Aefir Mistrest



2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Full given name

Aefir (Althaire) Mistrest


Wood Elf Ranger (Fey wanderer)

Original bust designer:

Quinnmanellan on DA. They are an extremely talented artist that I would highly recommend.


Aefir MistreST

Fey Wanderer ⋆ Ranger ⋆ Lvl 10

Is this the norm for you all? Dying?



Aefir Mistrest


"aefir" "Ace"






Wood Elf





Place of Origin

nepthimas nimarr

Aefir Mistrest (pronounced: Ay-Fear Mist-rest) grew up in Nepthimas Nimarr, the "world city" that spans the entirety of the Feywild of Elderon (a homebrew world featured in the Elderon - End of the Beginning campaign), under the teachings of his mother and rangers like her. 

Aefir was taught the ways of the hunt by his kin, and completed several of their trials, tracking and capturing beasts of various sorts. During one such challenge, the beast he was tracking led him to a breach between the feywilds and the material plane.

Taking this as a sign, the ranger informed his kin he desired to go there, to explore the material plane, and off he went. 

It took a decade of living in the territory he had landed in upon crossing over to this plane to properly seek adventure, but that time exploring those forests allowed it to become his favored terrain.

Now, he is traveling with the "Mother Huggers", a group of adventurers employed by the Portside Investigation Guild, "P.I.G", seeking out riches and wonder in this vast world.


To be added at a later date.

How he got his scars: The scar on the side of his face was caused during one of his lessons as a youth, where he was being taught to work with beasts. He moved a bit too suddenly and the animal lashed out in defense. He blames nobody other than himself for this. The injury discolored the skin, but it has smoothed out substantially over the years.


Kin (Parents, extended family)

Aefir doesn't have active contact with his kin, but they wished him well when he left.


Aefir's mother, named Briellwin, is a hard worker, and instilled this trait in him when he was young. Her philosophy in life is to take risks to better yourself, but do no harm.

"This is simply another challenge to overcome."


His father, Althaire, is a very practical man, and offered him wisdom in his youth whenever he could.
"Do you have a roof over your head? (Yes) Do you have food in your stomach? (Yes) How about your heart, is it still beating? (Yes) ... Then everything else is on the outside. You have survived another day. Just do it again tomorrow."
(Derived from a quote my great-grandfather told my own father shortly after I was born, and he was worried about various things. I loved that old guy with every ounce of my being and miss him dearly)

Related character

A description of the relationship goes here.


Theme 1 2



  • Soft fabrics.
  • Being elevated.
  • Small "pest" animals, such as mice, squirrels and frogs.
  • The sound of thunder
  • Silent spaces.
  • Flashes of Lightning
  • Large Felines

Thoughts on Ranger Pets: Aefir has mixed feelings about ranger's pets. It can be beneficial to both, it's true, but ultimately, the power lies with the ranger, and he worries the beasts don't know true freedom.

Thoughts on storms: One of his first nights on the mortal plane was spent under a tree, nestled between its roots as he listened to the rain fall and thunder rumble in the distance. It's a comforting sound to him, one he can never grow tired of. Lightning, however, makes him uneasy- the flashes of light play tricks on the eyes and make you see things that aren't really there.
