Ilya Kurinova



2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Ilya Kurinova
Height: 5'11''
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Half-elf
Occupation: Newly acquainted adventurer Hedonist
Relations: Kitty Quinn (Bestie), Chad (Same party), Effie (Party frend smily face), Rorik (Same party), and Cas (Party friend and also gay for)
Noteworthy facts: Got consentually beheaded! Left a lil bit of a scar.  Orange catlike eyes. Also lil fangs. And another fun fact! He designed  his own sick-ass grappling chain knives. He's just a funny goth twink :)

He's hot and sexy and has 19 intelligence. Fuck da police

Aus rundown:

Canon Ilya:
- Doing absolutely fine. Needs no therapy. Got beheaded but he got better. A bit odd but he’s nice :)
Musician Ilya:
- Doing the worst. Absolute wreck. Very set on being in complete control and hellbent on ruining people who hurt him. Also Mean.
High School Ilya:
- Bunks off lessons but somehow still gets great grades. Try and shove him into a locker for being a nerd and you’ll get a pack of girls ready to throw down on his behalf
Hoedown Ilya:
- Cowboy :) Deceptively manipulative. Shot a dude but don’t worry! It was self-defense!