


2 years, 5 months ago


Basic Information

  • Name: Raimu Nehan
  • Pokemon Species: Electivire (Melanistic) / Goodra 
  • Gender/Pronouns: she
  • Age: 33
  • Birth Date: 31st October, 1992
  • Height: 160 cm (antenna included)
  • Weight: 58 kg (antenna included)
  • Occupation: Receptionist

Personal Information

  • Personality: 
    + Playful
    - Unintelligent
    - Glossophobic
    - Childish

  • Backstory: 
    Raimu was the firstborn of an Electabuzz family in Sunyshore City. In school, she was very well-known as the kid who was gifted with a very high vocal range and beautiful voice. Because of that, very soon she found some new friends who are also very good at singing and they formed an acapella team. The team has been submitting several videos of their song covers to the internet, which receive a decent amount of views and likes. Pleased with the result, the team aimed to participate in the national singing contest one day. Although given how talented the team was, they could have performed really excellently in those contests, Raimu found out there was a huge obstacle in front of her. And that obstacle, was her stage fright. And no matter how hard she tried, Raimu couldn’t overcome her weakness, unfortunately. Not wanting to drag down everyone else, Raimu made the difficult choice and left the acapella team.

    After graduation, Raimu decided to move out from her family and live on her own. She has been applying for several different jobs, which, however, none of those lasted long. But one day, she received a message from her old acapella team member. To her surprise, the team didn’t do well in the contest since Raimu left the team. But the team didn’t want to give up their music career, so they decided to open a voice training school instead. Since they used to be good friends with Raimu, they wanted to invite Raimu to come over and help them out. This literally helped Raimu's life a lot. Although, Raimu knew she was incapable to be an actual voice trainer. But at least she can choose to be a regular staff there, which is the least she can do for her friend.

    Lately, the voice training school was trying to expand their business to Shinjo. Raimu was one of the few chosen employees sent to work in the new school in this region. And with this, Raimu started a new life in Shinjo.

  • Inventory: (Assault Vest (in use), Expert Belt, Orange Silk Scarf, Silver Silk Scarf, Zap Plate, Draco Plate, Fighting Gem, Dragon Gem, Electric Gem, Red Scarf) 10/10

Pokemon Information

  • Level: 
  • Typing/s: Electric / Dragon
  • Ability: Sap Sipper
  • Battle Stats:
    HP90 +10 (Goodra)=100
    Attack123 (Electivire)+97=220
    Defense67 (Electivire) +8=75
    Sp. Attack110 (Goodra) +15=125
    Sp. Defense150 (Goodra) +50=200
    Speed95 (Electivire) +15=110
    Total635 +195=830
    (+67 Atk, +33 SDef) for being an island citizen.
    +5 HP SP for joining a Halloween masquerade.
    +10 Atk SP for being a cat.
    +5 Atk SP for Trick or Treating with pranks.
    +3 Def SP from White Day.
    +5 SAtk SP for being a cat.
    +5 SDef SP for being a cat.
    (+1 SDef SP) x 2 from White Day.
    +5 Spd SP for being a cat.
    +5 HP SP, +15 Atk SP, +5 Def SP, +10 SAtk SP, +10 SDef SP, +10 Spd SP

  • Moveset: Wild Charge (Electivire), Cross Chop (Electivire, Egg Move), Dragon Pulse (Goodra), Power Whip (Goodra)


  • Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
  • Relationship Status: Single
  • Chatroom Name: OjouLime
  • Morality Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Nehan Raimu is a Japanese name. In Kanji, it is written as 涅槃雷夢.
  • Back when Raimu joined the voice training school, Raimu's position was stated as "receptionist", but she also does many other paperwork that is outside her job duty. This is because at that time the school were still very small, there are not much staff and many staff has to hold dual position. For some reason, her position remained unchanged even when the school got bigger, however.
  • Raimu's two little siblings are really good at brass instruments. Remon is good at trumpet and Renji is good at trombone. Whereas, the best instrument Raimu can play is tambourine.
  • In terms of singing, Raimu's specialty are vocaloid songs. She can sing most difficult vocaloid songs in original key without falsetto.
  • If her voice training school is an anime, her voice sounds she is the main protagonist of the  show, according to Purin apparently.
    -However, there is a main weakness of her when it comes to singing. This weakness become more obvious when she is singing karaoke, which is she tends to go all out in  the first few songs, and then her voice will become all gritty and she  will revert to a regular girl who loves to sing.
    -Despite her good singing voice, her usual speech voice is quite irritating.
  • The job requirement of being a voice trainer in the voice training school does not require any formal certification, so technically Raimu is  qualified to be one of the voice trainer, but the main issue is Raimu is just too bad at explaining any concept.