Kaho Nishimura



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: NISHIMURA, Kahō - [西村果歩]

Alias: Surgeon by the CCG and sometimes Octopus/Kraken between ghouls from 10th ward

Nickname: Ka-chan (Isei) ; Kahō Onee-san (Araki) ; Eyebrows (Yukio)

Date of Birth: November 19th - [Scorpio]

Age: 23 [Tokyo Ghoul] ; 25-27 [Tokyo Ghoul:re]

Gender: Female

Nationality: Japanese

Species: Ghoul

Height: 1,55 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Handedness: Right-Handed

Status: Alive

Affiliations: 10th ward [formely] ; 20th ward [currently] ; Crow's Nest Studio

Blood Type: B-

RC Type: Bikaku

Rating: S

Favorite Color: Black, Reddish palletes

Favorite Flower: Rose

Voice Actor: Aimer 

Theme Song: Twisted Transistor [Korn] ; Elastic Heart [Sia]

Relatives:  NISHIMURA, Kenshō (father)

                  NISHIMURA, Emi (mother)

                  NISHIMURA, Isei (older brother)

                  SAKAI, Araki (Isei's lover)   

                  FUKUI, Yukio (boyfriend)

Job/Occupation: Tatooist and gerent at the Crow's Nest (though she rathers be called an artist) - located on the 20th ward

.Physical Appearence:

    Dark long hair, soft light skin. Is kind of short, but not that she minds it, usually compensanting it by using shoes with plataforms. Several tattoos cover her upper body, including a "Kraken" destroying a ship that covers her whole back - Reference to her own kagune and alias "Octopus". Under her eyes there's a soft pink/reddish shadow, her hands are also small and, as her brother says, "Very cute". Wears a couple of piercings on the ears and two black ones under her bottom lip (labret). Her eyes are somewhat of an ambar color and has short eyebrows.

    Kahō doesn't changes much after the time skip. She would come to make some other few tattoos and trimmed her hair a bit.


Firm | Focused | Hardworking | Incisive | Protective | Artful | Dogmatic | Abrasive | Complaintive | Leaderly | Demanding | Loyal | Familial

    Kahō is very straight foward, if she wants to say something it's better be prepared for it because she tends to be pretty abrasive even when she doesn't mean it. She doesn't care if you are going to like her opinion or not, but it doesn't mean she will force it over someone (it's just her point of view anyway). Still she has proven to be dogmatic, being hard to convince her on the contrary if she'd already made up her mind about something. Kahō strongly believes in her decisions and concepts.

    Usually take matters into her own hands, doesn't wait for anyone to do what have to be done and hates procastinating.

    Kahō is also very hardworking and gives her best in whatever she does, but at the same time this makes her really picky and demanding when it's about other's works. It's not unusual for her to judge people around her and complain about what it's - suposedly- going wrong. Sometimes she's taken by stubborn and bossy (which she is somehow), but within time, when getting close to her, it becomes easier to deal with her attitudes. She's extremely sincere after all.

    The girl is also an art lover in all its kinds and sice she can remember she draws and paint, ending up inking skins because she believes art (in this case tattoos) speaks more about other's personality than just words. This also means she's a bit suspicious when talking to someone, paying more attention to the "frame" than to what comes from its mounth instead. Still, once she comes to "see the painting" of the person's soul she will be loyal to the end or deny the one; no matter how the person will look from the outside if she is already able to see "inside". Kahō also has a strange habit to associate people to colors.

    Her relationship with humans is barely as suspicious as it's with ghouls after she reached certain age, but obviously she is much more aware of the danger with the first ones and tries to keep a very strict limit between them, having some colleagues at the studio she works in but it doesn't go much further into personal lives. Most of all she wants to protect her family, perhaps like a mother, which means basically Isei, Araki and somewhere in the future, Yukio and she'd sacrifice herself if needed.


[Tokyo Ghoul] : Kahō had a regular childhood in the 10th ward as any other child ghoul with a fairly wealthy family that runned their own small business could have, living discreetly and avoiding unnecessary situations, always instructed and warned by her parents how to behave as a normal person. Since she was still very young she didn't understand completely all the reasons for all those cautious measures, but as she grew up and started to understand in what kind of world her kind was put through the girl became even more cautious when a teen with any person who approached her or even her family, being human or ghoul. For some reason she expected evil can grow inside any of both parts, isn't something symptomatic of certain species, as training a animal to be wild or docile. That said the girl didn't have much friends during her teen years, but the ones she got were more than just special to her.

When she finished high school she refused to attend to an university, much to her older brother despair who was already teaching at Tokyo University and had always given priority to studies, but Kahō wasn't a laid back person and ran after her independency trying several different jobs until, after long time going after it she was finally hired as a tatooist at the Crow's Nest Studio, located on the 20th ward. Isei got so happy about her little sister pursuing her dreams that he suggested both of them to move to the 20th ward and share a rent so it would be easier for her to go to work. Took some time to convince Kahō about the moving because that also meant Isei would be far from his own workplace, but he insisted and with that they moved to a small appartment. Their parents remained in their old place.

Once in the 20th ward Isei started frequenting Anteiku and stopped hunting with Kahō in their old territory, still the girl refused to eat such kind of food resource and never really entered the coffee shop.

After a while Araki joined their small family, a human who seemed to have more problems with his own kind than the ghouls themselves and Isei was absolutely compassioned by him. Kahō's butterheart couldn't deny her older brother to have his own happiness when he was always so supportive to her.

[Tokyo Ghoul:re] : Kahō becomes gerent of the Crow's Nest Studio and meets Yukio Fukui, who ended up hired by her and, surprisedly, they start dating. - under development -

.Personal Quote:

    " There are frames that suits perfectly certain people and gathers more attention than the painting itself, but when the painting is really good there's no need to pay attention to the frame."

.Likes and Dislikes:

+ Cold sunny days

+ Sea creatures and the sea

+ All kinds of art

+ Movies and theater

+ Accesorries

+ Cute things (pushies, animals, etc)

+ Laces

+ Horoscopes

- Suits

- Sports

- Math, Physics, Chemistry (oh yeah, nothing to do with numbers at all) 

- Crowded places

- People who doesn't speak out their thoughts

- Bright yellow color


  • Isei Nishimura: -
  • Araki Sakai: -
  • Yukio Fukui -
  • Uta: -


  • The soft pink/red shade under her eyes is actually a tattoo;
  • She uses a cute knitting bag in the shape of purple octopus. It's her favorite one;
  • Kahō isn't really found of tattooing her legs, but she has some on the back of them and on her thighs;
  • Her favorite band is Malice Mizer, Gackt, Miyavi and Kaggra;
  • She actually sings pretty well... in the shower;
  • She associates people to colors. Usually when she likes someone it's a color she also likes, but when it isn't then is a color she's not very found of;
  • Kahō believes in horoscopes, but does not allow it to interfer much into her life because she also believes people have the power to defy fate;
  • Kahō hunts to eat still on the 10th ward, her formely territory. She isn't very possessive with the place, but some other local ghouls call the area she hunts as "Kraken's Depth", clear reference to the appearence of her kagune;
  • She's not good at pretending to eat human food, which also means she usually don't interact with humans in a personal level;
  • Kaho's mask were made after she got the tattoist job and it was gift from her brother once when she's inking someone's skin she uses a surgical mask and it was made my Uta. The lower part of it is detachable from the part that cover her eyes having little bluckes on its sides. Before it she used a simple, rounded blank mask like an "egg";
  • Kahō's kagune reminds of a octopus tentacle and ghouls from the 10th ward sometimes would call her "Octopus Sibling" or "The Kraken";

.Extra References:


Kahō (c) xkiiro-me 

Tokyo Ghoul(c) Sui Ishida