


2 years, 4 months ago


Nómashrétalu is a kajtlemta of riverine ancestry. She is a sensitive soul, quite timid and not really the sort who particularly enjoys adventuring. She would much rather be back on the homeworld of Rushédak, perhaps apprenticing to become an arctic-oceans biologist or searching the boreal forests for traces of the fabled frostspire cities conjured by ancient warlords of myth, each night sharing newly-realized hopes and secrets with the other sisters of her pack beneath the glow of the triune moons.

Instead, Nóma finds herself careening through the interstellar void, caught in the middle of pitched battles during which fleets of space warships hurl unimaginably powerful ordnance, both mundane and arcane, in her general direction, or exploring dead-sectors whose scoured, ruined worlds still bear the telltale scars of demons and heiyao. She trusts her captain and loves every member of the tight-knit pack that crews his ship.

It's the other Ensouled Folk they deal with that leave her most discomfited—the towheaded, steely-eyed Hraðfaringr humans, the cackling, laughing gwemoueb hweba and their unnatural love of technology, the oppressively regal, leonine atrauéti in their resplendent robes surrounded by constructs of living light. She's been told that they might be friendlier if she didn't snarl at them whenever they tried introducing themselves, but finds that advice rather ridiculous.

Still, she presses onward. Journaling keeps her sane, as well as long letters dispatched back home whenever they cross paths with a willing courier. She appreciates her packmates—they might tease her sometimes, but they also stand up for her, encourage her, and listen patiently whenever she shares with them whatever's on her mind.