Benji (Xerox)



2 years, 2 months ago


Xerox is an old but considered naive guardian who is obsessed with power and proving he is the greatest. In this quest for power and feeding his superiority, he sought to control that which could not be: chaos magic. His research lead him to the only known source that had the answers he seeked: Benji. Upon first contacting Benji, he was mostly tame, even offering goods in exchange for his compliance. Soon, he found out the tech had fused with Benji, and he secretly plots to remove it from him by any means. Benji eventually finds out, and a fight ensues. Xerox defeats Benji in the end, but as he attempts to remove the tech, the chaos magic activates, transforming Xerox into a washed out copy of Benji, with white and grey fur. Benji seems to love this, he thinks its hilarious and that Xerox is finally put in his place. Enraged at his epic fail, he puts the fault on Benji, afterall this couldn't be the consquences of his actions. He is very spiteful, egotistical and full of ill intent, yet Benji treats him like they are old pals, accidentally demeaning him with pretty much every interaction they have. Although, the unexpected transformation might not be all for naught... it seems Xerox is slowly unlocking similar transformation powers...but maybe even more unstable and destructive. He still seeks to enact revenge on Benji and his friends (and that hybrid.. Enoch.. Epoch.. whatever is name is) and to wreck havoc to anyone who stands in his way. Benji gets increasingly annoyed and apathetic towards him, as he eventually becomes so self destructive that he's not even a threat.