


2 years, 5 months ago


Most of his kithood was spent on a box by the sidewalk with "1$ for each" scribbled on it, also loaded with 8 other kittens that may or may not be his siblings, he couldn't tell. Being the literal mental runt of the litter, everyday seeing one of the kittens being adopted, he was the only one left, not even after the box straight just said "free" everyone just seen to ignore the poor kitten cries. months passed, the box already soggy and crumbling from the rain days, the guy that used to feed him hasn't come back in 2 days. Starving, he made his way out of the box looking for anything edible.

Living in the streets and eating mostly leftovers from restaurants and people's trash, and occasionally actual food given or accidentally dropped by a kind soul. This also meant being asked more times he would like, if he wanted to join a certain group of cats, being promised with "easy food" "protection from rain" "mostly clean water" for street standards it sounds good, too good in fact to not have something fishy about. Somehow he got dragged there and threatened to stay.

Welcome to (hell) Bloodclan ██, where he was either completely ignored, yelled at or called stupid. This was a terrible place to learn about his breathing and allergies problems because of the dust and stress for just being there, having constant wheezing and coughing attacks that most of the times made him being yelled at by the others members. Like everyone else he was given a collar for reasons they didn't bother explaining, that's supposed to be filled with canines right, well he only had one, he lied about getting on his own because the dog was already dead.

Being stuck between Bloodclan and forest cats war shenanigans, he got a chance to sneak around in a blind spot, meeting in secret with a Windclan she-cat named Poppyfur, she said her part of the clan was migrating back to their camp and asked if he wanted to join the migration and possibly the clan, since she knew about Bloodclan life conditions and had being just decaying since she was there, he really had nothing to lose so he happily accepted.

The migration was harsh, walking day and night, not enough food for everyone, especially for him that was constantly given bad looks because of his collar and y'know, Bloodclan origin, and his breathing lost and coughing was either saw as inconvenient, annoying or just plain creepy. But after all the suffering, they're finally there, the Windclan camp, and he was almost dead, tired, starving, and to top it all of had a stress lost of breath attack, Poppyfur immediately took him to the medicine cat den where they had a very heart-to-heart conversation where he asked Poppyfur to remove his collar, marking his new life as a clan cat named by the current leader, as Grayface. Poppyfur was the first one to congratulate him and guide him of how an clan works.

Grayface and Poppyfur had a pretty platonic relationship at first since Grayface knew about Poppyfur's two possible candidates for mates, and he didn't want to them to see it the wrong way, and cause an unnecessary argument or worse pick a fight with way stronger toms, so he kept his boundaries in check, but even if Poppyfur had two more "suitable" toms to be her mate, she was really more interested in Grayface circling him around and generally just really enjoying to spent time with him, until his very presence started to give her butterflies and the pappy look he always gave her as a good morning made her blush, she couldn't hide any longer and confessed her love for him.

At the worst possible time. Since no longer after that a dispute between clans broke out and many..way too many lives were lost in that petty fight, and unfortunate Poppyfur was one of them, she got tangled in that whole mess and was killed, leaving her mate in a deep depression and despair, even if the love Grayface felt for Poppyfur wasn't exactly the most deep and romantic, he still lost a friend, his only friend.

One thing that helped him cope during his grieving process, was lay in the middle of the plain fields of grass feeling the cold wind gently brush his fur. It was there he met Mountainheart, a she-cat that also shared the grief of a lost mate, she helped Grayface deal and eventually move on from Poppyfur passing, at one point both of them felt a little spark that evolved over the moons into love, a confession wasn't needed they both knew.

Mating season hits for everyone and that includes Mountainheart, that kindly asked Grayface (that almost had a heart attack) if he wanted kits, which he agreed on and after an awkward look around for a proper bush, the circle of life continues.

Moons passed, Grayface watching his mate pregnancy like a owl, when his kits were born, he fainted. After waking up and actually meeting the kits he loved them the instant he saw them, seeing a little of him and Mountain in each four of them made him feel...happy, a special kind of happiness.

Time skipping to where another war, this time between clans, forced Windclan to move to the mountains for a bit, in which Grayface almost died from a asthma attack half way through that made his mate and his kids (except Slothbird he had a narcolepsy episode at the same time and straight up slept during his dad almost death-experience, which Mountainheart yelled at him and almost clawed his face). Windclan could ran but the war would follow, killing most of them including Grayface and his son, Mountainheart wasn't seen after that neither were the rest of their litter.

Author's Note: All of this is a retelling of everything (with some creative liberties here and there, to cover up what i don't remember) that happened to this OC during the time i used him in RPG. If anything regarding health conditions or disorders is inaccurate, i was an edgy 12 year old at the time and couldn't be bothered to do research.