


2 years, 4 months ago


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The last librarian. Responsible for the safety of the collection of rare and valuable books and the only person who could open the door.
A collected figure with a calm and wise aura. A mischievous streak, but ultimately annoyingly lawful. Gone now.

When in trouble, trust in the person I become

Bonus Profile Meat

AKA Chris Foe, The Librarian
About 30, she/her
Aes tag

- Thin albino woman with a wise and mysterious aura. Textbook librarian guy vibe.
- Pale eyes are thin, hooded, and distinctly both tired and watchful.
- White hair is kept short, longer at the front above round wire-rimmed glasses.
- Style is vaguely tacky and a bit too old for her, comfortable sweaters and thrifted menswear. Wears a robe around the house.
- Mixed white and east asian, squarish face with an angular chin and thin nose, probably around 5'10".
- Expressions very reserved and hard to read. Smiles without her teeth, these kind of lines around her smile.

- Collected, good-natured, respectable; A bookworm and an introvert.
- Wise, knows it, kind of smug about it; Can read people like books and enjoys doing it.
- Mischievous streak that's mostly harmless; Only uses all the obscure words she knows if she's messing with you on purpose.
- Seems easygoing, but has a low tolerance for disrespect; Doesn't think she has a temper, but she does.
- Impossible to sway from her work and ideals, namely the maintaining of the library. It'd be self-righteous if it wasn't so morally neutral.
- Says "the thing" and expects you to know what she means. Term of endearment for kids is "little one."

Justinian was the librarian before her. He was a family friend at the time and more than a little impressed with bright little Chris, so when she was six, he took her by the hand and led her to the library. He showed her the house full of wards, taught her what each one meant, and when she was ready, let her learn to open the sigils that lock the library door.
Justinian never hid the consequences of taking over the library, but as her family became more and more wary of the Librarian, Chris only became more eager, allowing him to rewrite the library's runes with her blood. He disappeared when she was seventeen, leaving her as the only person who could open the library's door.
The only one who saw Chris leaving was Noah, six at the time. She asked him if he wanted to come with her. The one librarian's rule she broke was in taking him in, and she broke it once more to take in a mysterious little girl named Ray years later.
Chris is now well-known as the librarian, and for the past decade has been keeping it protected, admitting only those who pose no danger to it.
The terror called Chime turns its eyes to Chris. The library falls apart. When its doors finally open again, the librarian is dead, too.

- Technically existed in like 2013.
- Left-handed; Chooses to write in shorthand.
- Can nap anywhere.
- Smoker, but doesn't let anyone else smoke near the library.
- Ticklish, but don't try.
- Separation anxiety when she leaves the library unattended too long.
- Technically not dead yet, though the seven years is approaching.

Justinian - Former Librarian, Mentor (Deceased?)
Chris valued the trust he had in her more than she valued anything else.
Noah - Little Brother, Ward
Chris always expected him to inherit the library – can any higher praise really be given?
Ray - Little Sister, Ward
Perhaps fair to call the second favourite, but Chris would never allow harm to come to her.
Chime - ???
It shouldn't have been possible for it to get inside.

Virgin - Manchester Orchestra | Trust in me the same way, with your time, your blood, holy or inane
There, There - Radiohead | Just 'cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there
Come a Little Closer - Cage the Elephant | Come a little closer, then you'll see
Change (In the House of Flies) - Deftones | I look at the cross, then I look away, give you the gun...
Dig Your Own Grave - The Dear Hunter | Then burn all that's left of me
Dr. Sunshine is Dead - Will Wood and the Tapeworms | Who else could I be when I can't fucking see? 
Rock n' Roll Mountain Troll - Miniature Tigers | Climb into the well, Miss Foe, let us separate you from yourself
On Death & Endearments - Parenthetical Girls | For their sake, let me stay ostensibly the saint I seem to be

Chime (Continuance)
Not Chris, despite what it looks like, despite the fact that it can act like Chris more than she could act like herself. Chime rarely takes a physical form, but every time Noah has goaded it out, it's always Chris. A rotting facsimile distorted by time and memory; Not wearing her glasses, a hole pierced in her hand.
Chris Lives (Divergence)
Chris lives, but still refusing to open the doors or divulge why and terrified of facing the consequences of her failure, she willingly accepts institutionalization. Noah takes over as the librarian.