


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Aug 28


Sharp turns and amazing agility.


She really doesn't like to be bossed around or do things the orderly way. She likes to fly much for team work. Her wings never fold in and as a result she has a habit of running into things or knocking things over.

Parents reaction

Soarin took it all in stride and perhaps with a little too much excitement. He decided that with this little filly he needed to teach her everything! Spitfire was more annoyed than anything. The filly was causing all sorts of setbacks, problems and in general messing up her team dynamic. Finally Spitfire felt the need to give Soarin and ultimatum, The foal or the team...After that Soarin left the wonderbolts with FireFlight in tow and formed equestria's soon to be premier junior flight team, The Wonderfoals.


Fireflight is the magical mash up of Wonderbolts, Soarin and much to her dismay, Spitfire. since the arrival of the mirror in Equestria the team had been under strict orders to stay in Cloudsdale or in flight at all times. How could a mirror appear in mid air after all. Magic, thats how! The group was gathering for a practice when the flash occured. Someone shouted 'Look away!' unfortunately for Soarin that meant 'look dummy!' Not having heard the whole message Spitfire turned to see what the fuss was. Another flash and there goes the egg. Being a non magical item now the egg began to plumit. Spitfire quickly lunged after it and chased it through the clouds, but not to worry...little wings had popped out and left it fluttering about like a humming bird.

After she hatched Fireflight never folded her wings in again. She is a sassy, though laid back filly. She prefers hanging out and doing nothing but watch the clouds go by or snack until its time to fly. Once in the air though she is hard to catch.