Valil Gentlebreeze



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Valil Gentlebreeze








Quiet, nervous



>Overview: Valil is pretty average for an Aurin with a few exceptions. His knowledge of Arboria and it’s ravaging at the hands of the dominion is non-existent, along with pretty much every important event or thing known to most beings roaming the newly found legendary planet of Nexus thanks to a strong case of retrograde amnesia. He's not very strong, at least not as strong as he used to be before being put in cryo. He relies mostly on stealth to get around and out of trouble, and if that fails, his feet. His occupation is exploring, but he's easily lost and has very a poor sense of direction. He's a fan of high places and often climbs the tallest thing he can to figure out where to go. He's a bit of a twig and sometimes reacts to things in an instinctive manner that implies he was once actually quite fit, but now lacks the strength or coordination to preform the way he used to which often leads to him throwing very weak useless punches, or over estimating his strength or grip which leaves him laying at the base of a tree rather than in it's branches.

>Physical Description: His biology is much like any other Aurin. He’s about average height, a tad underweight and very scrawny with a side effect of muscle atrophy due to him being in cryo for some time, but he has tall pointed ears and a tail just like everyone else. He wears a wrap near the end of his tail to hide a bald spot where he was chewed on by an overly excited chompacabra while stumbling about Nexus one day. He's since learned not to try and pet anything cute on a weird alien planet.

>History: Valil awoke from his Cryo-pod very confused. All he knew was his name was Valil Gentlebreeze, thanks to the data displayed in the cryo storage room. All other data on him had been corrupt due to the Gamblers Ruin’s last jump to Nexus space, or destroyed by rogue medic-bots. He made his way onto Nexus, knowing absolutely nothing about himself, his heritage, or his soon-to-be new home. It wasn’t until a year on Nexus had passed that he discovered his younger sister through sheer luck one day. (Actually thanks to Pix) She helps coach him in Aurin interaction as well as trying to get his memories from Arboria back. Now they live on their Protostar Sky plot, Pinehaven Watch, constantly trying to improve it. As well as trying to pay off an incredibly huge bill addressed to him by Pix Slywalk... for detective services? (See Pix's Bio)

>Info: Valil is a bit of an awkward fellow when it comes to interaction. He's gullible and easily tricked in social situations as he relies on imitation or instruction from other people to properly communicate. This makes him very easy to tease or fool. He's unfamiliar with Aurin customs he once knew and has developed a habit of shaking people's hands from watching human exiles interact rather than hugging which is more traditional for Aurin. He's not especially good at talking, and has always been a bit on the quiet side. He's hesitant to ask questions and keeps most of his thoughts to himself or in his diary, which he's been keeping since he woke up. He's very determined to learn though, so you won't see him moping.