Flossie's Comments

Anyone in my th

hello! would you look at character offers for this one, or is it money only? c:

I’ll look at characters! I can be a bit picky though 😅So money is more of a guarantee 👍

(Edit: I should clarify, I’m mostly looking for monkey/primate characters right now, but if I’m allowed to redesign them to be monkeys that’s ok too!)

haha I can't say I'm super surprised by that! I think https://toyhou.se/1352232.shishi-tent is the only actual monkey I have available for now, however you're totally free to change any to monkeys if you see anything in these folders you like c: 



and if not that's okay too, i appreciate the consideration!

Would this character be ok?


Absolutely! I can transfer them over now :•D

Thanks! I transferred giraffe over :)

1 Replies