Leonardo Hernandez



2 years, 5 months ago



Leonardo Hernandez was born to a family of wealth. The name of the game was the mines, brilliant diamonds and shining gems for miles. Money flowed in like a river and set up his family for generations of wealth. However, all mines run dry eventually. 

An earthquake struck in his early 20s, trapping his mother and father in the mines as well as a few hundred miners. Then the cave in, and it was all gone. However, one of the miners blamed Leonardo's father for his death, and cursed his family name with his dying breath. This caused a gem in the mine to activate, as if it heard his request to bring nothing but death and destruction to the lives of those associated with him. 

Years later, Leonardo was called to the mine that caused the cave in, as if it was a whisper in the night beckoning him to go home. He brought a small search party with him as he searched the entrance of the cave, and only saw rubble. Unbeknownst to him there was a brilliant green gem dangling above him on the rocks, a gem covered in the blood of the man who cursed the family name in his dying moments. That gem fell, and struck Leonardo right through the eye but he did not die. The two fused, and started a chain reaction. 

This gem now belonged to Leonardo Hernandez and was a curse unto himself. It made him see things not from this dimension. They were dark and disturbing premonitions from other worlds that came to him like warnings of things to come, but often times nothing ever bled into his universe. Most people assumed he became a hermit and went crazy with the grief of losing his family and the fortune associated with it. He moves like a ghost in his own home yet invites people over for tea and sandwiches like nothing is wrong. 

Let's just say if he warns you to bring an umbrella outside on a sunny day. You better listen to him.