Saki Yuma



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Yuma Saki

Nickname :

Saki, Yuma, Saki-chan

Personality :

Pure and Bubbly


Daytime (student), Nightime (Barista)

Age :



Guitar and Singing (in his favorite spot), Reading Novels and having his coffee morning


Background :

Saki is from a musician family and he's an only child. He's dad was pianist and his mom is guitarist. they are from poor family and lived in a nearby village. in order to make saki's future bright, his parents always go on gigs and sing in the bar and events to earn money. which ended they are come home late and always tired cause of financial problems. He knows his parents are always tired cause of their work and stressed. He must do something about the problem. Saki saw cafe that is hiring a barista and he went to a barista training for the job and he got hired. every night, he works at the cafe and serves the costumers with a shy smile. cause he's shy when it comes to contact to person, but he must overcome this for his parents. every morning till afternoon he attends his classes and use his working mine for fees and tuition in his university. He's an music student majoring guitar. He's biggest dream is to be inspiring guitarist that inspires people and make people feel at ease. When he was a kid, he always goes with his parents every gig and listen to their music. He doesn't want to his parents about his studies and being an only child has a pressure on him, but he doesn't let pressure affect his studies. he tries his best to work hard as student and as barista.