


2 years, 5 months ago



Apollo is a character made with lore that is based on things that are revealed in FFXIV's Shadowbringers expansion.

For this reason, I advise you not to read any further, and avoid looking at his gallery, until you have completed the story of the expansions of Shadowbringers and Endwalker, just to be on the safe side.



Basic Info
Name Apollo

Nickname/Alias Azem, The Fourteenth Seat

Birthday Unknown

Star Sign Unknown

Age Half of Venat's (Adult)

Gender Male (He/Him)

Height Same as Themis

Species Ancient

Hair Colour Brown

Eye Colour Amber/Orange

Occupation Fourteenth Seat of the Convocation

Flower White Hyacinth

Status Sundered

Orientation Pansexual




Magic (Creation)

Magic (Elemental)

  • The world, and exploring it
  • Flowers of all kinds
  • Animals/etc. Birds, in particular
  • Grapes
  • Carpentry
  • Spriggans
  • Sitting still for too long (Unless it's with Hyacinthus)
  • Stuffy meetings
  • Giving up or seeing others give up
  • Hurting others. This includes creations
  • Being called short
  • Being on healing duty
+ Heart of Gold, Altruistic
+ Trustworthy
+ Extremely upbeat, to the point some people find it a bit intense.
+ Eccentric: people find him weird and aren't surprised when he does anything strange.
+ Acts carefree/flippant about his duty, but is a hard worker who takes it seriously
+ Adventurous, courageous
+ Patient with people.
- Reckless and is disinterested in his own safety.
- Oblivious
- Feels it's part of his duty to lift others' spirits, so hides his own worries.
- Many find him hard to interact with
- Some simply find him annoying
- Can be extremely stubborn in his views.
- Has an explosive anger when pushed too far. Is unlikely to listen once he hits this point.
- Impatient with most things.
  • Carpentry and Carving - One of Apollo's most regular pastimes from a young age. Apollo is the pioneer of some instruments still used to the modern day.
  • Written Word - Writing poetry is one of Apollo's main passions.
  • Whisperer - He's a natural at handling animals and knows a lot about a staggering amount of animals.
  • White Liar - Making up cover stories is something Apollo is both good at and is forced to do regularly. (The "Grapes" incident was a cover story. His true goal was to protect the people. The grapes were a convenient excuse; he does like grapes, and people expect eccentric actions out of him. Those of Amaurot have a very non-confrontational mindset and often refuse to intervene and help others outside of the city.)
  • Planner - Quick thinker, creative, can make up plans on the fly. Sadly not the best at communicating these plans, requiring other parties to simply trust in him.


In Delos, a townland but a breath away from the towering heights of Amaurot, lived a lonely young boy by the name of Apollo. His parents were dedicated, hardworking and overachieving individuals, yet he, bless his soul, had not a scrap of talent for the art of creation magic; a magic which was held as paramount in one's worth (At least, as far as Delos and his parents were concerned.) As such, they had little time for him, and his peers, likewise, scorned him for his inability.

Rejected by those around him, Apollo took to the outskirts of the town on days he felt especially lonely. There, he would speak with the lights he would see on the outskirts of the town where the air was crisp yet quiet. One afternoon, a strange woman happened across him there and, unlike the other adults, she knelt down to speak at his level, and seemed to take an interest in what he was doing. Not wanting to disappoint the nice woman, Apollo did not tell her about his inability, and instead talked about the lights. It was then she, herself, revealed what she understood about them: they were elementals, and although some of them were created, there were mysteriously many of which spontaneously came to be and, additionally, were notoriously fickle. She mused that Apollo must be something special for them to favor him and be so kind to him, which caused him to burst into tears, believing he didn't deserve such high praise while also being moved that someone would finally say something kind about him.

During the months that followed, the woman, who revealed herself to be the Seat Of Azem, impulsively decided to take Apollo to become her apprentice. Though flabbergasted by such a request, his parents accepted an offer from the esteemed Convocation right away. Apollo, equally as confused as he was delighted, became Azem's first, and only, apprentice.

However, he was still but a child, and the work of Azem was dangerous indeed. Explaining that while she would love to have him by her side from the beginning, it would take some time before he was ready to journey at her side. She introduced him to one of her closest companions, Watcher*, who would be his caretaker whenever she could not bring Apollo with her.

(Due to The Watcher not having a given name, I will simply use his title as his name.)
For the first time in his life, he flourished, and no longer did that timid, easily startled child remain. Through both Azem and Watcher's teachings and training, Apollo discovered that although his creation magic was abysmal, his elemental magic was astounding. He began to pour his efforts into mastering this craft, as well as learn how to defend himself so he could travel with Azem as soon as possible.

Watcher, becoming concerned as he observed the young boy fixating on this while having no friends his own age, began to push for him to play more and more frequently. Though Apollo insisted he did not need anyone but he and Azem, Watcher argued that they were often busy and Apollo could use some company. It is during these play sessions that he meets Hythlodaeus and Hades; the two friends who would remain at his side for countless years to come.

Early into the Ancient equivalent of his young adult years, returning from an excursion with Azem, Apollo bumped into a man his age tending to the newly constructed plant nursery. As the man glanced in Apollo's direction, he found himself so stunned he ended up tripping into one of the gardens. Though the man came to scold him, the worry in his voice betrayed his supposed intention. Laughing, though more flustered that he expected, he apologized for ruining one of their gardens while also asking for the man's name. After a sigh of...relief or frustration, Apollo couldn't tell, as he oft received many of both, he introduced himself as Hyacinthus.

As time passed, Apollo found himself completely drawn to Hyacinthus and would make a number of excuses to go and see him, ranging from saying he was just passing by to bringing Hyacinthus plants he found on his travels. Though it took some time, thanks to his closest friends, Hythlodaeus and Hades, he realized he had a crush on him. It was a new and exciting feeling, one which he seized and did all he could to make his feelings known- of which eventually Hyacinthus responded in kind.

Alas, years later, Hyacinthus' health severely declined. Having a rare condition that prevented healing magicks from working on him, they eventually exhausted all of their medical and herbal treatments.

After his death, Apollo grieved for a long time, completely shutting himself away from the world. Though his loved ones all tried to coax him out, Hades and Hythlodeaus, in particular, made a daily effort to speak with him through his closed door, even without response. Eventually, Hades couldn't take enabling it anymore and burst the door down, embracing Apollo and refusing to let go until he cried his heart out.

Despite this, it still took some time before Apollo was ready to face the world again, but he felt comforted knowing that although his friends could not understand his pain fully, (given that in this world the end of one's life was normally a choice, a choice Hyacinthus was denied,) they were still there for him every step of the way.

Apollo revealed that while grief was one aspect keeping him inside, the other was a special project he was working on- a creation, a flower, in Hyacinthus' honor. His friends looked at one another, knowing of their friend's ineptitude for creation, and offered to lend him their strength when the time came. After numerous failed attempts, Apollo accepted their assistance, so long as he led the process. Together, they created the Hyacinth, which allowed Apollo to finally come to terms with the loss and get the closure he desperately needed.

From that day forward, knowing Hyacinthus would hate to see him so dour, Apollo swore to live every day of his life to the fullest in his memory. Looking to the horizon, his greatest hope was that someday, perhaps in another life, they would meet again.

The Fourteenth Seat of the Convocation: Azem


  • Apollo dislikes ranged combat, and feels he has more control up close.
  • He finds it difficult to calm himself down. He usually has to leave and cool off elsewhere.
  • Apollo's DOB/Star Sign/etc is listed as "Unknown" due to FFXIV not having a clear calendar system for the Ancient version of Etheryis. Typically, when I conceptualize a character, their birthday is listed as the date I first created/drew them. This means that, as I completed 5.3 on the 6th of August, purely by some unbelievable coincidence, Apollo shares the exact same birthday with his reincarnation; Noa'li.

Hyacinthus Lover

A chance encounter that became the most important person in his life, Apollo fell deeply in love with Hyacinthus in no time. He was the one person who could easily fluster Apollo and leave him lost for words. He treasures their years together above all else. Apollo remains devoted wholly to Hyacinthus, even after his passing.

Venat Mentor, Mother Figure

Apollo's mentor who happened across him during one of her many excursions as Azem. By encouraging him and nurturing his skills, Apollo found in her the mother figure he never had. He admires her endlessly, and a certain amount of his troublesome behavior may be attributed to her. Once and Azem, always an Azem!

"Watcher" Teacher, Father Figure

Due to Venat's work as Azem, he was often left in the care of Watcher growing up. Though avoidant of him at first due to unfamiliarity, Watcher always showed him kindness and, like Venat, always encouraged him despite not planning to become his caretaker. Apollo came to (secretly) consider him like a father.

Emet-Selch (Previously Hades) Close Friend, Co-Worker

One of Apollo's very first friends, Hades was the reasonable one of their little trio. Apollo found no matter how he acted, Hades knew his true feelings. Their final parting was highly emotional and hurtful for both. He deeply regretted how he spoke to Hades, and in his final moments, wished he could have made amends to him.

Hythlodeaus Close Friend

One of Apollo's very first friends, he and Hythlodaeus get along like a house on fire. That being said, they both show a more serious side to one another, being able to count on one another no matter what. Apollo took his sacrifice poorly, and it was one of the main contributing factors in him leaving the Convocation.

Fandaniel (Previously Hermes) Co-Worker, Acquaintance

Apollo was very excited to meet Hermes when it was first announced he would take the seat of Fandaniel. After elpis flowers changed their shade in Apollo's presence during their first meeting, Hermes appeared to seek his company often without ever explaining his reasoning, due to Apollo's ignorance of dynamis.