


2 years, 5 months ago




Name The Blazing Star
Called Blaze
Age 43
Gender Trans Female
Height 1.5 metres, or 4'9
Race Lioness/Komodo Dragon
Role False protector
Pronouns She/Her


  • The Snow
  • Objects that shine
  • Nyuri


  • The heat
  • Crowds
  • Frogs...

Blazingstar is a spotted dark purple lioness that lives in the mountains, isolated from society. During the Curse of Kupo, she is falsely mistaken for a Protector by Nyuri due to her firey magical abilities and great size. Once she is cured, she corrects this error, stating that she is a past member of the now disbanded Queens Court, living in the mountains to atone for her great failure. She blames herself for the disappearance of the Protector Kupo, and the death of the Queen. She joins Nyuris party, offering her aid in restoring the land and balancing the magic once more, believing any help at all would be worth her life.



The Curse

Blaze was a victim to Kupoteas curse, despite being far from the main lands. She was an isolated danger in the mountains, if she had been closer to the village, she could caused severe damage to the land and it's people due to her incredible strength and fire power. She is more vulnerable to magical instability, due to having magic gifts herself, having to take extra precautions in cursed lands.

Magic gift

Due to Blazes upbringing as a Queens Royal Knight, she was blessed with the ability to summon fire by the earth. However, this power comes with risk, as fire is not something that is easily tamed. Blaze is resistant to using her power for this very reason, claiming it is a useless ability only capable of destruction.


Being quarter Komodo Dragon, Blazingstar is immune to Komodo poison. This made her a valuable member of the Queens court when the royals were still alive, as she was not easy to assassinate. The rest of her family are strictly lions.


Blazingstar is a kind Lioness, though socially isolated, she is generous and able to make light of any situation with a joke. Her attitude is quick to change with strangers and as opinions are shared, due to her strong beliefs about magic and corruption within the now deceased royal court. She is confident when in her zone, well trained and wise, as well as physically strong.


Early life

Blazingstar grew up being trained by her father, the Queens high knight, and more members of the Queens court. She never met her mother, told that she was exiled for treason. Her life was given a purpose by the court - to guard the creatures of the village, and serve the Protectors of Kupoteah. She was raised on strict ancient rule. She had to work twice as hard as the other knights to impress her father, due to her distrusted Komodo Dragon blood from her mother, and her later identity.


Blazingstar was to become the next High Knight once her father passed, as her training showed immense promise and her practice in the field proved to be a great gain. However, this was not her fate. Her father murdered the Queen and her children on the night of her knighting, disatisfied with the decision and feeling betrayed by the ancient rule and the Protectors themselves. Enraged by his act, Blazingstar set him alight with the very power he had given her, and cast him off the top of the palace. Feeling responsible for the slaughter, she exiled herself to the mountains, surviving only on her disgraceful magical warmth.

Present day



  • Blazingstar was created on the 15th of August, 2018, making her the first of the TSOK gang to be designed and named.
  • Blazingstars name refers to shooting stars, as it is how she appears when using her magical gift. She gave the name to herself, at birth being named after her Grandfather.
  • Blazingstar was originally a warrior cats OC, her name was kept for above reasons. She is not a part of that universe anymore!
  • Blazingstars voice claim is May Marigold (RWBY). You can listen to this by clicking the music note at the bottom of the page!
  • Blazingstar is a lesbian!



Blazingstar sees Nyuri like a daughter, and treats her as a close friend. The two have more in common than they know, and bounce off of each other not only in battle but in personality and dynamic. They share a love for the winter weather, enjoying playing on the ice and building coves from snow.


Blazingstar values Ndogas strengths, though she fears them too. With such strong opinions on how Kupoteah should funciton in unison with magic, she fears what Ndogas real desires are and what he would do with that power.


Ukali and Blazes relationship is awkward, though they get along fine. They find each other vaguelly familiar the entire time they are with each other, the experience is unsettling for them both. When the two discover the truth behind the familiarity, it brings them emotionally closer - unknowingly to them, only sealing Blazingstars demise.


Blazingstar and Wolf, while they cannot communicate with one another, are best friends. Wolf enjoys riding on Blazes back when travelling, her magical warmth providing comfort for the small bird. She tends to pair up with him well in battle, often throwing him, to his distaste, directly at the attacker.