



full name: Willow Esteria

Divinus nature

B-day :Oct 21


After Willow was sentenced to the dreamlands, they spent many years planning to get back at the woman who sent them there. During this time, Averron made way into the dreamlands searching for his father. Willow didn't take kindly to the approach (thinking he had somehow discovered their plans and had come to end their existence) and a fight ensued, but after some clarification Willow took peace with the encounter.

Many months of repeated visits occurred thereafter, for Averron had developed a bond with Willow, both taking pity for one another. And although Willow was bound to the dreamlands, they had been allowed to leave through rifts that Averron had cut open for them, even if for very temporary amounts of time. Their friendship was cut short when Willow found out that Averron was the reincarnation of Abbadox, his "father". Willow had been around during the events of Abbadox and during his tyrannical attack, they had been left responsible for recovering all of the lost souls he had left destroyed.


Divina was once abundant with unicorns, they were seen by those who resided there as a trademark of Divina. But unicorns weren't friendly and were truly known to be aggressive and harmful when approached. Sometime during the early years of Ademius' reign over Divina, he sent his champions on a hunt for the unicorns, killing them off by the thousands, much to Aeda's disliking. Aeda retaliated and grieved over the loss of the unicorns and used her powers to revivify the one she saw fight the bravest. She gave it a new form of her choosing, allowing a second chance for the fallen creature amongst a new life. The newly revived unicorn took it upon themselves to devote their life to Aeda for the gift she had bestowed, and for a time defended her as one of her champions, taking upon the name "Willow" after the trees that had grown around the foundation where Aeda resided. After a few centuries in Celestia, The portion of Divina that Aeda took for herself, Willow found that they didn't want to fight and defend anymore, and confronted Aeda, explaining to her that they wanted a new identity somewhere far from the Divinus. With Aeda's blessing, Willow left through the Ever and found a new liking to guiding souls to the afterlife after the attack of Abbadox, this was the calm that Willow preferred. Unfortunately, This new way of life was ill-timed as the old ruler of the Underworld had recently been killed and a new one had risen, Willow was targeted and attacked by the woman who had claimed power of the throne. Shocked and angered, Willow was reluctant to allow this loss and fought once again, only to be banished to the dreamlands. The lost souls they were guiding had been conquered by the new ruler, and Willow took that fat L.


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