


2 years, 4 months ago


In some deep place in the Deep Woods you'll Find a Smithy where a Powerful creature resides, one capable of doing the most powerful weapons known to mankind as long as you're able to reach the place safely and have enogh goods to commission a weapon from her, this creature is Iarann the Iron Nymph Iarann a VERY grumpy person with an exploding personality, she does not like people At All Her favorite activity is to just be alone in her smithy crafting the most powerful weapons You'll ever see in your entire life Ashley Often Visits Iarann to give her a Hi, and Iarann secretly enjoys Ashley's Company, but most of their conversations end up with Iarann just Throwing Ashley out of the Smithy and Locking the door because of Ashley being very persistent to talk to her

She Isn't able to control Metal but she can create flames from the palms of her hands and her chest which as you can see it's an actual Oven, in that oven she often puts metal so she can craft her weapons, and when she's Low on energy she puts Either Coal in her Chest Oven, or Straight up Eats the coal The ONLY company that Iarann actually enjoys are chickens, there are some outside of her Smithy and she enjoys having them around since they don't cause any Ruckus, and she thinks they look magnificent Iarann's 6'0 but her Armored High Heels make her look even taller than he actually is Her dress armor was made by her, from the skirt, to the arm armor to her armor Corset She has two moles, one in her face, and another one in her Shoulder