


2 years, 5 months ago


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Just a total complete stubborn asshole who thinks he's so smart and never smiles, but unfortunately still an unparalleled scribe of magic wards. He's made a career of his skill, writing sigils for protections, traps, exorcisms, and near anything else, given enough time for it.
The only person who's survived a haunting from the terror Chime. The inheritor of a library whose doors will never be opened again.

Bonus Profile Meat

AKA No, The Librarian
20s, he/him
Aes tag

- Looks like he never smiles and never sleeps.
- Dark hair and deep-set black eyes, squarish face, slightly roman nose, crease between his brows. Very serious.
- Fashion sense is a bit old-fashioned for his age, warm and practical with a semiformal edge and a dark jacket. Probably wears undershirts.
- (but also in my heart he's from the black skinny jeans era so at least 1 pair guaranteed.)
- Carrying a leather book bag with a sigil-engraved lock, always within arms reach.
- Tense squared shoulders, brown skin, mixed south asian, east asian, and white, maybe 5'7".
- Eyebrow twitch, pinches the bridge of his nose, mutters to himself. Steady hands. Old acne scars on his face and back.
- Impressive tattoo sleeves cover both arms in runes, usually hidden beneath his clothes (rune inspo folder).
- Scar on his left palm, a complicated rune pattern. The same pattern on the back of his neck and skull, fainter and healed cleaner, but carved more than once.

- Local joyless pessimist with a permanent bad temper. Takes things so seriously.
- Irritated by other people as a general rule, blunt with no patience for small talk and silliness.
- Condescending know-it-all. Will tolerate you a lot better if he thinks you're intelligent and competent.
- Logical and extremely detail-oriented with a confident streak; When he's sure about something, he's really sure.
- Pride issues, never wants to admit he's wrong. Worse emotional issues, sensitive and easy to provoke.
- Prone to paranoia; Likes to rationalize vague bad feelings as real problems.

Noah was raised by his elder sister Chris, the Librarian Just, the guardian of a notable library of arcane books. Even after Chris took in a second strange child – Noah's 'twin' sister Ray – it was generally understood that he was to be her successor. When Noah and Ray were sixteen, Chris was haunted by a terror Noah would come to know as Chime, and the home fell apart, as did the fragile peace between the twins. Though Chris mysteriously seemed to recover from the hauntings, Noah found her dead against the library's door not long after and has been locked out ever since. On his own in the house, Noah taught himself to write the same runes that had kept the library safe. He relies on them for magic and now they line his arms as tattoos, weapons and defenses alike; He's made a career of his scribing services.
Shortly after a reunion with Ray, Noah became ill, as the Terror paid another visit to the library. Like Chris, he suffered paranoia, nightmares, and narcolepsy, until he shut himself in, desperately trying to recreate a sigil from his last memories of Chris that might save him. Finally, one of the sigils carved into his neck worked. Its only survivor, Noah lured Chime into its corporeal form, intending to bind it; Ray got in the way to try to kill it outright; Noah got her out of the way and salvaged the binding, leaving Chime free but powerless. Neither of them are forgiving. He hasn't been back to what remains of the library. Noah's new home in the woods has become heavily protected with time – though, he often worries, finding stray pages torn from his own journals on the Terror, not protected well enough. He is growing more and more convinced it's broken its chains.

Chris - Elder Sister, Guardian (Deceased)
Noah has never looked up to anyone like he used to look up to her.
Ray - 'Twin' Sister
They've never gotten along and they'll always have each other's backs. Lots of baggage.
Chime - ???
The mere fact it's still out there is bad for his sanity. One way or another, he will kill it.

- Made mid-2012? on moshi monsters forums babyyyy.
- Right handed: Very fast writer, exclusively uses black pen; Handwriting is very neat but super small and crammed together.
- No he doesn't consider himself and Ray twins. Yes he considers himself the older twin.
- The legal owner of the house and library under the absentee act until Chris is officially declared dead rather than missing.
- Takes care of his house almost entirely on his own to the point you could probably hire him as a handyman too.
- Absolutely poor sense of the progression of time if deprived of a watch.
- Hates people smoking around him or, god forbid, in his house; Rarely if ever drinks but in my heart I know his fav is bloody marys.
- Somniphobic; Will investigate every creak in his house instead of sleeping.
- Probably hates going to the doctor.
- Chronic nerve pain and twitch in his left hand, suppresses it with tattooed sigils.
- In less modern settings, rides a Nokota horse named Kashmire; Relationship describable as 'they have an understanding.'
- Pisces sun capricorn moon don't ask me why I know that.

The Driver - Bastille | This thing, it's a family affair, it's drawing out my weakness
(x) Amount of Truth - Envy on the Coast | For all they know, for all they know...
Denial - The Vaccines | Please don't turn the light out
Deny It All - The Dear Hunter | Now it takes a while to pray
This Too Shall Pass - Danny Schmidt | Better carve it on your forehead or tattoo it on your ass
Such Small Hands - La Dispute | I think I saw you in my dreams; You were stitching up the seams on every broken promise that your body couldn't keep
Play Dead - NEW LANGUAGE | It's in your head; Put out the fire
The Road to Nowhere - Radical Face | But once I wake, I cannot read them
The Grudge - Rockabye Baby! | Wear the grudge like a crown
Aristotle's Denial - Joe Hawley | Rounding precisely in fractals surreal, stars when you dream, ends to a mean...
Fall Asleep - Screaming Females | I want you to fall asleep and die with me
Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons | I'll never be your chosen one, I'll be home, safely tucked away
Bloody Mary (Nerve Endings) - Silversun Pickups | If we can stay here long enough, we can play with Bloody Mary

• Host (Continuance)
Noah is unprepared the next time he encounters Chime, and the binding goes awry; He imprisons Chime in himself, keeping it in his grasp while it watches him search for a way to destroy it or die trying. Shackles connected by chains are locked around his neck and wrists. You feel Chime's presence, an uneasy dread, just being near him. Some control over Chime's powers, sometimes coughs up grey sand. Weirdly, this is the least tense and mean he's ever been.
• Librarian (Divergence)
Chris never reopens the library doors. Suffering the psychological strain and refusing to share her secrets, she's institutionalized, and Noah takes over as the librarian. More personable, known more as a hardass than a dick. Visits Chris sometimes, rarely. in my heart an orphanage somehow gets involved with him and ray here.