Liliane Bleuette



6 years, 8 months ago



Liliane Bleuette




Blue crane







Shipping status


Physical description: Incredibly tall, graceful figure. Over twice the height of the average duck. This height, added to a bit of absentmindedness, makes her incredibly clumsy. 

Occupation:  She works as an intern/assistant for Professor von Drake. 

Hobbies: She has very little time for hobbies, preferring to spend virtually all of her time working. But when she does take time off, she quite likes to explore Duckburg and go for walks (often finding herself very, very lost.) She also likes to dance and watch really bad movies. 

Backstory: Liliane was born in France to two scientists. Her mother was the far more brilliant and motivated of the two, and considering the the times they lived in, she often published papers under her husband's name in order to get them read and accepted. Liliane and her family were all caught up in the war when it hit France, her parents being swept away to work with Nazi scientists, while Liliane was put to work sewing clothes and making ammunition for the Nazis. Her mother told her to keep her head down and do as she was told, and it would be ok, and so Liliane did, even after she learned of a tragic, mysterious lab accident that claimed the lives of both her parents. She kept her head down and kept working until the war ended, and only then was she able to begin to put her life back together and finally was able to pursue her love of science. She eventually became a particle physicist at Strasbourg, where she taught for a few years before wanting to advance her career further and moving to America. Virtually unheard of in America, and being a female scientist, she was hard pressed to find a job until one Professor von Drake recognized her name and achievements and took her in under his wing to gain reputation and hopefully eventually branch off on her own. 

Summary: Liliane is quiet, demure, and comes across a bit airy and dreamy. She has a tendency to zone out and ramble when she talks, and walking and talking is borderline dangerous for her as she often just walks into things. She has the patience of a saint, something dearly needed to work alongside von Drake. She adores Ludwig and considers him to be her best friend alongside Lijiang, another scientist she works with. Ludwig is the first boss/coworker she's ever felt completely safe with and she treasures it, even if she won't tell him that out loud. 


  • She used to take ballet and can still do en pointe. 
  • Unsurprisingly, she speaks French and German. English is her third language. 
  • She loves fashion and dressing up.