Drakon (AU)



1 year, 2 months ago



"Quote here..."
Name Drakon
Name Pronunciation Dray-Kohn
Species Human
Age 17
Gender Demi-Boy
Pronouns He/They
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Runaway Sacrifice
Status Alive
Design Notes
  • Drakon has dark purple hair, a trait inherited by his mother, as well as white streaks, inherited by his long-lost father 
  • Drakon has scars, earned from battles, rough weather, and childhood incidents, like being pushed around 
  • Drakon has very pale skin from being hidden away in his dark hometown for so long. 
  • Drakon has a sharp face and thin frame, as he doesn't eat much. But he has developed small muscles to carry around a heavy claymore.
  • Drakon is often seen carrying a unique-looking claymore he calls, "Thorns"
  • Drakon usually wears one set of clothing, which is torn and dirty from being out in the wilderness for years.

Drakon may seem cold-hearted and angry, but it's his method of protecting his sensitive heart from being hurt. Growing up, he didn't receive the proper treatment he needed, and was only cared for by his older brother, Apollo, which gave him attachment issues to those who showed a sliver of kindness towards him. 

He prefers to deal with conflict by avoiding it completely if he can, or destroying it. He often can't cope with facing it in fear of being mentally or physically injured, although he tries to keep that fear hidden from others. 

When he gets close to someone, he becomes very protective of them in fear of losing them. He has a soft heart towards children and small animals as well. 

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  • Nunc ac ex lorem
  • Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies
  • Vivamus pulvinar arcu nec nibh fermentum, vel elementum massa vehicula
  • Etiam id metus vitae odio eleifend aliquam
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.
Description here. Pellentesque fringilla, dui a bibendum ultricies, libero odio accumsan lectus, sed laoreet enim mauris feugiat erat. Etiam pharetra commodo neque quis accumsan.

When Drakon was young, he was marked as a Curse from the Gods, which led to his mother showing nothing but hatred and shame towards him, while Apollo, his older brother, received the title as a Blessing, which gave him special treatment. Drakon always longed for a healthy relationship with his mother, and dreamed of the presence of his absent father. 

Drakon's mother was a prideful woman of high status, so she did what she could to keep Drakon from ruining her pride by shutting him indoors or in dark spaces to keep him quiet. The only one who seemed to give Drakon some proper love was Apollo. They had a strong bond that couldn't be broken - until the day their hometown village was raided. Apollo was kidnapped during the raid, and Drakon had to live with the horror of losing his brother, believing he were to be dead.

Not too long after that, Drakon was marked as a Sacrifice to the Gods. Afraid and having no other choice, Drakon ran away from his home, refusing to live a life where he was unloved and unwanted. 

Drakon had ran far away, and at the brink of starvation, was brought in by a group of runaways who were either Sacrifices or Curses from other villages. They became somewhat of a family, doing what they could to survive and not get caught by those who wished to hunt them down for Bounty. 

Drakon eventually received news of a boy living in a Rebel Resistance camp, who may possibly be his long lost brother Apollo. He made the decision to journey to other locations and get clues to where his brother may be located, leaving behind his runaway friends with a promise to return with his big brother. 

Drakon is currently exploring the continent in search of Apollo.


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