side master, Marr bestowed Charos with the title of Darth Nox, head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge, one of the twelve power bases of the Sith Empire.

Afterward, the newly christened Darth Nox returned to Dromund Kaas to enforce dominion upon those formerly of the Sphere under Darth Thanaton and gain their allegiance. As soon as they were all dismissed, the ghosts pleaded to be freed, which she granted, although Horak-mul willingly remained.

With her new council position, her sights were set on the Empire itself, wishing to reshape the conglomerate that had plagued her entire life from within.

The Ilum Front

Sent to observe the Empire's efforts on Ilum, Darth Nox witnessed the declaration of Darth Malgus' betrayal. Finally allowed to enact her vengeance on the one responsible for the Sacking of Coruscant, she gained access to his ship under the guise of joining his side. However, Malgus subdued her, having sensed her hatred for him this whole time. Coerced in teaming up with an apparent Force-user on the Republic's side, she finally struck down Darth Malgus. Given a runner's high, she never noticed until the last second that her unlikely ally had a face strikingly like hers. As the entire fleet was exploding, there was no time to question this, so she escaped.

15 ATC

Rise of the Hutt Cartel

At Darth Marr's instruction, so he could keep the Empire focused on the Republic, Darth Nox helped with the situation on Makeb. Despite issues with a particular Hutt, she successfully stabilized the planet’s core and made the Republic and the Hutts believe its supposed destruction, leaving the isotope-5 resources all to the Empire. This earned her Marr's respect, who was previously dubious of her capabilities compared to Thanaton, and he entrusted her with helping him keep the Empire focused on its goal, especially following the announcement of the Emperor's death.

16 ATC

Forged Alliances

Upon fellow councilor Darth Arkous' request, Charos assisted in the first wave assault on Tython. In the immediate aftermath of their success, she was inspired by Arkous' apparent goal of looting Jedi intelligence to find information on her doppelgänger. Although she did not learn much, due to the vagueness of her files, she knew that her name was Trisja and that she had spent eight years on Tython, training to be a Jedi.

Despite holding no love for Korriban, she kept up appearances of being a representative power and defended it when the Republic coincidentally attacked it.

Having impressed Darth Arkous' advisor, Lana Beniko, she approached Charos privately. In confidence, she shared that she was suspicious of Arkous' recent activities and foresaw that whatever he was up to would endanger the Empire. Although she agreed that something seemed off about her fellow council member, she had nothing concrete to follow up on. Instead, she decided to earn his trust to figure out what he planned, so she sold Lana out by telling him of her suspicions. Grateful for this insight, Arkous shared that he knew of her initiation into the Revanites years ago and offered her to join them permanently. Darth Nox feigned interest, asking why their activities now were more ambitious than they were back on Dromund Kaas, and that was when she learned a shocking truth: the cult was now led by the Revan.


Shadow of Revan




Khem Val Friend/Servant

Initially, the two held animosity for one another: Khem was disgraced that he was bound in servitude to a mere child, and Charos just earning her first taste of power by being in control of him. During her growth, however, she found Khem's company reassuring, and they formed a unique, unusual bond.

Xalek Apprentice

Impressed with his no-shit-taken attitude, Charos sees Xalek as a kindred spirit, due to their similar origins. Despite her being nine years younger than him, he earnestly looks to her for lessons, and in turn, they watch out for one another on the battlefield. She does show slight caution otherwise, due to her ancestor's advice of never trusting her apprentice. If he decides to kill her, she intends on striking him down first without hesitation.

Darth Malgus Sworn enemy

Although she hardly remembers who she formerly was, she remembers she lived on Coruscant when it was attacked by the Empire to force a treaty sign, leading to her life of slavery and resentment for them. Once she learned that Darth Malgus was responsible for leading the attack, she now had a face for who specifically to blame, and she swore to find a way to kill him without jeopardizing her own position.

That came during the Battle of Ilum, when Malgus announced his betrayal by establishing the New Empire. With this newly opened permission, Darth Nox finally enacts her most important act of vengeance. He's always sensed her pure hatred for him, however, and he easily knocks her aside, proving to be far superior in strength. He's disappointed in her, as he's certain she would have joined his cause if not for her abhorrence. It's not until a Republic Force adept appeared to lend her strength, and together, they finally destroy Darth Malgus.

Darth Marr Co-worker

surrogate father-daughter relationship where she's the moody teenager and he's fed up with her attitude {tba}

Trisja Temporary ally/Doppëlganger

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