Badru 'Stiff Tooth'



2 years, 5 months ago


His name is Swahili for "born during a full moon", which he was. 


The white patch on their ear is on the outside, not the inside.

'Stiff Tooth' is the name he is best known as by others of his kind, especially the herbivores on which he preys upon, 

and the occasional fellow meat-eater in which he has wronged by eating a relative or two.  oops?


He may have a bit of a bad rep amongst his peers and the fact that he is a bit of a loner doesn't help his case any but 

he is loyal to the few friends he has and has a secret soft spot for younglings, in which he will help out if they're lost or alone. 


While he loves to wander from place to place when he is home you'll find him to be very territorial in regards to the little patch of land and

 cave in which he considers to be 'home'. Other males especially aren't welcome here, unless they want a fight!


As barbaric and brutish as Badru may first appear, he is actually every bit as intelligent as any other MYO of his kind! He just prefers to live on the wild side.